
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2012-10-31 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san is playing tennis in Taiwan. Well, I have been to Taiwan 8 years ago... I had a package tour, so, I don't remember where I visited for sightseeing(^^;)... This photo is one of the famous tourist spots, maybe.

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~

This is the photo of Family mart in Taiwan. We can guess it by Kanji. And many Taiwanese people get on scooter, so, they are parked in neat rows like this photo.

Date-san keeps participating in a tournament. She is really a super woman mentally and physically. I wish she can play tennis until she feels achievement. I support her☆


1833.Only one.

2012-10-30 12:15:00 | Topics

At Championship tournament, Serena got the title. Congratulations. Serena had 59 wins and 4 losses this year. What a high winning rate it is... Anyway, about Maria, I think she should play the best right now, actually... Come on...

Serena in 2012, 59 wins - 4 losses

Looking back, Henin also played well in 2007. As the following news, she had 64 wins and 4 losses at that time. She got 10 titles in 2007, including RG and USO. Henin also was great!

Justine in 2007, 64 wins - 4 losses

She is shorter, maverick and a little clumsy. And she has great tennis which fascinates the audience, and beautiful one-handed backhand. We can't find such a player now. She is the only one☆



2012-10-29 12:15:00 | Topics

Keeping something is very difficult(^^;)... In my case, I often end in failure.., but I keep writing only this blog, I think... And I have another blog to support Henin since she retired again. But when I don't have enough time, I can't upload that blog. Yesterday, I wrote after three month absence... Anyway, I just want to keep writing on that blog too... If you'll support Henin, please support her with me☆

51sep's blog



2012-10-28 12:15:00 | Topics

These days, I feel tired more than in youth. When I don't regulate one's life, I get tired in a short time(^^;)... Five years ago, even if I had a hard trip, I got through it...

This year, even at TORAY, I avoided overdoing to watch tennis matches... Haha, I wanted to watch them until I felt enough... Anyway, in five years, Carlos became the coach of Na Li, many things have happened(*_*)...

Five years ago, I had a vague feeling of anxiety, but I enjoyed my life. But now, I have a clear feeling of anxiety(^^;). I know what I should do, what I want to do. But I can't do it now... Anyway, I have to keep the status quo by anti-aging actions, huh?... Haha...



2012-10-27 12:15:00 | Topics

I was impressed in the CM(commercial message). I was moved by such a short story with a message which we don't mind. At first, watching it, I didn't know what CM is, but as a CM, leaving the impression in your mind would be OK. The CM by Daiwa house is always interesting, for me, this is favorite one.

These days, we tend to have a lot of stimulations by unexpected images and story by movies and dramas. So, we might forget a simple feeling. After watching the CM, I felt something warm in my mind and basked in the afterglow of it.

Daiwa Hause(CM)

Anyway, My best CM is it so far. But I don't watch TV a lot, so, more nice CM would be aired on TV now, maybe. This CM is in 2008. About newspaper, airplane and ring, they are advertised as a drama in one CM.

Family is very emotional place close to ourselves, so, it might be better to describe something to feel. Anyway, this short story only for five minutes is really good, I think. And the last catch-phrases of both CM echoed through my head.

Friend-Ship Project(CM)
Friend-Ship Project(Wikipeida)
Oh, for me, Henin's drama is the best(^^;). Actually, I just wanted to write it☆




2012-10-26 12:15:00 | Topics

The Championships already has begun. These days, I didn't check WTA, so, I didn't know the detail about the tournament... I don't know which players are playing there now.., anyway, I'll support Maria maybe...

Five years ago, when Henin won Madrid Masters final against Maria, she said "for me was the high point of my career". Maria is the same age now as Henin of five years ago... I feel something about that... Maria, Just Go.



2012-10-25 12:15:00 | Topics

I tried a Saree, a traditional Indian costume. It's like foreign tourists try a Kimono in Japan. Saree is 6 M cloth, and you pull it across your body. I bought the cloth. But I don't have an opportunity to wear a Saree in Japan(^^;).., so, I might make something by the cloth...

Ahahaha. I tried it. Well, I'm older than you think, maybe☆
The color, of course, sky blue which Henin looked very nice☆(crazy fan)


1827.Snow white.

2012-10-24 12:15:00 | Topics

I watched the movie "snow white" at airplane. It was shown at the theater a little before. I just wanted to watch it☆. The story is arranged a classic in a modern style, so, the heroine is depicted as a woman who has a strong heart. In this movie, Charlize Theron had a big presence. But, for me, the heroine looked like Ana Ivanovic, so, I cheered for her a little(^^;)

What do you think of it?. It looks like her?(^^;). This is the photo of five years ago.
Snow white was strong in this movie. Oh yes, Queen Henin was also strong☆.



2012-10-23 12:15:00 | Topics

In India, many people are vegetarians because of religion. So, McDonald's has an original Mac-Vegetable. Yes, vegetarians can't eat meat... Anyway, I ate the original Mac there. And tea was spiced tea.

Instead of meat, vegetable croquette is in it. And cheese too. It's got plenty of volume, and was really delicious. I like it☆
Oh, I'm a fan of Henin, so, Heninrian☆(crazy fan). Haha(^^;)...
