
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

839.Goodbye, 2009!

2009-12-31 07:16:08 | Topics

This year, it was the year I felt down a lot(laugh), but speaking of tennis, it had a good news☆. Because Henin announced her comeback. Honestly, I thought "she would never come back", so I was really surprised at her "sudden comeback". Oh, Henin's some topics came out.
I believe I can be a better player, I believe I can use my experience more than in the past. It's been a great experience to go out of the tennis world for 18 months and to come back because I feel I grew up. What I can say is I know myself much better and that's the most important thing.(some snippets)


* Henin says she can be better than before

Generally speaking, it might have a mixed reception about her one's attitude?, I don't know. But I think, she acted with integrity so much. Because, usually, if you're No.1 player, you wouldn't retire suddenly, and come back suddenly, right?(laugh). Maybe, she really got tired to tennis tour, and just got to want to play tennis again, I guess. Oh, this is the TV magazine I bought on my trip to Belgium this May.

* Susan Margaret Boyle came to Japan
* Susan Margaret Boyle(Wikipedia)

Today on 31th, Susan Boyle-san will appear on Kohaku Utagassen. Wow, she is just a worldwide singer star. This is the photo of Belga-picture in Belgium. Her visit to Japan seemed to pick up also in Belgium?. NHK, Good job-.

Hi Everyone, this year, Henin also sang the songs, OK?. Her comeback news seemed to overwrite the memories of time Henin didn't play tennis, but I don't forget it☆. OK, Singing the songs is one of "great experiences", I gusee. But Henin-san, I want to hear your song for the next time a few years later, No, more more later, as late as possible, please. Tennis just looks nice on you☆


Everyone, Thank you for everything, this year. I wish you a Happy New Year☆

838.Back to 2001

2009-12-30 06:41:25 | Tennis

This movie is the semi-final at 2001 Wimbledon. Henin vs. Capriati. You can watch almost the match on YouTube, watch them☆. Well.., this movie is., you know, Japanese TV program. Ahaha, OK everyone, Don't upload them on the blog, like me.

* Justine Henin(Wikipedia)
* Jennifer Capriati(Wikipedia)

About 8 years ago from now. From left, Henin, Clijsters and Roddick were picked up as the young stars. I'm actually a poor fan of Henin, so I don't know the detail at all about her around 2001...

At that time, Henin was 19 years old. She was one year older and had two ranking lower than Clijsters. Clijsters went ahead of Henin. Wimbledon, that's the only Gland Slam Henin didn't get the title in her previous career. But the later "Queen of clay" has experienced the GS final for the first time, on the grass here Wimbledon.

8 years later, now, after they went through many process, Williams sisters and two Belgians will be in WTA again. It's just great thing, right?. Yes, Williams sisters are great. They are long-standing players... Two Belgians have retired once.

The above movie was TV program for Capriati, you know(laugh). Hmm., exactly, there was nothing surprising, because Capriati came back with great results until young player Henin beat her at that time... Capriati exited the semi-final at Wimbledon after a big match., the TV program were produced her as a very moving story. Hmm.., I want to produce Henin as Henin's story(laugh).

Henin grew up a lot. In her previous career, Clijsters went ahead of Henin. So far, second career too??. Now, catch up, Henin☆. And I want them to make WTA interesting as a good rival again.


837.Just meet!

2009-12-29 07:11:50 | Topics

I found the small file in my folder. Hmm., I don't remember if I used it for my clip or not... Oh, Henin's backhand, very cool, very nice☆. We can see it, we will see it soon, Henin's backhand☆. I would have a tear on seeing it(crazy fan)

Wow, full-body photograph. I don't know the detail about tennis technique, but I think it's a high-ball?. It seems to be difficult to return(my untrained eye). Look, she has good legs(stable lower body). Oh, I'm a woman, so my comments are not sexual harassment(laugh). Also abdominal muscles is trained a lot. She catches the ball completely☆
Her expression is confidently, Cool☆. Next week, I want her tp make WTA interesting☆


836.Around September?

2009-12-28 12:35:06 | Topics

Hmm, this year, I bore up and felt down to myself for a year. I might have expected further progress of myself and others too much(laugh)., I thought I did the best, but I couldn't achieve, I reflect on the situation... Hmm, Oh well, a few days later, this year will end. Come on earlier, a new year!(laugh). Speaking about tennis, 2009 was the year Henin announced her comeback. In some rumors about Henin's comeback in this year, I remembered the time around this photo the most.

"There's no smoke without fire", right?. The top photo of this topic was around this August or September, the media seemed to catch the information about "Henin's comeback"?, so they asked about the comeback to Henin, and she rejected answering the question. When I read the topic, I was thinking "she was attacked again by the comeback question". Looking back, exactly, she didn't answer the question, and she also didn't say "I would never come back". And after that, she announced her comeback quickly♪. Oh, yes, I saw Kuzzie at TORAY this year.

And I saw Maria-sama for the first time(laugh). She was bigger than I expected. It was after Henin announced her comeback, many things had happened at the same time in September. Date-san won in Korea, and Sugiyama-san retired... Also Japan tennis had many topics.

Next year, I want to spend peaceful time at the individual level.., but I would be busy to watch the tennis games. At this time last year(2008), it was "the year Henin retired", so I was so sad and had a delusion about her tennis. I can't believe it... Now, I hope the next year will be burning for tennis and myself?(laugh)☆

835.Body rotation!

2009-12-27 06:43:04 | Topics

Yesterday, I bought a tennis magazine. I always browse without buying(sorry). But I bought it, because it has the good topics about Henin's service, Federer and Nadal. But actually, I couldn't make up my mind to buy that magazine at 650 yen for about 30 minutes(laugh). I'm tightfisted...

I don't know the detail about tennis technique, so I don't know whether I can indicate well., according to the magazine, Henin takes "body rotation". Heh., it means she has a good "body trunk"?. And "how to use her left hand" seems to be the point of her tennis. Oh, her little finger, huh?, No way(laugh)...

Wow, bigger photo☆. Yes, speaking of her tennis, that's just her one-handed backhand. You had better check it on a movie, yes, you know, she has really smart swing(fan's talk). She just has stable body trunk.
Now, Henin, Show us nice tennis and your presence in WTA☆


834.Funny story..?

2009-12-26 08:44:28 | Topics

Looking back, this is the photo on May 14th 2009. On just the day one year later since Henin retired, she had her TV program. It was about Henin challenges 12 works. Of course, we couldn't watch it in Japan, but you can watch it on YouTube, try it!. Oh, this topic still is this year? I feel it's a long time ago...

On Golden week, when I went to Paris and Brussels with my friend, I bought this TV magazine. At this time, Henin got to become "the past player", so I was so glad to find this magazine.

At the book store I went in Brussels, there were many football magazines and a few tennis magazines... I looked for a tennis magazine desperately, and bought this TV magazine. The shopman looked at such a strange Asian with wondering eyes.

Yes, I must have been a strange Asian. And you know, this blog is just crazy... I keep writing about the retired player for 15 months since then... Hmm., but it's just my delusion about Henin(laugh). This photo is the past champions at Roland Garros museum. More shining photo, please...

During Henin's absence in WTA, I had many many feeling about her retirement. But I forgot it, when she announced her comeback. Looking back, when I went to Roland Garros without the players in off-season, I had a experience, it made me think that Henin would never come back... But she came back♪(laugh)

Besides, her comeback was surprise, quickly and powerful♪(laugh). Ahaha, that's OK, Henin☆. I want to write down about my feelings of that 15 months-long. But next year, she will come back, my topic about it would be a funny story.

833.Merry Christmas!

2009-12-25 12:41:47 | Topics

The topic about Henin, today too(laugh). Ahaha, in this photo, she seemed to enjoy a lot. I don't know whether she grew up or became childish than ever(laugh). She's already enough age she need not try to overreach, and she came back to the tour with the spirit of challenge, so her mind would be shining for her hope, right?. Hmm., it's because of the exhibition?

I have a lot of topics about "after Henin's retirement".., but somehow, I can't have the opportunities to write it(laugh). Maybe, like today, I look at the photos of Henin & Deuce, I think "OK, I get used to watching Henin with the dog", and I write about it. Hmm., I just might write something without thinking well.., huh?
You have difficulty seeing because of black color(laugh), but she holds Deuce. Doting☆
ぐりにーさん、いつも情報をありがとうございます。コメント欄のリンク、引用させて頂きますね☆。「Justine Time」は、ビデオが盛りだくさんですね。英語の勉強になるかも?しれません。エナンはフランス語を話しています。その英語-フランス語の通訳に、タイムラグを感じます。エナン、もっとしゃべってんじゃない?(笑)

Greeny, Always Thank you for your informations about Henin. Let me draw them from your comments, thank you. "Justine Time" has many topics in the Eurosport's link☆. I might be able to learn English from them?. Henin speaks French. I feel the timelag from the translation between French and English. Actually, Henin is talking more?(laugh)

★Merry Christmas!★ 【YouTube】
★Merry Christmas!★ 【Eurosport】

832.Australian season.

2009-12-24 12:41:38 | Tennis

Henin's Australian season. Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne. It's a hard schedule. She seems to get used to the official match in WTA. Hmm., it would not matter a lot to compare Henin to Kim.., but I have a mixed feeling a little, I sometimes read severe comments about Henin... This photo is Henin's victory at Sydney in 2008☆

I don't know how high level she has in tennis now. You know, she is shorter than other players, so she has the handicap in physical side as professional tennis. But she seems to have enough "mental side" now(fan's talk). Maybe, she just would have to get used to the "official match"... Oh, Next year, she should wear a "fixed" wear☆(laugh), right?♪
照準は、数ヵ月後にあるかもしれませんが、エナンなら「Always 200%」で来るでしょう。見たい。。
She might set her sight on a few months later, but she'll come with "Always 200%". I want to see...

Well, yesterday, I saw the fund-raising campaign of UNICEF. But sorry, I couldn't raise funds for it at that time... And I brought back that memory like this photo(laugh). I'm so crazy(laugh). I should think about Children of the World!... I should write "all topics about Henin" on my blog., huh? Ahaha, OK, me, my blog already becomes so...

831.Ai & Kyoko...

2009-12-23 07:37:41 | Topics

"Spo-Kon" means "Sports-guts". When I was a student, I was in "Sopo-Kon age". So at that time, "Don't drink water during the training", "Run until you drop" and "respect our seniors", we did so. After Spo-kon age, it was said that Spo-Kon was not good in a medically effective manner. This is the tennis drama in the 90s "Ai & Kyoko". What is the funny form for service?(laugh).

* 愛と響子【YouTube】
* 愛と響子【Wikipedia】

Now, you have to do "drink water properly" to avoid heat stroke. Yes, that's right. At that time, I seemed to be dried many times by Spo-Kon... And we have to wait drinking water until our seniors finish drinking... Hmm., I mean, it would be better that the hierarchical relation would be not too much. Oh, three fingers with a ball.., This means "she wins against the opponent by three balls"(laugh).
I like Henin's little finger☆

..Well, How high did she jump in tennis?(laugh). Recently, the projected image like computer graphics is very high technology.., but in this drama's story of "reality", the super jump would be impossible(laugh). But at that time, I watched it in earnest. So, at least for me, it would have been OK at that time.

Actually, "Ai & Kyoko" were sisters..., the shocking truth we often hear would be like a popular Korea-drama...? The story of the drama might have "memory blackout"?, it's major story for the ending. Now!, the service in tennis is just this photo☆. And I want Henin to get the title at Wimbledon☆, like this drama?

830.Fed Cup!

2009-12-22 12:31:21 | Tennis

They are the Japanese tennis players for Fed Cup. Date-san will come back to the representative member after 14 years absence. Yes, there is nothing surprising, right? Because she is the top ranking in Japan now. But according to Date-san's blog, she seemed to worry about being the member... Hmm., but past and present, she is the star of Japan tennis. She would make Japan tennis grow up☆

* Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~

That Fed Cup like this photo was happen in the past in Belgium. I don't know the detail about the team.., I wonder about which language they speak in the team... Henin speaks French, and Clijsters speaks Dutch, maybe... That's why., they speak English as a common language..? Everyone is bilingual or trilingal, huh? I have heard that "Some Belgians speak Dutch, when their French is not understood." Of course, it's not for everyone. I can't guess that culture, because Japanese is unique language. How many languages does Henin speak?
Red and Black are the color of Belgium? This red color suits her, Cool

Oh.., my topic changes to about Belgium... Sorry. Go, Japan!!