
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

2823.100 YEN.

2015-08-31 12:15:00 | Topics


I bought some health equipments at 100 YEN shop. Exercise stretcher and roller for shoulder massage. Total 216 yen. So, I would get my money's worth to use them for a few days... Anyway, I have some of 100 yen goods which is no longer used... Going to the shop, I get to want to buy something...



2015-08-30 12:15:00 | Topics


I enjoy watching the drama "Tamiou" at the midnight every Friday. It's my best drama for me in this season. Suda-kun is really a good actor. His work makes this drama be very good, I think. I watched every episode two times.


He protested his opinion to the interviewers for job. I like this scene.



2015-08-29 12:15:00 | Topics


"The burned rind of Melon", I bought it☆ Some time ago, it became a popular topic. I belatedly ate it. Hmm., yes, like the name, it was the rind of Melon bread. That means cookie dough.

A little thick and.., it was a soft cookie. Anyway, that's not bad., good yes.



2015-08-28 12:15:00 | Topics

去年のUS Open、錦織君は、開眼しましたね。日本人選手、GS初の決勝に進出しました。この時は、惜しくも、優勝は逃してしまいましたが、その後は、GSファイナリストとしてふさわしい活躍をしてくれました。今年も、また頑張って欲しいです!

At the last US Open, Nishikori became a hero. As a Japanese player, he reached the final in Grand Slam for the first time. At that time, he couldn't get the title. But after that, he played very well as the GS finalist. We pray he will play the best this year too!


2819.Date-san lost...

2015-08-27 12:15:00 | Topics

伊達さん、US Open予選1回戦、フルセットの末、負けちまいました。。残念。。ブログによると、どうやら、痙攣が起きてしまったようですね。。暑さも、影響しているようです。コートは、灼熱の暑さになりますからね。。でも、ダブルスには、本戦出場するようですから、まだまだ頑張って欲しいです。応援しています☆

Date-san lost in the first Qualifying round in full sets at US Open... Sad to hear that... According to her blog, she had a convulsive fit during the match... Maybe, the heat is intense. In the tennis court too... Anyway, she will play there in doubles match too. We support her☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2015-08-26 12:15:00 | Topics

8/25火曜日から、US Openの予選が、始まったようです。伊達さんも出場しています。そっか、、伊達さんは、予選からのスタートになるんですよね。。ブログによると、身体の調子は、まずまずのようです。伊達さんが、納得のいくテニスができますように~☆

The US Open Qualifying Tournament started from Tuesday, August 25. Date-san will play there. Oh yes.., she has to play in Qualifying round... According to her blog, her condition would be not bad. I just pray that she will do her best☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


2817.W&S Open.

2015-08-25 12:15:00 | Topics


At W&S Open, Federer got the title! Congratulations☆ He beat Djokovic in the final. Oh, that's a good news for Federer's fans. He gets older but can win. It would be possible to keep winning for him.

And Serena too got the title. It's amazing to see their titles now(^^;)



2015-08-24 12:15:00 | Topics

伊達さんのブログが、更新されていました。ニューヨークに入ったようです。テニスファンとしては、US Openが近くなると、あぁ、もう夏も終わりだなとしみじみ思います。私は、決まって、2007年のニューヨークの旅を思い出します。エナンに会いに行った旅を。。

Date-san's blog was uploaded. According to her blog, she is in New York now. As a tennis fan, US Open makes me feel that summer will be end. And it always brings back lots of memories about my trip to New York in 2007. My trip to see Henin...

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2015-08-23 12:15:00 | Topics


The photo of 2003 Rogers Cup. The year Henin got the title. At that time, I was not a big fun of Henin yet, so, I didn't know the detail(^^;). But I know 2003 was a good year for Henin, she got many titles. That's the story of 12 years ago...



2015-08-22 12:15:00 | Topics


We got the information about Henin from ST-san! Thank you very very much always, ST-san☆ Oh, I heard Henin's English after a long interval. After her retirement, we often watched French clips. Anyway, I'm so glad to see her active work☆ ※If you want to know more, please check ST-san's comment.
