
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

69.The end- year...

2007-12-31 18:15:39 | Diary
Today, I came back to Japan from my trip. Oh.. It's already the end-year.. But I can't accept it yet.. I'm still in my trip(laugh).. How about your end-year?? I hope it's so good.
This time, I went to France and England. it's typical abroad package tour. So, I'll write my feeling about my trip on this blog later. It might seek myself?!(laugh). When I went abroad, I'm always thinking about myself. Because I can look at myself objectively. But when I went to USA to watch Henin's match, It was not usual. I just enjoyed watching the match!(laugh)
I want you think the different culture. But this is my opinion, so Don't be influenced by my opinion(laugh). It's just for reference..

68.A trip!

2007-12-23 19:57:33 | Topics
I'll go on a trip tomorrow. I often go in the winter season. Last year, I went to Kyusyu. But this winter, I'll go abroad alone! Wow.. What am I doing.. This year, I went to Spain and USA too. USA was irregular.. I went there to watch the match of Henin. But It's the best memory! Thank you, Henin! A trip is great to see myself. But at same time, I have a little problem like a self-hate(laugh). What am I doing? I think I have what I should do.. But I'll go. Yeah, Maybe it might be OK. It's OK to learn, fell, think something new.. So, I'll stop my blog. But I'll come back here a few days later. See you again!

67.What's the past...?

2007-12-22 22:22:02 | Diary
Everyone often says "when I was young, It was good..". Why? Um.. Yes.. I also think the past was good. But Now is good too, I think. Now, It came to be convenience for everything. It developed IT, so we can know about anything so easily. It's good thing! But instead, many things change, become rundown, and might become to be difficult to realise in reverse.. What's your happiness? What should you know? What's the essentiality for you? Everything is difficult to find that.. The past.. It might be simple and beautiful for sure. But now, it might be complicated.. I think that, because I might have the luxury to live now.. But I have a conflict and suffer from something. Yes, We have a greed.. Where's the balance I should have? I always don't know that. But we couldn't change the past I made. I should accept the past and I should improve myself. I get older, I always think what I should do. Yes, now too. But I can't know that. I should just do what I want to do, and what I can do the best...


66.I don't know my capacity.

2007-12-21 13:00:39 | Topics
Do you know how to have maintenance for yourself? I don't know that yet. The topic is said that sometimes you should take it easy, look at the condition, abandon your hope not to fray your nerves. Um.. Yes, I think so a little.. I think you shouldn't do more until you put you in a difficult situation. But I sometimes think that, if I do my best I'll have different results. And I have some regrets about doing nothing. Of course, We don't know the best way at that time and now. If we can see that, it'll be much later. Sometimes we should do more and sometimes we should abandon. It's case by case. I don't know my capacity I have. Sometimes I can do and sometimes I can't do. I might need not to adhere the result and the process. But I always think about that. I might need to change my character(laugh).


65.Working poor..

2007-12-20 22:05:02 | Diary
For what purpose do you work? For money? Yes, I have to earn some money to live. But even if we work for same time, we don't get same money.. We know that. Recently, It's said if you work hard enough, you can't get enough money. It's called "working poor". Luckily, I have a job and I can earn some money(not a lot..) now. Actually, I might not be able to know so much about the situation. But I'm also a one of them think so. If you work on a big company, you can get high salary. Even if it's same kinds of job.. World around us is unfair. And money influences everything.. But Not everything is about money, I think. But.. To be honest, I want lots of money(laugh).You too, right?? But I want to treasure my a little mind which I want to learn something new and to make contributions to my company..


64.Federer and Henin!

2007-12-19 12:47:49 | Tennis
ITF(International Tennis Federation) was announced Federe and Henin are selected as "the champion for the year". Yes, Henin was strong this year! She won 10 titles include 2 Grand Slams(Roland Garros, US open). She had 63 victories and 4 defeats! Fantastic! Henin!She is from Belgium and French speaker. Belgium has 3 languages(French, German, Dutch). Wow.. How do they broadcast TV programs? 3 languages? Everyone knows 3 languages??? It's a dialect like a "kansaiben"??? Oh.. I'm sorry... Probably, It must have difficult history.. I don't know so much about that.. But I like Belgium! I want to go there someday! 



63.Effect of a placebo

2007-12-18 13:01:41 | Topics
Tamiflu is anti-influenza medicine. The character is applying influenza A and B virus. It's the first choice medicine for influenza. But it was said Tamiful produced abnormal behavior. So, According to the company investigation, 60% of aberrationist took the Tamiful. Yes, 40% was not taken. It was not causal association. The medicine has effect of a placebo. I work on like a medical company. I always see that effect. Sometimes placebo won against true medicine(laugh). People depends on psychology so much. The influenza brings high fever. So people might lose their head over. It's difficult to differentiate "yes(causal)" from "no(no-causal)". I think if you catch the influenza, you should sleep well and eat a lot for a few days. When your immune function improve, you'll get better, I think. But I know so much about your mind you want to take some medicine. Because the sick get weak your mind and mental. Yeah, me too...


62.A big stomach!

2007-12-17 12:47:03 | Topics
Gal Sone is big eater star.I have watched she ate 10-12kg a day on TV. Eh?? What a big stomach! How much does she take money to eat a day(laugh).. The topic is said she won against wrestler at the eating contest. She ate 3Kg curried rice for 9 minutes 23 second.. I can't believe it.. Does she enjoy the taste?(laugh) Recently, I can't eat a lot. My stomach got small.. So when I watch her eating, I feel great. I'm sure I don't have a pleasure of eating more than her.. But I don't take much money to eat for sure. I don't know which one is better..


61.The "義"

2007-12-16 21:46:52 | Topics
I watched historical drama "風林火山" every Sunday. Today, It was final episode. I was impressed and cried.. Long long time ago, There was the spirit "義". Of course, It's in now too. But at that time, It proved by risk one's life. We can't think like that now.. Probably, another countries must have the history like that. The times is changed. But, it kept to mention by historical drama. We watch that, we remind something. It's the spirit, culture, custom.. It's said the justice"義" and humility"謙虚" are virtue"美徳" in Japan (When it's long time ago? or now too?). What do people in another countries think that?? I think it should keep to remind in our mind.. But it depends on the times.. It needs a balance. Now The global time has come!

風:To be quick is like a wind
林:To be quite is like a forest
火:To invade is like a fire
山:Not to move is like a mountain

The translation is correct???(laugh)


60.3D movie!

2007-12-15 23:30:04 | Diary
I went to watch the movie "BEOWULF" with my co-worker in Shinjuku. It's 3D. There are little 3D theater. We wear glasses to watch 3D movie. It was my first time. It was good! I like the movie like a fantasy. But It was lots of CG(computer graphics). It looked like a game.. It's used so much to main actors.. I think we can't watch their acting skill. If it's used lots of CG, it should do all CG, I think. It's halfway measures a little bit.. But I like this movie for entertainment. It's expressed "human lust" simply. Human is so weak.. Of course me too..
