
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

976.Semifinals at AO...?

2010-05-19 12:41:10 | Editor's note

Now is before RG, but AO(laugh). This video, I didn't have the motivation to make it at all. But I watched AO Semifinals again, to check the previous topic "No.975". And I had some scenes I used before to make my previous video, so made the highlight by them. So, let me upload it on this blog, please. That music is just for a rhythm, no message. And this video is just only Henin☆(crazy). Besides, it's illegal video., so if you are interested in it, Enjoy it covertly.


Hmm.., I'm just surprised at my "very crazy" about her tennis. I made many videos already, and I'm still going at it... Ahaha, It's too much time for an escape from reality. Sorry about that, I was out of line, a little☆

This video has the same scene as my previous video, but it has a different impression. Maybe, in my layman's level, the video depends on the music... Hmm., it's just my "self-satisfaction" as my hobby☆. Sorry☆. And Henin, always sorry about that. Now, Go for RG!, we'll support you.
