
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

449.Just looking....

2008-11-24 09:51:50 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

I always write something with wild ass guess on this blog. I reread some my topics of a few days., I seem to have a weak mentality now(laugh)... Humm., The delusions of Henin aside(laugh).. O-K-, I'll write about my trip for a change. This September, I went to Paris and "Roland Garros without players"...

In late September, Autumn has come in Paris. OK, if you'll round the corner, you can go to RG museum. I walked a little more to watch Roland Garros. I worried about if I had a right way for RG... Nobody is there because of off-season(laugh), so I couldn't ask the way for RG. I'm a strange Japanese, huh? I should go to the Louvre Museum as a typical tourist.., because it's just Paris(laugh). No, No, No.., For me, It's Henin rather than Leonardo da Vinci☆

But actually, I couldn't go into RG. I told the gate keeper "Can I see it., OK? Just looking!", but he told me just., "Non"(tears).. And he said something to me in French.. Oh., No.. I can't understand French at all(cry). Hey., I never steal the red clay., so let me just look it, please(laugh) Humm., I was wrong.., because I came there in off-season. OK, I accepted it., I gave up.. I'll write about RG museum later.
Humm.., Maybe(laugh), Red clay like this. Suit well for her, The queen of Clay♪
Change the angle. I think it's more beautiful tennis than others, because I'm a fan(laugh)♪
Once again., we want to watch her smile(tears). She became a historical player☆

434.It's a chestnuts?

2008-11-09 07:57:46 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip
今から1ヵ月半前の9月末に、私はパリにいました。そう、「誰もいないRoland Garros」へ向かうところで、ブログが止まっていました。。気紛れで書いていて、いけませんね。。B型(マイペース)なんで…治りません(笑)。。で、そうそう、この標識の通り、Roland Garrosの博物館に行けば、すなわち到着ですね。

One and a half months ago, at the end of September, I was in Paris. Yes, I was writing about visiting to "Roland Garros without players", but I was stopping writing.. It's not good to write something without planning.. I'm sorry., I have no cure., because I'm blood type "B"(laugh)... OK then, I'll continue. If we go to the "museum of Roland Garros" as follow the signs, it's the goal.
駅から15分位歩いたでしょうか。。1本道でした。でも、途中でわからなくて帰ろうかと思ったぐらい自信なかったんです。Roland Garrosは5月末に開催。誰もいない秋は…こんな感じなんですよ(笑)。わー、紅葉し始めていますね☆

It took about 15 minutes by foot.. Just one way. But actually, I was not sure this was the right road, I was thinking I would abandon to go there, a little bit.. Roland Garros is held at the end of May. Autumn at RG is.. like this photo(laugh). Wow, Leaves began to turn red☆

What is this? A chestnuts? I took the photo, because I have never seen. Humm, It looks like monster or something comes out from it(laugh). They were a lot under this street tree.
中には、栗のようなものが入っているようです。記念に1個、拾ってきました。季節外れのRoland Garros付近の栗のようなもの(笑)。うーん、全てが曖昧ですね。。ま、私の人生、こんなもんですよ(笑)。的外れ…みたいな。。ほっといて!

Something like a chestnuts is in it. I took just one home as my memory. It's the something like a chestnuts, out of season, around Roland Garros(laugh). Humm.., All of them is "vague"... OK, my life is like that(laugh). It's "miss the point"... Leave me alone..!

She got a point to one's life. I envy her. Maybe, she can see more more more things than I'm seeing now. I think she can see "oneself" and "essence" of things well enough, because she is athlete, besides background and circumstance... It's different level from other players. Older fans must look her with the view point like that, I think.

425.Too fast...

2008-10-31 11:24:11 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

It has passed one month since my trip in September. Time seems to pass by fast... Yes, one month ago, when I was in plane, I was watching Henin like that... Oh, sorry(laugh). That's Sharapova. Hey, your shoulder is OK? Humm., I want her to be tennis tour as a entertainer(laugh). I just remembered the costume like "white tuxedo" at Wimbledon(laugh). Humm? She has gotten the title at AO..? Oh., No.., I don't want to bring back it(Henin's lost).. Anyway, come back to tour with good physical condition☆.
そ。これ♪(笑) 注:ファッションショーじゃないわよー。テニスです(笑)
Yes. This one♪(laugh) CAUTION: It's not a fashion show. Just tennis(laugh)
やっぱ、エナンでしょう☆。飛行機でエナン見れて、なかなかの旅の出だしでした。うーん。でも、内容がエナン引退後の「2008 Roland Garros」とな(涙)。。んー、しかしまぁ、いい笑顔ですね。。こっちは複雑ですけど。。

Just Henin, she is the best☆. It was good start of my trip to watch Henin on the plane. But., Humm.., it was "2008 Roland Garros" after she retired(tears)... Oh.., she was with good smile.., But we was complicated...

Humm.., I was stopping my travel record about "visiting to RG without players".. It's not good to write without plan... Yes, I got out at this station to go to RG.

Talking about the station, there was the poster like this photo☆ This is Paris Masters, it's held now. There were another posters, they were Nadal-kun and Novak-kun and so on.

* Nadal, Federer reach Paris Masters quarterfinals

I support Nadal-kun. But I did it's because Federer was "the unmoved King", I think. Now, of course, it's good the King is Nadal-kun. But I'm a little sad.. I just want Federer to play tennis well like before☆ Go, Federer!

414.In Spain

2008-10-20 12:43:22 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

Fourth straight victory at RG. WB title following RG was a historic victory. And Gold medal. He is absolutely No.1! Congratulations on the fist No.1 Spanish a year, Nadal-kun!

OK now, I'll write about Spain. Last year(2007), I took a trip to Spain. This photo is "Sagrada Familia" by Gaudi in Barcelona. It's still uncompleted works... The latest prediction says it'll be completed around year 2256... How long does it take-.. It means we can't watch the completed article within our own lifetime... Humm.., you need to be born again to watch it, right?(laugh)

* Sagrada Familia(Wikipedia)

At that time, it's the free news paper at the subway in Spain. Oh, Henin♪. This photo is "Warsaw 2007"☆. I remembered I was glad to find this topic. To be exact, I was glad to find this photo.., because I didn't know Spanish at all... I know just only "Gracias"... Nadal-kun's topic was there, yes, of course.
Oh, this photo, right?☆
Aha, Good win for you☆ Hum? Where's the topic about Spain?(laugh). It's about Henin... Sorry

407.How old am I?

2008-10-15 12:36:17 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

My whimsical travel report♪ Last weekend, I got the photo data of my mother's camera. It means the funny person appears in a photo(laugh). Oh-oh.., she did anything shameful... She took some photos in metro... Don't do that.., Japanese... Hum? it's me(laugh).
The stone step to Basilique du Sacre Coeur. Oh No.., get out of there, funny person-(laugh)
Hello, me? For your info, I'm working with sour face in a business suit everyday. Any question?
I'm older than Henin. Humm.. It looks like I'm younger than her.. She is mature☆

397.Now, Go to RG!

2008-10-07 12:47:35 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip
さぁ!いざ、誰もいないRoland Garrosへ!(笑)。あはは。。いいんです、要は気持ちの問題ですから。これはRoland Garrosに併設している博物館への標識ですね。すなわち、ここに向かえばRoland Garrosです。いやー、行っても誰もいないですが(笑)、ドキドキしましたね~。て言うか、まずたどりつけるかどうか不安でした。ベルリンの時と同じじゃん。え?何?ベルリン??ベルリン…ベルリン…ベルリーン(泣)

Now! Go to Roland Garros with no people!(laugh). Ahaha.. It's OK to me, it depends on my feeling and mind about it. This photo is the signs to the Roland Garros museum which is attached to Stade Roland Garros. It means I can go to RG according to the signs. Even If I go there now, there's no people(laugh).., but I was so exciting-. Humm.., but before that, I was anxious about I would be able to find Roland Garros.. It's the same case as my Berlin trip., huh? Eh? What? Berlin?? Berlin... Berlin... Berli---n(tears)

* Stade Roland Garros(Wikipedia)
* Le Tournoi de Roland-Garros(Wikipedia)
これが最寄の駅、Porte d'Auteuil。RGへ行く時は…パリっ子もこの駅を使うんですかね?。私、行き方あってる?
This is the nearest station, Porte d'Auteuil. Parisien use this station to go to RG? It's the right way for RG?

The ground above the metro is like this. Oh, It's the first touch of autumn. NOTICE:Roland Garros holds in May every year☆(laugh)
赤土のRoland Garros。そして、赤土のリトル女王♪ *赤土:レンガの粉
Roland Garros, and the little Queen of clay♪ *clay:powder of baked-mud

396.The Eiffel Tower!

2008-10-06 12:39:11 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

After the hill of Montrartre, I went to the Eiffel Tower. Humm.. It's the typical sightseeing☆(laugh) Well, I don't know the detail about camera, but I have heard it was good to take something high with sideways angle. Usually, we take it with lengthways angle..(Oh, Sorry about the error of spelling in this photo)
The Seine River. I went for a pleasure boat ride, later♪ Oh, I'm a typical tourist.
Parisien & Parisienne have much time in this park? I envy them~

I took this photo from just under. Many tourists had a long line to get on the elevator of The Eiffel Tower at 9:30. I went there last time, so I didn't go this time. Anyway.., you need lots of energy for sightseeing.


2008-10-05 19:02:57 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

After being able to get on metro(laugh), I went to the hill of Montrartre. It was second visit to here, and it was at around 8:30. Early morning! The shops didn't open.. But it's good to go earlier for sightseeing.
Previous time, it was rain, but this time was so fine! Great, Paris city!

Basilique du Sacre Coeur. You can't take some photos inside because of "no photo", but you can go there for free. The icons of horse soldier are Louis and Joan of Arc(It's difficult to watch them in this photo).
What do you think? Joan of Arc is Henin(laugh)? No?
The stone step to Basilique du Sacre Coeur. The good mood. Nice☆

393.Metro in Paris.

2008-10-03 12:53:09 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

This is my second visit to Paris. I rode a subway train many times during my sightseeing. I took the useful "1 day pass ticket"♪ Previous time, I got nervous to get on a subway train because it was my first visit. But this time, I got on it a lot. This photo, we have to open the door with a handle in Paris. It's different from Japan.

I can't read(pronounce) French, so I couldn't remember the station name at all... Anyway, I remembered only the initial word of the station I had to get off. "OK then, I'll get off at "C" station" ...like this(laugh).
北駅です。たぶん(笑)。空港からこの駅に着いたはずなんだけど…。。危ないなー(笑)。ガール デュ ノール。だから、読めないっちゅーの。

Gare du Nord station. Maybe(laugh). It seemed I came there from airport..  I was OK?(laugh) Humm... Well.., Anyway, I can't pronounce it..
This is a kind view of just Paris♪
パリと言えば、Roland Garros☆。エナンですね☆。やっぱり、そうなる?(笑)
Speaking of Paris, it's Roland Garros☆ Yes, Henin☆ Always it's going to Henin?(laugh)
と言うことで、2回目のパリで余裕があったので、Roland Garrosへ行ってみました。超季節はずれ(笑)。でも5月末では、私は絶対に行けないので。はは。。エナンが去ってからRGへ行くとはね~。。しかも9月に(笑)。ま、人生こんなもんでしょう。では、これはまた別のお話で~。

It was my second visit to Paris and I had some spare time, so I went to Roland Garros. It's out of season a lot(laugh). But I can't go there at the end of May. Ahaha... I never imagined that I would go there after Henin retired.., besides in September(laugh). OK, yes. That's life. Well, I'll write about this as another topic.

390.I'm a Japanese...

2008-10-01 12:55:22 | Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam Trip

I want to write about when I think I'm a Japanese. Of course, you think you're a Japanese when you feel the different culture on your trip. Now, I try to write my personal opinion about it. Humm.., At first, it's.., this datebook. the small stuff! If I can't write it, I feel like something is missing(laugh). Humm..., This depends on my "personality" rather than "Japanese".. Well, I'm blood type B, you have any opinions about it, huh? Come on!(laugh)

How to eat bread. In Europe, they eat it spread butter or jam on a slice of bread. But I eat it cut bread into bite-size pieces.. I'm not comfortable to take a big bite.. Maybe, I think it's wrong manner.., And I eat it with crumbling bread on the table(laugh).

Some snacks or sweet treats of airplane food(laugh). I always take them out, although I ashamed about it a little bit... Because it's too much for me. Besides, it's "Mottainai"(it's not good to throw away), right?? Well, it seems to be difficult to translate "Mottainai" into English adequately.


We couldn't find the word like "Mottainai". it means "honor, love and respect" for nature and something.(Wikipedia)

* "Mottainai"(Wikipedia)
Good word♪