
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2012-11-30 12:15:00 | Topics

Every day, when I write something on my blog, I never think about today's topic until the moment I just write on(^^;)... Turning on my PC, checking some sites of tennis, and then, I begin to think about what I want to write today. About Henin, Date-san and myself... Whenever I come here, I can write something. Haha, maybe, I might write on my blog for a change like a trip, like this photo... This is the photo I took at Hiroshima airport last weekend.


1861.Next year too.

2012-11-29 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san won in the second round at Dubai. Good☆. And I found a good news about her last night. According to the news, Date-san continues one's career next year too. She is really the player who has quit suddenly at 26, huh?(^^;)... I respect her spirit and professionalism. This is the photo at the beginning of the new year. Her challenge is already higher level than I think. We'll support her next year too☆

Date-san will play tennis next year too!(Yahoo!)
Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~


1860.Pregnant Justine☆

2012-11-28 12:15:00 | Topics

Hello, Henin-☆. ST-san gave us many information about Justine on the comment column of yesterday's topic☆. Thank you very very much, ST-san!. If you want to know more info, check them. I'm so glad she appears in the media like this. I'll check them later☆



2012-11-27 12:15:00 | Topics

I'm busy these days... Many things happen everyday, so, I spend lots of time to deal with them... Even in such a variable situation, I listen to the same song everyday. I still listen to the song I used to make my video about Henin. It makes me lift my spirit(^^;)

If you shout(51sep)

I think this beat really fits Henin's tennis and spirit. Listening to the song, I just feel good. It's in 2007 when Henin played the best. This is the photo she got the title in Dubai. Well, Date-san too is in Dubai now, I'll support her!

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2012-11-26 12:15:00 | Topics

Date-san got the second place at Toyota☆. Congratulations!. She got it second time following the tournament at India, very good career. And she keeps playing in Dobai too after this... What a strong guts... She wouldn't take a rest at the end of the year?(^^;)... Anyway, I keep supporting her☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~



2012-11-23 12:15:00 | Topics

This is the photo I took just one month ago, in late October. That's cosmoses. It's beautiful, right?☆. I like the flower which is shining in short season autumn very much♪

This is the photo was taken just five years ago, in late October. That's Henin-sama. It's beautiful, right?☆. I like the flower who is shining in short career very much♪


I'll take a rest in this weekend. See you later.


2012-11-22 12:15:00 | Topics

Even now, I sometimes think why I became such a crazy fan of Henin(^^;). Objectively, a difference between her fan and not her fan seems to be. Anyway, for me, my favorite player was just Henin.

I can't describe the reason why I'm a crazy fan... But, even now, I think I want to be strong like Henin. Haha, maybe, when I feel down, I would yearn for the strong spirit like her. Oh, I'm a simple person...



2012-11-21 12:15:00 | Topics
最近、Google Earthなるものを知りました。スマートフォンのアプリをダウンロードしたのですが、この3D映像がとてもリアルなのです。世界中、指先一つでどこへでも行けるので、バーチャル旅行で気分転換できます(^^;)。ま、実際に行ければ、一番いいんですけど。。

A few weeks ago, I knew about Google Earth. Then I downloaded the application of Google Earth on my smart phone. The 3D images look very real. You can go anywhere in the world with your fingertips, and you would enjoy a virtual trip(^^;). But anyway, if you can go there in real, that's the best...
Yes, you can go to the country of Henin and enjoy a virtual trip☆



2012-11-20 12:15:00 | Topics
昨日、Kindle Paperwhiteが発売されたようです。7980円は安いですね。円高のため、米国より日本の方が安く買えるようです。今は似たようなタブレット端末が多くて、よく分からないですが(^^;)、「Kindleと言えば、アマゾンの電子書籍」と言うのは、随分前から言われていましたよね。

According to the linked topic, Kindle Paperwhite was released yesterday. It's at 7980 yen, very cheap. Because of appreciating yen, it's cheaper in Japan than in USA. There are many kinds of tablets now, I don't know the detail about all of them(^^;), but I knew "Speaking of Kindle, it's a digital book by amazon".

Kindle Paperwhite(Yahoo topic)

About digital books... I like analog one, so, I prefer notebook and paperback book. But I want to read a newspaper and magazine like a daily paper on digital. Oh, only the magazine about Henin, I just keep the actual magazine permanently☆(crazy fan)



2012-11-19 12:15:00 | Topics

Tennis is off season now. But Date-san keeps playing tennis. Two months later, in January next year, Australian season will come... I really admire her attitude to tennis. I want to emulate her behavior-☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~

To keep playing tennis and to keep practicing are not what everyone can do easily. We have to make an effort to achieve something... So, I too have to do my best...
