
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1636.Long time...

2012-03-31 12:15:00 | Topics

Today is the last day in March. This is the photo I edited around March, 2008. It would be a photo of Miami... I began to write this blog in October 2007, so, I was writing about Henin's first career too. Yes, a long time ago(^^;)...

So, I wrote twice about Henin's retirement in this blog... About 4 years and a half, long time... Maybe, during that, my blog would have changed a lot. I can't know the change about my bolg, because I write here everyday. Anyway, I got older, so, my thought would be older, I think(^^;)...

I don't think I write something more my own age... Sometimes, I'm ashamed to it, but I can't write something good. Haha, that's OK. I just hope, I keep writing to memorize about Henin, and keep being a crazy fan☆. As long as possible...


1635.The moment.

2012-03-30 12:15:00 | Topics
これは、私が昨年見たお気に入りの映画「ミッション:8ミニッツ(原題はSOURCE CODE)」です。映画の内容は、よくあるタイムトラベル系?と言ったところでしょうか。ま、詳細は、以下のYahooレビューを読んでみて下さいね。捉え方は、人それぞれでしょうが、私は、以下のシーンに映画のメッセージ性を感じました。

This is my favorite movie I watched last year "Mission:8minutes(Original title:SOURCE CODE)". It's the story like a time travel. If you want to know it more, read the reviews in the following linked site on Yahoo. Each one would have each opinion about the movie. In my opinion, I think a message of the movie is the following scene in these photos.

SOURCE CODE Review【Yahoo!】

OK, my blog is also about English(^^;), so, I write their words of this scene in English and Japanese. Japanese subtitles for foreign movies are translated freely. This photo, Japanese subtitle is "1 minute", but he doesn't say "1 minute". Correctly, he says "less than a minute"... Hmm, yes, it's better to translate it simply in a movie.

If you knew you had less than a minute to live?
そして、このセリフ。私は、映画館で観た時、英語が聞き取れなくて、気になっていました。「make second count」で「時間を有効に使う」と言う意味だそうです。爆弾で死ぬ一瞬は、違う一瞬になる可能性もある…、何とも儚い感覚に襲われます。。

And this words. When I watched this movie at a theater, I couldn't hear what she said in English. Now I got it. "make second count" means "use one's time effectively". Yes, in this movie, the moment of dying by a bomb might change to the another moment... I feel that's a very emotional moment...

I'd make those seconds count.
パラレルワールドは、あるのかもしれません。あの時、WBで転ばなかったエナンもいるかもしれないけど、今は過去を変えられません。。私は、エナンがあの時「She made those seconds count.」であったことを信じています☆(あほ)

A parallel world might be present. At that time, another Henin who didn't slip at WB might be present, but now, we can't change the passed moment... I just believe Henin was in "She made those seconds count." at that time☆(crazy fan)



2012-03-29 12:15:00 | Topics

Nishikori lost to Nadal with 4-6, 4-6 in the fourth round at Miami. But the match was more than two hours, very good match!. He grew up a lot as a player☆

Anyway, the opponent was the great player Nadal, so, it's a big news for us. Because Japanese player plays in such a high level, it would be a historic first.

I don't watch WTA so much, but I checked Caroline beat Serena yesterday... Yes.., the generation change would be coming gradually... Hmm., even if the generation changes, I want to see Henin's tennis and her passion one more time...


1633.Not same?

2012-03-28 12:15:00 | Topics

In this season, the only one drama I was interested in was "Strawberry night". I just finished watching the all episodes in the internet. The heroine Takeuchi-san acted cool & beautiful detective. I have never watched such a acting of her, it was nice☆. By the way, in the 6th episode, I like this scene of "women's observing point". The boss detective acted by Takeuchi notices that the follower detective acted by Kato uses the same shampoo by the "fragrance".

Strawberry night【Free site】

And then, the boss told the follower to "change the shampoo, huh?"(^^;)... Haha... The women's battle is scary... We can't use the same shampoo as my boss?... Anyway, in CM, that is Shiseido(Takeuchi) v.s. Kanebo(Kato), so, no problem here, I think... That's just a joke☆

Yes, Yes. Not same. Nobody wears the same as Henin☆. Oh.., that's just what I want to write. I wrote a long story for this ending today...


1632.Boy & Girl.

2012-03-27 12:15:00 | Topics

Nishikori will face to Nadal in the fourth round at Miami☆. Oh, he gets to play the match against Big-4 players. Very good☆. Since the end of last year, he got many wins and advanced in rank. He played the man. Nice☆
Just two years ago, he was still a boy like that-☆
Oh, Juju-chan, she was a very cute girl-☆



2012-03-26 12:15:00 | Topics

When I was a fresh recruit, I didn't know what kind of "the person who can do a good job" is. But now, I seem to understand it a little. Oh, Date-san lost in the doubles match too... Very sad...

In my opinion, "the person who can do a good job"., of course the person would be clever, have a lot of passion and effort for something more than other people. Besides, the person choose to do that purely, that's the point, I think. Everyone can't do that purely... Because if you do that, you would have isolation, ambivalence and sacrifice as well.

When Henin retired for the first time, she often said the word "sacrifice". If you know about the past of Henin, you would understand the meaning... Hmm., I'm not "the person who can do a good job", and would not have sacrifice.., but I want to be "the person with a good balance of those", I think... Keeping a good balance is just difficult, you know.



2012-03-25 19:56:05 | Topics

This weekend, I went to see Japanese apricot. There is a lot of cold days yet, but Spring will come here soon☆. I hope cold days and pollen dust will leave here soon(^^;)...



2012-03-24 12:15:00 | Topics

I sometimes think, if I had a chance to work different job from current job, what kind of job would I do?. Hmm., if I was clever, I wanted to become a lawyer or doctor... And if I had literary genius, I wanted to become a novel writer☆. Haha.., I can't do them all(^^;)... Well., what kind of job would Henin choose except tennis?...

Looking back, Henin challenged many things after her first retirement. Now, she challenges anything new?...

Anyway, Henin already built the great career in tennis, so, keeping tennis and giving a dream to people, that would be better for her, I think. In my case.., I sometimes feel frustrated to live dreary life(^^;)... Hmm., I want a talent for something...



2012-03-23 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san lost to Venus with 0-6, 3-6 in the first round at Miami. Hmm., very sad... According to Date-san's blog, she was not in good condition these days... On such a day, she was unlucky to meet Venus at draw... Oh, God.., please give her good draw...(^^;)...

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~

Speaking of Date-san and Venus, that's the 2nd round at Wimbledon last year☆. It was the memorial match. Unfortunately, she couldn't succeed the revenge this time.., but I believe Date-san's spirit☆

Wimbledon... Tears... I feel 2010 is long long time ago... Henin came back to get the WB title, but WB took away tennis from Henin.., I'm very sad... Oh, I sadly finish the end of today's topic by Henin... Hmm., Henin, fine now?...



2012-03-22 12:15:00 | Topics

"The space travel, begin up to 2014 before", I found that topic. Wow... I sometimes have thought I wanted to go to space during my lifetime. But according to the topic, it might be possible?. Haha., if I have a lot of money, I can go there...

Trip to Space!

By the way, we can buy a land of the moon at 3000 Yen in the following linked site. OK, I should buy it?... And then, I should check my land in the moon the decades later☆

Land of the Moon

Anyway.., I want to see Henin's tennis one more time during my lifetime(crazy fan). Seeing her tennis would be more realistic than going to the moon. Haha, I have a dream to see her...
