
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

2065.The next.

2013-06-30 15:15:00 | Topics

Date-san lost to Serena in the third round... Reading her blog after this match, I'm glad she had a very positive thinking. Probably, everyone expected Serena would win, but Date-san learned the next way to improve for her tennis. That's good. And Serena gave Date-san her respect a lot. We'll wish Serena will play well to other young players.

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2013-06-29 12:15:00 | Topics

Well, well, well, today, Date-san will meet Serena. Win-or-lose would not be so important in this match. Date-san plays her own tennis, that's the most important, I think. Like the match against Venus of two years ago, I wish this match will move people in the world. We'll support her!


2063.Won, Won!

2013-06-28 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san won in the second round at Wimbledon. Wow, that's great☆. I was really moved by her victory. In the third round.., the next opponent is Serena... I wish Date-san will play her tennis enough.
Nishikori too won in the second round!. He seems to have a sense of stability!



2013-06-27 12:15:00 | Topics

Federer lost in the second round. This morning, I was very shocked, so, I changed the topic I prepared yesterday to this. I'm very sad, sad, sad...
Maria too lost... What happened at this Wimbledon?...


2061.Won, Won!

2013-06-26 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san won in the first round at Wimbledon!. Congratulations☆. I watched her tennis a little on the internet. I thought it was perfect. Really nice♪. According to her blog, the life in London seems to be good. I wish she will keep playing better. If she will keep winning, she will meet Serena in the third round.

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~
And Nishikori won too!. That was the seeded player's win. We'll support him!



2013-06-25 12:15:00 | Topics
STさんから、エナンさんの情報を頂きました!。いつもどうもありがとうございます☆。今年も、エナンさん、「Justine For Kids」のイベントを無事に開催したようですね。いいぞ☆。テニスもいいけど、こうして社会活動している姿もいいですね。STさんの情報は、No.2059のコメント欄にありますので、興味がある方は是非チェックしてみて下さい。

ST-san gave us some information about Henin!. Thank you very very much, ST-san☆. According to the articles, her event "Justine For Kids" made it as usual. Very good☆. I like her tennis and her social activity too, like this. If you are interested in it, check the information from ST-san in comment column of No.2059.


2059.White on Green.

2013-06-24 12:15:00 | Topics

Wimbledon will start. Just two weeks ago, RG has finished... So, in this season, tennis players and fans would be busy(^^;). At Wimbledon, white wear on green grass court is very beautiful. I liked white-Henin more than other wear. If possible.., I wanted to see white-Henin on live at Wimbledon...


2058.On 22th, 23th.

2013-06-23 12:15:00 | Topics

On 22th June, Mt.Fuji was registered on the World Heritage List. I was born and grew up there, seeing Mt.Fuji every day. So, I have special feeling for it. We wish the environment around Fuji will keep clean.
ところで、23日は、エナンの「Justine For Kids」のマラソン大会が開催されるんですよね。今年も、しっかりお仕事していますね☆。応援しています。*写真は、去年のものです。

And on 23th June, the event of "Justine For Kids" will take place. She keeps working in Belgium☆. I'll support her. *This is the photo of last year.
