
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1780.Just Go!

2012-08-31 12:15:00 | Topics
錦織君、US Open2回戦、6-2、6-2、6-4でストレート勝ちしました。おめでとうございます☆。2回戦も予選上がりの選手だったんですね。ラッキー☆。次の試合も大いに期待しちゃいます。そして、伊達さん、残念ながらダブルスも負けちまいました。。でも、私は、応援し続けます。頑張れ、伊達さん!

Nishikori won in straight set with 6-2, 6-2, 6-4 in the 2nd round at US Open. Congratulations☆. He played against a player who won in preliminary round this round too. Lucky draw☆. We are looking forward to his tennis. And, Date-san lost in doubles too... Anyway, I keep supporting her, of course. Just Go, Date-san!

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2012-08-30 12:15:00 | Topics
そう言えば、確か、キムっちは、US Openを最後に引退するんですよね。。私は、キムっちには特別な思い入れはないのですが、また一人、エナンと同世代の選手が去ると言う点では、ちと寂しい気がします。ま、自分で予告して引退すると言うのは、選手にとって幸せなことでしょう。あ、髪切った?

By the way, according to some information, Kim will retire after US Open... I didn't support her a lot, but I'm a little sad that a player of same generation as Henin will retire. Hmm., anyway, retiring as planned would be happy for a player. Oh, she had her hair cut?

Whenever Henin retired, two times, she seemed to feel terrible. At the first, she broke her mentality, and at the second, she broke her physicality, elbow... She might have done her best to one's limit and retired, but I just wanted her to retire with fans around her, not suddenly(^^;)... Hmm., Henin is a honest person, so, she just would go forward in accordance with her decision, I guess...

Generally speaking, everyone would memorize she retired suddenly two times. But I think that's who Henin is, in a good sense. It would be her aesthetical thought "if I can't win, I leave there"... Anyway, I guess Henin might retire in such a way in any cases... So, all's well with her.., I believe...


1778.Date-san lost...

2012-08-29 12:15:00 | Topics
伊達さん、US Open1回戦、4-6、2-6で負けてしまいました。。うぅ、、残念です。。伊達さんのブログでも、悔しさがにじみ出ていましたが、体調は悪くないみたいだし、心もとても前向きです。よしよし、これは心配ないみたいですね。まだダブルスもありますね。応援しています☆

Date-san lost with 4-6, 2-6 in the 1st round at US Open... Hmm., very sad... According to her blog, she seems to feel frustrated to this defeat, but she is not in bad condition, and mentality is well enough to go ahead. Yes, she can go forward. She will play in the doubles match too. I'll support her☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


1777.Seeded player.

2012-08-28 12:15:00 | Topics

Nishikori won with 6-1, 6-2, 6-4 in the 1st round at US Open. Oh, he won as a seeded player. A few years ago, we couldn't expect Japanese became a seeded player... He would have potential to play better, so, we are looking forward to his tennis☆. Now, Date-san will play on Tuesday!. I'll support her.



2012-08-27 12:15:00 | Topics
そう言えば、エナンは、復帰後、US Openには出場できませんでしたね。。つまり、エナンの最後のUS Openは2007年、5年前のことになります。ファンとしては、ついこの間のように思えるんですけどね。。エナンのテニスが恋しいです。。

By the way, after Henin came back to the tour, she couldn't play at US Open... So, her last US Open was in 2007, it's 5 years ago. As a fan, it was like only yesterday... I miss Henin's tennis very much...


1775.Very soon.

2012-08-26 12:15:00 | Topics
US Open、明日からですね。早いですね。。AOで始まったGSも、今年最後のUSOとなりました。でも、何だか気分が盛り上がる前に、始まってしまう感じがします(^^;)。。錦織君、伊達さんの活躍を楽しみにしています☆

US Open will start tomorrow. Time seems to pass by fast... Grand Slam starts at AO, and this time, USO is the last GS this year. Hmm., before I get interest in it, it'll start(^^;)... Anyway, I'm looking forward to supporting Nishikori-kun and Date-san☆



2012-08-25 12:15:00 | Topics

In this summer vacation for kids, Ghibli movies often were aired on TV. Every works made by Miyazaki are really great. My favorite work is the original of "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind"☆. But it has very strong message and difficult philosophical expression, so, I would not be able to understand everything he expressed in this work(^^;)... Anyway.., whenever I read this original works, I'm connected emotionally to Kushana.

Kushana of the movie is described as "wrong one" who invaded valley of wind and handled Giant Warrior. But in original work, Kushana too is struggling against her destiny as a princess of Torumekia. And Yupa is dead to save Kushana, because he expects the remaining world would need her. She too is a character with good message. In original work, the "wrong one" for Nausicaa is not Kushana, it's what human being committed in the past.

And about relationship of Kushana and Nausicaa, like this photo, Kushana is so glad to know Nausicaa is alive. Maybe, they have a strong trust relationship. Hmm., a big difference from the story of movie(^^;)... Well, according to Wikipedia, Nausicaa is 16 years old, Kushana is 25 years old, and Kurotowa is 27 years old. Oh., I was thinking Kurotowa was a older man... Anyway., Nausicaa is like a high school student?, unbelievable...

List of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind characters(Japanese)(Wikipedia)

Nausicaa is transcend the bounds of human's emotion in this work. It's like God, she has many enlightenments. I can't understand everything(^^;)... If Nausicaa is a real girl, it's too great, and scary...

Hmm.., the attitude of two young is really high level of maturity(^^;)... By the way, Kushana had a long hair like the movie, but she cut own hair by herself to leave for fallen soldier. Woman at 25 years old shouldered many things... Following one's destiny, struggling, resigning to die and being saved by other death, her growth through the story is one of viewpoints in this work.

What do you think of today's topic?. Kushana of the Valley of the Wind, huh?(^^;)... Oh, the fighting spirit is really cool☆. Anyway, this topic is just my opinion, so, please don't mind about the detail.
Henin's fighting spirit is also cool☆(crazy fan). Belgian Henin of the Valley of Wind?. Hehe♪


1773.Rich woman?

2012-08-24 12:15:00 | Topics

I keep watching the drama at 9 on Monday in this term. The drama is "Rich man, Poor woman". In my case, it was very difficult to find a job because of ice age for employment, and I have a fixation for "employment" even now(^^;). So, I was interested in drama. Watching it, it was not only romance, but also message of "working at company", it was a good drama.

Rich man, Poor woman(FujiTV)

Of course, it's a just unreal "dramatic story" very much, but actors play very well, so, I keep watching it. Anyway.., the heroine is a beautiful woman who is a student of the science department at Tokyo University and can't find a job. She is great enough, why is she a "poor woman"?... Maybe, I'm a poorerererer woman(^^;)...
Belgian rich woman Justine, I support you☆(crazy fan)



2012-08-23 12:15:00 | Topics

ST-san, Thank you very much for the informations about Justine☆. Let me write about this in this blog, thank you. Wow, it's a recent Henin's activity. She worked at UNICEF. I'm in far place from Belgium, so, I can't check a lot about Belgian Justine... But according to some informations, she worked at RG, Olympic and UNICEF. Very good, Justine. Oh, her nice ring is shining☆

From ST-san☆, Thank you!

These days, I seem to see her as a different woman from a tennis player. Maybe, it's normal, because she doesn't play tennis now... Anyway, I'm glad to know her activities and never changed character. Very good sandals(^^;). I always wish your success, Justine. I support you from Japan.
