
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1225.Give me info!

2011-01-31 12:16:05 | Topics

Hmm.., Henin retired.., so, we can't get the informations about Henin from media... And I'm not interested in WTA a lot because of her retirement... It's very sad, even new year has begun yet... Well., we know the informations about Henin only on her Facebook?... She is taking care of her elbow injury now..? Oh.., Henin.., please say something about you...

Anyway, as a crazy fan, I can't accept the judgement by her medical team yet... Even if she was with or without a operation, the rehabilitation for a half year was short.., I think so a little... Before they allowed her to play tennis again, they confirmed her complete recovery?.., they gave her a rehabilitation for power tennis?... Oh., sorry about that. It's my nonsense opinion... Hmm., we can't see Henin & Carlos smile anymore like this photo?. I hope they are smiling somewhere...


1224.From now!

2011-01-30 07:11:39 | Topics
2011 AO。キム優勝。エナン引退。何と言うことでしょう。。各人にとっては、関係のないことでしょうが、やっぱり二人を見てしまいます。。しかも、エナンの肘は、WB4回戦のキム戦。もう、、これ以上いいでしょう…と言うくらいの、、セカンドキャリアでした。。でも、もうどうでもいいの、エナンは引退したのだから。。セカンドキャリア最後の相手が、くずちゃんで、何だかほっとしています。。

2011 AO. Kim won. Henin retired. What a difference... It has no relation for each other., but we compare them... And Henin had the elbow injury during the 4th round against Kim at WB. It was her second career like "please don't relate them anymore"... Anyway, no more... Because Henin's career reached the end... I think it was good that her last opponent was Kuzzie...

Henin burned off. She is different from Kim.., she had a big injury., and left there quietly. Of course, there would be some players who leave there because of a injury. But I think that her end was very "chagrin", because I'm a crazy fan...?

I accept Kim is more popular and a good person. But I'm a small heart, so, I stopped following Kim's twitter yesterday(^^;)... I'm also social clumsiness, so, I understand Henin's personality a little and prefer her. Of course, I'm not strong, not honest and not great like her. Henin's end was very sad and chagrin.., but in a sense, I think it's a sense of fulfillment more than Kim's noticed retirement. I admire Henin's player life as her fan. Now, Henin, it has just begun☆



2011-01-29 00:09:55 | Topics

Henin had the end of career again. It was a big shocking news, but AO is hot now, so, she announced it only on Facebook?(I don't know the detail). Henin.., if you felt hurt on your elbow, we didn't want you to play tennis at AO(tears)... And the examination of her elbow showed worse. But maybe, she didn't make a "possibility" for comeback again with operation... look at the following topic.


After comeback this year, she played tennis with pain. The doctor told to her "you need to have operation and rehabilitation for a maximum of one year. And we can't be sure that you'll come back again".

* Henin announced the end of career...

The end like this is too sad. If you want my elbow, I'll give it to you(tears)... Anyway, I guess, Henin would take a cure for her elbow. If it'll go well, and if Henin seeks her second job yet., I want her to find her dream at Wimbledon... No more?.. Now.., I think what she is doing now...


1222.Thank you!

2011-01-27 21:43:09 | Topics

It was a long day because of Henin's retirement. When I hear her retirement again, it'll be a little latter, I thought. But she had a big injury, so., we have to accept it. Henin, take a rest and really thank you☆. And my friends who visit to my blog, thank you for supporting Henin together. From today, this blog becomes "crazy blog in my delusion for Henin" again. I don't know how long I can write about her, but if you are interested in it, Please come here. Then, the bloggers ST-san and ochappa-san, Please keep supporting Henin together. And Greeny-san, Please give me many informations about Henin. Anyway, tomorrow, I take a rest because of sadness for Henin's retirement...

Maybe, ochappa-san would write about the detail about Henin's retirement, so, I write a little about that. Let me write about Henin's last words, thank you.

Finally and most importantly, thanks everyone. Thanks for standing by my side during all these years. I will never forget your support and your loyalty. And if I only regret one thing, this would be that I've protected myself too hard and that I couldn't stand closer to you. I hope you will forgive me my clumsiness and a wonderful reminder of shared emotions will keep them together.
On the way to new adventures...
See you soon, anywhere... Justine

どこかで、また会いましょう。。。 ジュスティーヌ

* Justine Henin Facebook

Thank you, Justine☆. We'll support you forever and ever!


1221.Henin retires again........

2011-01-27 06:35:43 | Topics

Henin retired again. I knew it this morning. The injury had more damage during Australian season. Very sad... I can't think anything. But the retirement because of the injury.., it's good for Henin... Too sad., Anyway, I will support her the best.

Thank you, Justine! and Take care of your golden arm!


* Justine Henin announces retirement for 2nd time

1220.What we can't see...

2011-01-26 12:06:58 | Topics

Radwanska who beat Date-san faces to Kim in QF today. Peng-chan who is Date-san's fellow also lost to Radwanska. She was just a top-player. Date-san had the close match against such a great player.., but lost in the end., it was very sad....

* Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~
こんな記事がありました。私は、この記者さん?は知りませんけど。。ちとホロりとします。伊達さんは、いつもブログ「Always Smile」を前向きに書いているので、ど根性で切り抜けていると思っていました。まぁ、もちろん、公式ブログだから、書けないこともあるでしょうけど。。

I found the following topic. I don't know who is the writer... I'm moved in this topic. If you read Date-san's blog "Always Smile", you would think she always goes forward with strong spirit. Hmm., of course, it's her official blog, so, she might also have what she can't write honestly...

I know her quite well and she's a very surprising person. I saw her the night after this match and she had cried a lot. With all her experience and after having far exceeded all her goals with her comeback she was still in tears. (She told me this summer that she stopped setting goals because of this.) What a competitor! She's one of those players who just can't accept losing; it's unbearable for them. Much respect.


* Aussie Open report: Date-Krumm wept after loss to Radwanska

We just see what we can see, the result and player's condition. But when I read a topic like this, I notice what I forget. Yes, I re-realize players have many many things they can't say and we can't see... Henin.., when she had to decide her life as a player because of elbow injury, how much emotion did she deal with?, I guess...

Not only Henin and Date-san., Each player has each human drama. Oh.., I didn't watch tennis with such a emotional feeling before... Their attitude they try to do the best is very shining and beautiful for me.., Hmm., I got older, huh?(^^;)...


1219.English and...

2011-01-25 12:16:41 | Topics

Oh, Henin-san, this black and green wear is cool☆. This is the photo of her postmatch interview after the 2nd round at AO. Hmm.., can she wear it a little more properly?.., around her opened neck(^^;)... Ahaha, but yes, we see her sport undershirt is green☆. Henin speaks English fluently, Very nice☆

* Justine Henin postmatch interview - Australian Open 2011

By the way, Nadal got the following question. Eh?, What does it mean?(^^;). He is not good at speaking English, huh?. I can hear his English is good... Anyway, my English is very poor, so, I don't know if your English is good or not(^^;)...

【Q.】Do you think in the last year you have made more progress in your tennis game or in your English?
R.N.:I think in my tennis game for sure, no? Cannot be my English because I am not very inspired tonight. But I can


* Rafael Nadal 23.01.11

I have heard Federer speaks three languages. Oh, really?. Also have heard, he takes a lot of time for a interview, because he receives it in many languages(^^;). He can do anything, very Good☆

In my opinion, English and French are the best for bilingual, I always think so. Because, anyway, Japanese language is spoken by only one hundred million Japanese people... Recently, Chinese might be also good☆. If Henin goes to Beijing, we have to learn Chinese too?(^^;). Thank you.


1218.Long match...

2011-01-24 12:15:16 | Topics
くずちゃん、AO4回戦、スキアボー姐さんに4-6, 6-1, 14-16で負けちゃいました。しかし、試合時間の最長記録、4時間44分の素晴らしい試合内容でした。私も、ちと見ましたが、最後は、思わず拍手してしまいました。感動しました☆

Kuznetsova lost to Schiavone at 4-6, 6-1, 14-16 in the 4th round at AO. But the match was a women's Grand Slam-record of 4 hours, 44 minutes. A big match. I watched it a little, and in the end, gave them a hand. I was very moved☆

* Schiavone wins longest women's major match

The final set was for three hours. Only this set would be more than one match(^^;)... Kuzzie won at the total point. It means Schiavone got the point in the important situation, I guess.

Schiavone's footwork and spirit was great. She was such a strong player in the past?... Her making game was aggressive. They two are doubles player too, so, they have many techniques. I enjoyed watching their tennis. Really thank you!

Hmm., it might be difficult for Henin to play in this level now... I want her to recover it completely soon. I'd like to watch Henin's win in such a big match again☆



2011-01-23 08:18:32 | Topics

Hi, Everyone. Thank you for supporting Henin at AO together☆. It still has one more week, but for us, it doesn't matter a lot anymore, just enjoy watching them(^^;). Well, Henin-san went back to Belgium. She tweeted about that yesterday, so, she might be taking care of her elbow with a waffle now(crazy delusion). I want her to take a rest for a few days☆

Is finishing the luggage. Disappointed to leave Melbourne so quick but that's the sport... Back to Belgium! Jan 22nd Facebook (J.H.)

荷物のパッキングが終わりました。こんなに早くメルボルンを去るのは、残念だけど、これこそが、スポーツ。。。ベルギーへ帰ります! 1/22 Facebook から(じゅ.え.)

* Justine Henin Twitter

Anyway, I didn't think Henin suffered from that moment slip at WB for more than half a year. I thought it was easy... Surfing the internet, it depends on the severity of the injury, one topic says it would take about half a year to a year for recovery... There is also "anaplasty", but Henin didn't choose that?, I think.

I guess.., if she chose to heal naturally, it would be hard to increase muscle strength around her elbow, and to undergo rehabilitation... Like she said, it might have been serious problem for a athlete. Yes, she swings powerfully with one hand, so, it would be heavy-impact... A glance of under-tennis skirt☆

At this AO, I'm a little sad I couldn't get many cheerful photos of Henin. Anyway, I pray she'll recover the injury completely very soon☆


1216.Henin lost...

2011-01-22 08:25:05 | Topics

Henin lost to Kuznetsova at 4-6, 6-7 in the third round at AO. I felt very sad than I thought, I wrote many comments in this blog(^^;). Sorry about that. In the other side, Williams older sister retired after one game. (In my opinion), I think if the injury is serious, retiring is also OK. But Henin tried to play the best with elbow injury until the end, and lost the match... I was very moved. Date-san also have done it with a injury. I like their attitude very much☆

* Justine Henin - 21.01.11

Her following interview is very athlete. Cool, Henin☆. In Japanese twitter, you can read about "Henin is my favorite player", and "All right., Sveta just played well". So, I think they would help Henin. Yes, Henin's tennis and spirit are attractive in all over the world☆

【Q.】You double faulted nine times. What was that about? Was your arm troubling you again today?
J.H.:Well, there are no excuse about that. I know in what condition I go on the court, so I have to, yeah, to don't take any excuse about that. Because I just it wasn't that easy for me today; it wasn't the best day I've had in my career so far. I hope next time it's going to be better.

Kuzzie, Go forward☆. Hmm., I feel frustrated(^^;), but it's the world of victory and defeat

【Q.】You said there are no excuses. Fully understood, but you were wearing a strapping on the elbow. It's not a big question for us.
J.H.:I know I'm not 100%. I knew it before walking on the court. That's why I say there are no excuses. I decided to play not being 100%. It's been difficult in the last three days on my elbow and I just did everything that I could that it will be okay, but it wasn't enough. I think Svetlana played a good match. She has been really much more aggressive than me, coming a lot to the net and going for the winners. She has, yeah, all the credit today.


I sometimes hear a interview "Enjoy the match, and Play the best" by some players. But, Even if Henin says so, she would play seriously. Ahaha, maybe, she would never have such a joyful atmosphere(^^;). She would have a earnest personality, so, play the best anytime. I'm not such a strong person, so., I like intense Henin. Yes, her tennis and her attitude too. OK, that's all my crazy fan's talk, thank you☆

【Q.】So if this wasn't a Grand Slam, would you have delayed your comeback a bit longer?
J.H.:I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, it's important to come back and to play, to make my arm stronger; in another way, it's not that easy to you don't compete at your best. But it's a choice, and I made that one. I think it was still a good one.


I believe you have a great way☆