
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

576.Difficult to win...

2009-03-31 12:32:45 | Tennis
あぁ、サフィンお兄様、接戦に負けてしまいました(7-5, 5-7, 6-7)。。ん?。これは、またBOUZUな予感がします(笑)。どうして、髪切っちゃうんですかー?。私には、髪が伸びてた方が、イケメンに見えます☆

Oh., Safin-sama lost in close match(7-5, 5-7, 6-7)... Hmm? He is skin head again?(laugh). Why does he do it-? I like him with getting hair, he's nicer that way☆
あれ、妹のサフィナさん、サックりと負けてしまいました(1-6, 4-6)。やっぱり、いつも勝つのは、難しいのですね。。じゃ、何?。やっぱりウィ姉妹はすごいってことですか?。。うぅー、誰か出て来ませんかねぇ?

Oh., his youger sister Safina-san, she had a easy lost(1-6, 4-6). Hmm., it's difficult to get a win constantly. Hmm., What? It means Williams sisters are just strong..? Mmm.., Where's the new heroine?

Oh., Ana-san lost too... Come on-, what are they doing? "The players who will break through as a star this year" I expected are all lost... I'm a poor judge... Well., her uniform is cut with angle., I think it would be uncomfortable for player? ...Whenever I watch these photos, I think so(laugh)

Go, just now, Kuz-chan! She won in 4th R. She doesn't get a title for a long time... Go for it☆. Well.., I support her, but I don't know the detail about her.., so I checked her on Wikipedia☆. Wow, She is the daughter of "sports family". Her brother is the silver medalist of the Atlanta Olympics. OK, Go to London, Kuz-chan☆

* Svetlana Kuznetsova(Wikipedia)

575.Things I don't have...

2009-03-30 12:35:13 | Topics

Big eater..., It's not the word for me... I have a weak stomach.., so I can't enjoy eating than other people... Last Saturday night, I could eat all of M-size fries at McDonald's, I thought my stomach was great today. But I took a gastrointestinal medicine a short time later... The next day, my stomach is in bad condition.., I have decreased appetite... Why??... Life is inequality(laugh)...

So I like the TV program of "Big eater", because I can't eat a lot of food. I envy them... Well., the big eaters are very slim. It means it depends on your genetic factor..? I think it's just one's ability(laugh)... Because I can't eat a lot like that, even if I make a effort... For your info, the champion of this eating contest was "the witch Sugawara-san", it was second straight win. And this TV program, actually, it's "pros and cons", I have heard so. Yes., there're some food shortage places., so it might be lack discretion...

It's said you should have "specialism" to you., but it's not easy to have it. Of course, you need a big effort to get the level. But the person who can have "specialism" is just elite, I think. Hmm., but whenever I think so., I hate oneself more(wry laugh).

The mental strength and concentration power, the former queen has that things that I can't have... I aspire to them. But, also the elite aspire to the "ordinary life" of the person like me? Hmm., No., any life is severe, I think(laugh). It' s difficult to judge what is priority., and whether it's what I can do by only myself or not..(What happened to me?(laugh))... Anyway, I want to eat a lot of food(laugh)


2009-03-29 06:19:25 | Topics

This topic is not about Henin-san, but I took this photo(laugh). Well., these days, I watched TV and laughed a lot, so I write about them. Ahaha, this photo, good smile☆. I hope she is laughing now too.

Bakabon?. Maju Ozawa?. Maybe, you wouldn't know what kind of CM it is(laugh). This is the CM of "pinball machine". When I watched it for the first time, I thought., it was serious play.., but she was Bakabon.., "What is this CM?"... Maybe, also you would think "?" from start to finish(laugh). OK, I linked them of YouTube and Homepage. Enjoy the funny 30 seconds.

* Drama Version【YouTube】
* Tensai-Bakabon【CM】←【全てのバージョン】「テレビCM配信中」→「CMギャラリー」の順にクリック!

If you are a tennis fan, try it too(laugh). I think.., if you receive by your head, it would not produce the sound of ball(laugh)... The narration is interesting too. I laughed about them for 5 minutes.

* Tennis Version【YouTube】

Henin-san., How about this comedy? on tennis show or something(laugh). No such thing..? But I think, if former queen receive by her head, it would go into loud laugh(laugh). Well., I want to know how this CM is made... Hmm., No, I'm not going to make it, I just want to know(laugh).

I watched this sisters on the mimic comedy of "Tonneruzu". It's said they are not a true sister, just a partner(laugh). This atmosphere is funny already(laugh)... Hmm., you can know my laughing point on this blog(laugh)...

* Asagaya-sisters【YouTube】
* 博士と助手〜細かすぎて伝わらないモノマネ選手権〜(Wikipedia)

573.Which language?

2009-03-28 08:48:02 | Tennis
くずちゃん、マイアミで2R、勝ちました(2-6, 7-5, 6-1)。でも一瞬、また2R没かと思われるスコアでしたね。。もぅ、今年になっても、まだパっとしないですね。記事も厳しいですね。。頑張って下さいね☆

Kuznetsova won in the 2nd round in Miami(2-6, 7-5, 6-1). But it was a close score, so it was not easy won... Hmm., this year, she is still in bad condition... The media says the bitter topic to her... Go for it, Kuznetsova☆

Kuznetsova needs to get her game turned around quickly if she hopes to remain a top-10 player

* Kuznetsova looks to get untracked in Miami
Oh, Dementieva also won in the 2R. she lost in the 2R last tournament. Good for her.

Kuznetsova plays the doubles match with Mauresmo. I often look at the photos of both players together. Hmm.., they speak English for communication? "piroshki is delicious" "What? croissant is delicious too" ...Like this(laugh)?

* Piroshki(Wikipedia)
* Croissant(Wikipedeia)

They speak English.., right? Slovak and Japanese, maybe, these languages are not spoken by many people in the world. If you can speak English, French, Spanish, Chinese, it would be your advantage.

Kim-sama will come back. In Japan, it's known that she played the doubles match with Sugiyama-san a long time ago. Play again?(laugh). Hmm.., No way..? Oh-oh.., Henin's topic is gradually going away from this blog-(tears).


2009-03-27 12:25:01 | Topics

In September last year(2008), I had a trip to Paris-Brussels-Amsterdam. Speaking of Netherlands, it's the tulip♪. And K-1?(laugh). When I arrived in Amsterdam from Brussels, first of all, I though "everyone is bigger"(laugh). Hmm., yes, maybe, they might to be strong at K-1(no relation?). And this country has many free right, it means "legal" things which are "illegal" in Japan. It's selling cannabis(Coffeeshop) and managed prostitution(Kazari-mado)... To do or not to do, it depends on your moral, it's self-responsibility.., I thought so. Yes, each country is different.

* Kingdom of the Netherlands(Wikipedia)
* K-1(Wikipedia)
* Coffeeshop(Wikipedia)
* Kazari-mado(Wikipedia)
アムステルダムで買ったチューリップが、静岡で咲きました。何か…感動的☆。日本で「オランダ」を感じましたよ、ダッチ~、ダンキュ~(Dank u:ありがとう)。オランダは、「蘭学」とか歴史的にも交流ありましたよね。そして、皇室も昔は色々ありましたが、今は仲良しで、雅子様もご静養に行かれていたと思います。

The tulip I bought in Amsterdam blossomed in Sizuoka. Wow.., touching☆. I felt "Nertherlands" in Japan, Hi, Dutch-, Dank u(Thank you). Japan had historical interaction "Western learning" with Nertherlands. And Imperial family had some disputes a long time ago, but now they have good relationship, so Princes Masako-sam went there to rest quietly, you know.

* Western learning(Wikipedia)

Kim-san announced her comeback☆ She is from North Belgium(Flemish area), so she speaks Dutch? Which language does she speak, when she talks with Henin-san... Hmm., anyway, the advantage of comeback is.., you can come back with the "spirit of challenge" rather than the "spirit of win"., I think. OK, she can be shining☆ Oh, Date-san keeps a win now☆. Their attitude toward one's work is so nice!  

I still have that craving. I look forward to the challenge

* Clijsters returns to WTA after 2-year retirement

571.Come back??!!

2009-03-26 12:29:47 | Tennis

Former queen, Kim Clijsters would come back. Oh., it was a true topic. OK, yes, she's still 25 years old, so she can still go enough☆. I envy Kim's fans. Besides it's a good timing to come back, because women's tennis is not exciting now. Last year(2008), Belgium lost the great player, Justine Henin.

* Former queen Clijsters would come back?!
* Clijsters sought Open wild card

I'm a Japaneses, so I don't know the detail about Belgium.., but Kim-san seemed to have more fans than Henin-san?, when both players played. Hmmm., honestly., it'll seem to have the difference of popularity this time(laugh), because Henin-san retired suddenly last year, and Kim-san will come back in calm Belgium. Hmmm., maybe, Henin would never mind about it.., but Belgium would pay attention to Kim-san a lot, I think... Yes, it's natural thing... But I'll support Henin-san, the next would be Kim-san(laugh).

By the way, How about their relationship(laugh)? They seems to be contrastive... Hmm., Henin-san really doesn't feel anything, huh? But if everyone will pay attention to Kim-san's comeback, she might look a bigger "presence of tennis" than before..?, I think. "Hey, Find yourself, you would need tennis!(laugh)". No, she just goes her way by her strong mind(laugh)? OK, Anyway, I don't say comeback to her, but I want her to cherish Belgian fans☆ I'll support her from Japan.

570.The Double.

2009-03-25 12:34:01 | Topics

World baseball classic(WBC), Japan had second straight win!. I'm a tennis fan(laugh), but let me write about baseball today!. Ichiro did game-ending hit at the last moment. Great!. He said "God came to me at the last bat", but maybe, he must be already God(laugh).

* Maybe, Ichiro is God!

He was in bad condition for a long time, but he did "great hit" in final, so Great☆. Generally speaking, if you have a long carrier, you would have opportunity to have injury or slump, I think... But in his case, he didn't have injury, and he has many records of hit. Yes, he must be God, I think☆. But I like Iwakuma-san☆ Oh.., I'm sorry about that.

* Iwakuma, good evaluation!

By the way, as a tennis fan, I write about tennis a little(laugh). Well., According to Date-san's blog, she'll play doubles too this time. The partner is Sema-san. They played in singles final at all Japan tennis last year.

Date-san got great win☆. Her game-making, technique and mental side were great. When I watched the age difference match, I thought again, tennis was not only power. Tennis is profound sports. And Date-san proved her strength(ability) enough much, I think. Around forty, great☆. Maybe, Sema-san will have good experience. Go for it, both players, we'll support them☆

* Date-san's blog ~Always Smile~

569.The winner!

2009-03-24 12:49:26 | Topics

Indian Wells, Nadal-kun got the title! Wow, he has pretty smile☆ So I took this photo in the top on this topic. Recently, Almost his photos were grim expression. So this photo made me have a smile too. He would become an impregnable King.

* Nadal, Zvonareva win BNP Open titles

Women's tennis, Zvonareva got the title. Russia has many good players... Besides, every players are beautiful, huh? For your info, there're five Russian top players in the current top ten(3/24). Safina(2), Dementieva(4), Zvonareva(5), Kuznetsova(8), Petrova(9).., Wow?! How many players does Russia have?! And Oh, Maria-sama too... But this time, she'll skip Miami.

* Sharapova withdraws from Key Biscayne
* The top 10 in WTA, 2008. 3. 24

Ana-san lost in the final. I was thinking she would get the title this time.., but I'm blind to the players(laugh)., it veered from my forecast very far... But this time, her shout was sharper than last year., it's the signs of getting back? Serbian fairy, Come on☆

Date-san lost to Fujiwara-san in Semifinal... They were the partner in Doubles. She seemed to be in bad condition.., and she couldn't entry the tournament in Miami., I'm sorry to hear that. Hmm., it's a hard reality... Anyway, the tennis players, not only Date-san, they are quick to snap out of the mind. They have no time to bother about it.., it seems to be hard. Go for it, we'll support her☆
But, Today only, I mind about Baseball-. Go, Japan!

568.What's YouTube..?

2009-03-23 12:38:04 | Topics

YouTube was established on February 15th in 2005. The opportunity to set up it was, the founder dreamed up "Everyone share the video clips easily" with the technology which he shared the video of party to his friends. YouTube means "Broadcast Yourself". It puts "An individual makes a broadcast, and enjoys distributing it" in the message.(Wikipedia). Heh-...

* YouTube(Wikipedia)
2007年6月19日に、YouTubeは日本語対応になりました。私は、2007年6月25日にアカウント(チャンネル)を作っています。そう、日本語対応となり、作った動画「Justine Henin 2007 Roland Garros」を試しにUPしてみたのです。いきなり違法ですね☆。そういえば、YouTubeって「ヨウツベ」とか言われてましたよね(笑)。

YouTube served Japanese version on June 19th in 2007. I had the account(my channel) on June 25th in 2007. Yes, I uploaded my first clip "Justine Henin 2007 Roland Garros" as a test. It was illegal from beginning☆. Well, YouTube was called "YouTsube" at first(laugh).
あれ…?。私が非公開にしたはずの「Justine Henin 2007 US Open」を発見しました。ほぉ~(笑)。いや、私自身は、著作権を放棄しているので、全く気にしないですよ。それに、私は「suhu」ですから(笑)。しかし、画像、音声の質がキレイのままですね。なかなかですな(笑)。あ、良かったら、この人の動画、見てあげて下さい(笑)☆

Hmm..?, I found my closed clip "Justine Henin 2007 US Open". Heh~(laugh). OK, I don't mind about it at all, because I abandon the copyright. Besides, I'm "suhu"(laugh). Hmm., but the frame and sound are still good quality. Good(laugh). Oh, if you have time, please watch this someone's clip(laugh)☆

* Justine Henin 2007 US Open
* YouTube【My channel】

Maybe, you would have some psychological action to YouTube. For example, I upload my clips on YouTube, but I don't have any benefit about it. I become just a criminal(laugh). But I think about "Everyone would think how my clips are", and "I made it, so I want everyone to watch my clips". If you upload, you would have the psychological action like that, right? After a while, I questioned my mind. So I set my new clips were tagless., because I wanted only her fans and visitors to my channel to watch them. Hmm., but now, almost my clips are "closed"(laugh)...

If my clips help reminding fan's "memory of Henin", I want to make public them(laugh). But they are illegal, they are just my egotistic clips... If her fan's and her involved people think "displeasure or nuisance".., I'm so so so so so sorry(I don't want to do that...) What's YouTube? I only wanted to support her with all my heart... still now too☆

567.The worth of...

2009-03-22 07:55:55 | Topics

Kimiko Date has retired at 25 years old. And she came back at 37 years old. She is just a great player... Yesterday, she wrote on her blog, young player can't control game-making because of "young". Heh, really? I think it's her "ability" to see and predict the run of play... But yes, when I played tennis at schooltime, I could know my condition. But if you're in bad condition, it would be difficult to control during the match, I think.

Justine Henin has retired at 25 years old. How about comeback?! If she comes back, she would be just a great player, absolutely... By the way, the arrow around her arm on this photo, you can know, her arm and wrist spin around. I have heard, this spin has the most power on human bone structure. She has beautiful form. But.., About the little finger of Date-san and Henin-san.., I don't know(laugh). The tension of the muscles? You look at it, do you?...

Well.., the Japanese chess(Shogi) player, Habu-san said "When you are in late 20s - 30s, you could not play Shogi by memory". But he said also, "In stead of it, you have many experiences, so you need to change the tactics along your age". I thought we can say that for tennis., so I wrote about this...

I forgot the words who said, but I remember "25 years old is turning point on tennis carrier". Hmm., maybe, it has no reason.., but it might depend on women's mental., because physical potential at 25 is not a big problem, right?

Once you lose your motivation.., you can't come back easily... If you can't change the tactics and the meaning of motivation like Date-san., No., If you have not to do it.., you would never come back, I think... Human get old... we can't be young for a long time, so we should change the mind at that time.., I thought so. It's not only "young", your "experiences" you did until now have great worth☆. Your time is not waste, it would make something for you. Hmm., anyway, I just want to watch.., Henin's tennis more.....