
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2014-07-31 12:15:00 | Topics

A few days ago, I found the article "Japanese player beat Stosur" in Yahoo. She is Naomi Osaka, still 16 years old. It was her first WTA match, and she won against Stosur. Very good. She is half Japanese, her father is American, her mother is Japanese. Oh, she has a big body, we hope she will become a good player☆

Yahoo! tennis



2014-07-30 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san lost in the first round at Stanford. Sad to hear that... But it was the first match since Wimbledon, maybe, she would not mind the result. I just pray she will get good condition in a few weeks. The next is Canada... It's tough to move...

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


2436.2010 Summer.

2014-07-29 12:15:00 | Topics

It's announced rainy season in Japan is end. Oh, summer will get hotter in a few days... Well, I was looking for "Ju-photo" in summer for my blog as usual. Hmm.., when Henin came back, she couldn't already play tennis in summer season... Checking my 2010 folder, I felt sad a little... This is the photo of 2006 USO.



2014-07-28 12:15:00 | Topics

These are the photos which Date-san uploaded in 20th July. I was very touched, printed out and put them on a wall. According to her blog, Italian photogramer was moved by Date-san's smile after her defeat and sent the photos to WTA. To smile like this, you must do your best. These days, I sometimes feel down凹, so, I think I try to do my best to have a smile like these photos. Now, Date-san will play tennis at Stanford. I'll support her☆

Date-san's blog 2014.7.20



2014-07-27 12:15:00 | Topics

I read this novel. This is the book which I bought before increase in consumer tax in this April. Hmm., that was not good for me. Sorry. I finished reading it like rapid reading. According to some information, this is the kind of novel called "Iyamisu". It means, after reading a mystery story, you feel bad(^^;)... Oh yes... It's like this... I didn't get to like this book.

The famous novel of Iyamisu is "Kokuhaku". Actually, a few years ago, I went to see this movie at a theater. Yes.., I felt bad to it so much(^^;). The actor played very well, but I didn't feel good to this movie... But I remembered this movie. Is this the effect of the Iyamisu movie?... I don't know... Anyway, I don't want to see it again...



2014-07-26 12:15:00 | Topics

This is the movie "Divergent" I'd like to see at theater now. It's still two weeks since the movie roadshowed, but it already doesn't play a lot at a theater... Oh., sad... Hmm., the review is not good, it would be not interesting?... If SF-movie doesn't go well, it would become a B-movie.

A few years ago, I went to see the movie, like Divergent. It's "TIME". Time is money. It means wealthy people have a lot of time, so, they keep living forever. Yes, I was interested in it, but thought it was a little B-movie... Anyway, I like such a movie.



2014-07-25 12:15:00 | Topics

Hot, sleepy, tired, feel down... Yesterday, my condition was really worse... I went to seminar, but I was sleeping there... What a stupid I am... Last night, I didn't drink a lot, but I didn't sleep enough. Maybe, so, I was sleepy... I have to do the best today.


2431.Thai Beer.

2014-07-24 12:15:00 | Topics

Last night, I went to Thai food restaurant with my coworker. Rice and noodle were Tom Yum Goong taste. And Thai Beer. Oh, actually, I'd like to drink it more(^^;). We went there without enough research, but it was good. And reasonable cost. We had a nice dinner.


2430.American season.

2014-07-23 12:15:00 | Topics

According to Date-san's blog, she finished training in Japan and will go to USA. Two weeks passed since Wimbledon, I guess she would never be able to take enough rest. I just respect her attitude to tennis. I would get weak in hot summer soon... Now, I upload this photo that Henin is shining in hot tennis court, to rise my motivation.

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2014-07-22 12:15:00 | Topics
昨日、映画「オール・ユー・ニード・イズ・キル(原題:EDGE OF TOMORROW)」を観ました。いわゆる"ループ"系の内容でした。私は、好きなジャンルでしたので、わりと楽しめました。ちゃんと結末もあるし、主人公の成長過程もあるし、ハッピーエンドだし、これぞエンターテイメントって感じでした。原作は、日本の小説のようです。

Yesterday, I watched the movie "EDGE OF TOMORROW". It's a kind of "Loop" movie. I like such a movie, so, I enjoyed watching this movie. It has a clear ending, growth of main actor and a happy end. That's just an entertainment. The original work is Japanese novel.
でもま、"ループ"系と言えば、個人的には「ミッション:8ミニッツ(原作:SOURCE CODE )」が好きです。こちらは、アクションはあまりないけれど、精神的な描写が繊細でグッときます。私は、映画館で泣きました。ま、これは、トム様のような大衆映画では無かったので、あまり話題にはなりませんでしたが。。

Anyway, speaking of a "Loop" movie, I like the movie "SOURCE CODE" the best. This didn't have such an great action, but have more detail of emotional description. I was very moved by this movie, and cried at a theater. But it was not a popular movie like Tom, so, I guess everyone would never know this movie...
