
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2012-05-31 12:15:00 | Topics
伊達さん&藤原さん、RGダブルス1回戦、4-6, 6-2, 3-6で負けちまいました。残念。。この写真を見ると、伊達さんの左ふくらはぎが、グルグルにテーピングされています。。大丈夫でしょうか。。心配です。。

Date and Fujiwara lost in the first double match with 4-6, 6-2, 3-6 at Roland Garros. Very sad... Looking at this photo, her left leg was put tape on a lot... Is that OK?... I worry about that...

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~

Anyway, I'm happy to watch Date-san playing with smile. I hope her injury won't get worse... As a crazy fan of Henin, I just pray she can play tennis healthy as long as possible☆



2012-05-30 12:15:00 | Topics
伊達さん、RG1回戦、スキアボーネに3-6, 1-6で負けちまいました。残念。。私は、第2セットの後半を少し見ましたが、、うーん、、らしくないテニスな感じがしました。。でも、怪我の心配がある中、大健闘だったと思います☆

Date-san lost to Schiavone with 3-6, 1-6 in the first round at Roland Garros. Very sad... I watched this match a little in the second set. Hmm., it didn't look her tennis, I thought... Anyway, even though she was worrying about leg injury, she played the best, I think☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~

I had a tear in this scene after this match. I'm sad to see her lost, but I was moved by this scene. We can't do these expression with respect each other easily. Sport is beautiful☆. Date-san, Go for doubles match!. I'll support you anytime☆



2012-05-29 12:15:00 | Topics

When Henin was playing tennis, I was exciting to watch her tennis... But now, I'm very boring... This is the photo of 2009 RG when the alley was named after Justine Henin. Hm?, it's still three years ago... Then, she came back and retired again until now...
In that year, Federer won at RG. He completed a career Grand Slam☆

At that time, Henin saw Federer's win and thought "I too want to get the title at Wimbledon", I remember so. This year too, I just want Federer to get the title in front of Henin☆. I'll support him♪



2012-05-28 12:15:00 | Topics

My priority of support is Henin, Date-san and Kuzzie. So, yes, I'll support Kuzzie too. Come on, dark-horse contender☆. She won in the first round yesterday. First, I hope she will stay there this week.

This photo is 2009 RG. You know, Kuzzie must be good at playing on clay. By the way.., Safina already retired... Come on, Safina.., comeback...

Henin kept winning for three years at RG. Basically, women's mind becomes unstable by something small, so, her achievement at early 20s must have sacrifice her many things... Hey, young players, you should be called "queen of clay" after breaking Henin's great record☆



2012-05-27 12:15:00 | Topics

Schiavone got the title at Strasburg. Congratulations☆. Oh, she got the title at Roland Garros too two years ago.

Schiavone beats Cornet to win Strasbourg final

Speaking of RG two years ago, it was when Henin came back to the tour for a short time. The 6-month seems to be "phantom" for me(^^;)... Henin had the great match against Maria for two days, and then she lost in the 4th round...

Oh-oh, before looking back, I have to write today's topic... Date-san's opponent in the 1st round at RG is Schiavone who is in good condition now... Date-san., doesn't have a luck for the draw(^^;)... But we don't know what will happen in the future. I just want Date-san to play the best in each match☆. I'll support her!

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


1687.Thank you!

2012-05-26 12:15:00 | Topics
改めまして、STさん、いつも情報をありがとうございます☆。これは「Justine For Kids」の動画ですね。私が知る限り、日本では、エナンの情報を得ることはできないので、海外の情報だけが頼りでございます☆。はは、エナンについて書いているブログも、私ぐらいかもしれませんね(^^;)。。

Thank you once again for the info, ST-san☆. This is the video of "Justine For Kids". As far as I know, we can't get information about Henin anymore in Japan, so, I need a help from the other☆. Haha, this blog might be the only one about Henin in Japan now(^^;)...

6月24日に、Justine For Kidsのマラソンが行われるようです☆
Marathon of Justine For Kids will take place on 24th June☆

Justine Henin Twitter

You can see Deuce too in that linked video. Oh yes, Deuce too is a good actress. Anyway, I'm happy to watch them fine. Well, Henin would practice marathon after working as a commentator at RG-?☆



2012-05-25 12:15:00 | Topics

UNIQLO, Yes━(゜∀゜)━☆. Djokovic signed five years deal with UNIQLO. He'll wear UNIQLO in official match. I too love UNIQLO☆. I often wear it. Haha...

Nishikori also wears UNIQULO. But this RG, he withdrew because of injury... I'm sorry about that. Anyway, I want him to play well in grass season☆

When I found Henin, she already was wearing Adidas. Looking at this photo, she was wearing le coq at 2001 RG. Very Cute☆. Well., what kind of caps did she have?... It doesn't look like the logo of le coq...


Let me link ST-san's info about Ju on the topic "1685.Retirement...". Thank you very mcuh, ST-san☆. You can see Justine & Deuce☆

