
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

190.A record-low 15.9%

2008-03-31 13:00:02 | Topics
The NHK drama series in the morning, "Chiritotechin" was recorded a record-low TV ratings 15.9% in Kanto. Eh??.. Is that true?? I liked the drama series. Last week, it finished and TV ratings was announced. I always watched it with making up in the morning. I couldn't watch it regularly, but I could enjoy it.. Oh? I am missing the point?(laugh)

And last Saturday, I watched the Fuji drama "Losstime Life". Do you know the drama? Whenever I watched it, I have a feeling I can't express... In the drama, the main character dead at every topics. The drama describe "the last time" the character has left. It's like a serious drama? Umm... a little bit comedy?? I can't express it adequately. Please watch it for once.

* NHK 【Chiritotechin】"
* Fuji 【Losstime Life】

Good! Good win, Henin! I can't watch her matches.. I can know only the score and interview.. But It's OK. You win! that's enough to me
Go for a win! Allez!!!

↓Wow,, Dave-san.. Great.. She won against Ivanovic. Great come back!
* Davenport stuns Ivanovic at Miami

189.Cherry-blossom time

2008-03-30 21:11:49 | Diary
Brrrr. It was cold a little bit because of spring rain. It's cold in cherry-blossom time, right? I took these photos around my apartment yesterday.
This weekend, it was cherry in full bloom! Yes, it was so beautiful. Well, Don't you wonder the cherry tree?? Because the cherry tree directly bloom on a branch. There's no leaves at bloom.. After bloom, The cherry tree has leaves. I don't know the detail.. But Just blooming on a branch directly and shortly is beautiful. The cherry knows the attractive thing people can feel?? Yes,, the brevity of life..??(laugh)

* sakura
Change the subject a bit...
I'm studying English now. Yes,, it's a long time.. But I can't improve it.. Today, when I watched on TV(NHK), "The policy for English in Korea" was gotten on the air. Wow,, Great,, The students spoke English very well.. Umm,, I can't speak English like them..

It's said Korea is academic career-based society more than Japan. We know that. I feel a little bit sorry for students in Korea.. But it's the fact and real in Korea.. It might make a difference in the future. The student in Korea will become an elite. Well,, those who are an elite are not always good?? What do you think so?

Everywhere, not an elite, the ordinary people like me is needed, I believe. The people back up something is needed. Yes,, not only an elite. I'm not an elite. Of course, I know that. But I believe there's something satisfy myself as a person(laugh bitterly).

* NHK World network

Henin! How about your condition? It seems to be better. Yes, Good serve! We always wish your win! Allez!!!
Umm.. Miami is too far from Japan... How long is the time difference?? 13 hours?? Phew...
* Henin won in the 2nd match.

188.Good! We're glad!

2008-03-29 13:00:32 | Tennis
Good! Good win, Henin! We're sooooo glad to watch your win!
Henin won against A. Kerber by 6-4 6-2 in the 2nd match in Miami. I couldn't watch that match. I can know just the score.. Umm.. It's OK. Your win is a enough news to satisfy myself. This week, I had no time to check the news about tennis. I had some problems on my work... So, just now, Checking tennis is for a change to me.
Now, Henin! Gear up more! We always support you! Allez!!!

Wow! Congratulations! Henin! she received the WTA Tour player of the year award 2007 for the second time in her career.
Oh? she's more beautiful than ever!? cutting eyebrow?? Yeah! prettier!
Now! 2008 has come already! Just go forward, Henin! Allez!!!

* Henin receives WTA Tour player of year award(Japanese)
* Henin receives WTA Tour player of year award(English)

187.My current tasks...

2008-03-29 12:07:45 | Diary
Phew... This week, I was really busy... Probably, next week too... It'll last until we can deliver the statistical report.

Suddenly it began.. A few weeks ago, my boss told our group "Something awful has happened. we'll get in trouble"... Eh?... What?...

It's happened to one of our clients.. Their subsidiary companies have gone bankrupt.. It means that the parent company, our client might go bankrupt in a few months.. Yes,, If it'll go bankrupt, our work will be without pay.. We have to finish our work soooooooooo quickly before their bankruptcy..

Oh,, what a bad timing... Tennis tournament in Miami is coming.. Now it has begun already.. Oh my God! Why now?

We had to accept it. So, I worked overtime. The client's new medicine was for "interstitial lung disease". It's a intractable disease. The new medicine had DDS(drug delivery system). In theory, the medicine can delivery just only to diseased site, but It always doesn't work good. The result was.. not good.. There's no relation between the result and bankrupt. But,, troubles never come singly??

Statistics Analysis is severe and honesty. If it's a good original data, the result will show good. And if it's a bad original data,, you'll see.. Now, my current tasks is programing the analysis for the client. As far as I can see,, Umm,, what can I say,,, I'm sorry for,,, Umm,,, not good result.. That's the way it goes...

New medicine has lots of hope. That's true, I believe.
But if it's a strong effect, it's also a strong adverse effect. Yes, it has both sides with a balance. We learned it on pharmacy, but we can say it to everything, I think.

Anyway, I'll be in big trouble next week too.(laugh)
there's any other thing I should do now? I might have it, I don't know what it is... Ahaha,,, I'm a little bit nervous now..
I had better check the topic about tennis!(laugh)


2008-03-28 12:57:48 | Diary
Humm... I have a terrible headache now. Acturally,, I went for a drink with my coworker last night... I drank too much... Yes, I have a hungover... And, I was late to go to the office this morning... My coworker couldn't come to the office. That's too bad... Of course, I was wrong... I should control a amount of alcohol... But I drank too much,,, because I had much stress...
Humm... I wish my headache went away quickly...

Phew... I couldn't check the topic about tennis yesterday... Uh,, And I felt so bad at today's lunch time because of hungover(cry). Yes,,, I was wrong...
Anyway, Henin! Go for a win! Allez!!!

185.Similar is different.

2008-03-27 12:59:11 | Topics
The incident... it's what is before becoming the accident... It's said that the incident often happens on the pharmaceutist's job. Of course, not only that job. we can say it to everything.

My job is not a pharmaceutist now, but I'll talk about it from my poor experience. When the pharmaceutist prepare a medicine, they, include me(laugh) sometimes choose a wrong medicine. Yes, it's not the medicine which doctor prescribed. Probably, It'll happen because there're many medicines with similar name. Umm.. It's a human mistake. But most of the case, the incident will be found on second checkup by another pharmaceutist before becoming the accident. In rare cases, It becomes to be the accident... Of couse, it's what should never happen.. But it'll happen, even if they pay attention about it..

So, the system "Medicine similar name search engine" is provided by Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center. Oh.. I think it means the incident happen more times than one thinks.. Humm... The medicines with similar name are just different, you know.. Anyway, There're many medicines... I'm sorry for the pharmaceutist's job,, because they have to know many medicines.. I think I can't do the same as their work already..

* Medicine similar name search engine

Oh! Hello! How are you, Henin? Oh-oh.. I have no time now.. Oh, no! I took the many time for medicine's topic.. I'll check the topic about tennis later...

184.Something beautiful...

2008-03-26 12:58:56 | Diary
Phew.. These days, I'm so busy because of my work.. At just lunch time, I can enjoy my free time.. Ahaha.. After work, I got home, and I had a light meal while watching TV.. When I found self, it was after midnight.. and I went to the bed.. I just do it without thinking something for a few weeks.. What a uninteresting my everyday life..(laguh)
When I had some troubles on my work, I felt high and low... I couldn't get a good sleep... Humm... Everything get a worse cycle(laugh bitterly) After a sleep, I can get recovery a little bit. But it's not enough.. Please give me something! So.. Yes,, OK,, Please something beautiful!
Wow! Great photo! What a beautiful Mt.Fuji! It was taken from TANUKI lake. I like this lake the best. When I get back to my hometown, I often go there with my family.
And I just enjoy checking the news of tennis. My interest of tennis help me. Yes, Henin, it's just your beautiful tennis! Thank you for helping me..
Oh-oh... My dreaming time, lunch time is over... See you again, my dream. And welcome to real world...(laugh)

183.Go to Miami!

2008-03-25 12:56:42 | Tennis
Congratulations! Ivanovic and Djokovic. Wow,, all winners are Serbian.. The whirlwind of Serbian..?? Ummm... we have to be careful to them..??
Hey, Kuz-chan.. Come on.. It was a good chance to get the title, because Henin was not there. Umm.. Go for a next chance. But next, in Miami, I'll support Henin. Sorry, Kuz-chan.

* Ivanovic won.
Next is Miami! Now, Henin! Go to Miami! ...Hum? Eh? What? Sharapova withdraw from Miami?? Oh... I'm discouraged to know that a little bit.. ..It's OK. Come back to the tour with your good condition, Sharapova. I'm looking forward to watching the match "Henin vs Sharapova".
Oh,, It's announced the draws of the tournament in Miami. The time has come!
Alleeeeeeeez!!! Henin!!!

* Sharapova pulls out...
* 2008 Sony Ericsson Open tennis tournament in Miami

182.A boomerang in space

2008-03-24 12:50:49 | Topics
The astronaut, Takao Doi, tried to experiment in a boomerang in space. Wow! It's a interesting experiment. What do you think about the trajectory of a boomerang?
Umm.. I think it will just fly straight. I mean it won't come back to thrower. Because it's zero-g(weightlessness) and no resistance against air in space. And it was said many people thought so.

The result!!
He said that "a boomerang came back to me!" "I'm surprised at coming back same as on earth" Wow... You won't know that until you try.. Probably, it must have different principle in space..
Anyway, You get nothing if you don't try. We might be able to say so to everything.

According to TV news I watched in the morning, it said that the video of flying boomerang wasn't released to us. Because it's was not applied as a publication experiment. Humm,, That's too bad.. But it was good to be able to know the fact about a boomerang in space.

* trajectory of a boomerang

181.Federe and Nadal lost...

2008-03-23 22:32:35 | Tennis
No.98 Mardy Fish upset No.1 Roger Federer in Indian Wells semifinal.. And Djokovic beat Nadal.. Oh, New face is coming..?? Umm... The change of generation is very natural.. But, Don't speak so soon!!! Go for it, both players!!!

* Fish upsets Federer

Humm... Surely, Serbian is coming... need care...
Henin! We believe you! Alleeeeeeeeeeez!!!!!!!!!!