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1051.Very Henin!

2010-07-31 14:16:39 | Topics

I knew about Henin for a long time. But I began to check more about her around 2007 AO she didn't play. After that, when I looked Henin's tennis again, maybe, I became a fan to her tennis and attitude. And now, I'm a crazy fan...(^^;)

That year 2007, Henin's tennis was very strong. She couldn't get the WB title, but she got RG and USO titles. She was "mighty queen" who got 10 titles a year☆. After that, she burned out.., but, Looking back, it was natural feeling, maybe she couldn't help that feeling...

Henin always changes suddenly(^^;). So, someone might talk about her. this retirement and comeback look selfish... But I don't think so(Because I'm a fan?). Because human is not perfect., and her passion might have come from other, not herself. I don't know the detail about her, but after retirement, she experienced a lot, and looked at oneself and life, finally, she chose to come back to tennis, that's the fact. Maybe, she might just live a life with honesty. I guess so and envy it(^^;)

Coming back, she sometimes would have had hard time. And she also have to deal with getting older. Henin seems to be a thoughtful woman, so, she might feel the difficult and meaning for her second career. But I think., it would be because she is still young☆. Date-san who is 12 years older than Henin is brilliant even now, she is learning something in tennis for herself day-to-day. Maybe, Henin can go one more step, I believe☆

During taking a rest for the injury, she might have feeling of frustration and think a lot... But the answer is nothing(^^;). Like Date-san, "You enjoy playing tennis and game, in the result, you will go forward" would be ultimate one..? I don't know the best answer.., I like that attitude and I'm touched by it☆. Yes, I hope Henin will enjoy playing tennis healthy. I'll support her whether she wins or loses☆



2010-07-30 12:45:23 | Topics

Date-san lost to Dementieva at 6-3, 3-6, 4-6 in the second round at Stanford. Oh, a little bit more!. Anyway, it was great match against the top player. In Date-san's blog, she wrote about the defeat with grace, good loser. That her attitude is also cool☆(crazy fan)

* Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~

It's the statistics of this match. Really a narrow margin. Hmm.., Forgive me to say about her age, you know, she is 39 years old now. She played tennis against ten years younger player seriously, and she made this result, that's great. She must have had more confidence☆
She(Date-san) played fast and hit the ball flat. She's just a great athlete. It's amazing how she played and what great shape she is in.(E.D.)


Dementieva won the close match, she's just a top player☆. Keep winning, Just Go☆(^^)//

* Dementieva, Stosur advance to quarterfinal

Date-san, Always thank you for your fight☆ She is brilliant now, so nice☆. OK, let me write "Allez!" in the photo of Date-san☆(crazy fan). Now, the summer season is just getting started. She would go ahead more and more, I guess☆(fan's talk)

And about Henin. Thank you for the information and translation about Henin, Greeny-san☆ According to this topic, she would start her training with a racket around the end of August?. Yes, Recover the right elbow injury completely☆. We'll wait for you☆

"It was the correct anaylsis not to get an operation", said the spokesperson for Justine to the newspaper Gazette Des Sports. "The four weeks of rest has done the job of healing. Now Justine must remain, however careful and patient. In the best case scenario she can start to practice tennis again around the end of August. In the meantime, Justine will work hard on (fitness) conditioning. Also on herself, the person; to heal and rise from an injury -emotionally, spiritually and philosophically." /Translation©Greenout July 2010




2010-07-29 12:39:30 | Topics
Speaking of Dementieva, that's the 2nd round at AO this year☆. That was a big match☆

Henin won at 7-5, 7-6, and took about three hours. Three hours for the 2 sets, that was great match... Dementieva felt the frustration for herself unusually?

* AO 2nd round, Henin v.s. Dementieva

She is Mama-Deme, isn't she?. She is the coach of her daughter Dementieva. Oh., she just prayed for her daughter(^^;)... Yes, If I watched this match on live TV, I must have prayed for Henin(^^)/
Henin won this tight match, She is just a fighter☆
Now, Date-san is playing the match against Dementieva!. 1set-all. Just Go, Date-san!


1048.Two times in a row!

2010-07-28 12:36:07 | Topics

Date-san came from behind to win against Safina at 4-6, 7-6(0), 6-2 in the first round at Stanford. The match lasted two hours, 22 minutes, and Date-san had second straight win against Safina☆. Wow, in the clay court and hard court too. Great!. Congratulations☆. Oh--, her wear is purple☆. Maybe, someone in Belgium would have a purple wear too☆

They played after coming back from the injury. According to Date-san's blog, she didn't write about her injury, so maybe, she would have been in good condition. Very good. She is Just a professional. And Safina suffers from her back injury for a long time, I'm sorry about that...

This is the statistics of this match. What do you think about that?. Safina had more double faults and she couldn't keep her service game?. I don't know the detail.., but maybe, Date-san might have dominated this match by her experience and reading minds(fan's talk☆). Anyway, I'm happy to watch Date-san's second win in a row against Safina☆

Date-san will face to Dementieva. Dementieva also came back from her injury. But she is a top player... Anyway, Dementieva seems to be moody person(^^;), so if Date-san can get her good rhythm in tennis, she would have the possibility to win☆. Now, Go for it, Date-san!. We'll support her☆



2010-07-27 12:31:07 | Topics

The refreshing sky blue color. I like her black(deep blue?) wear at Brisbane, and she looked nice in the sky blue too. But she seemed to prefer the pink wear?(^^;)

By the way, the tennis magazines often have the special topic about "backhand", and whenever you read that topic, you would look at the successive picture about Henin's backhand☆. Because there are few women players with one-handed backhand, and Henin's form is very beautiful(fan's talk)
See, she catches the sweet spot exactly, right?☆. And dynamic form☆. I love it.
See, she folds her wear exactly, right?☆. Actually, meticulous?☆. she loves perfect?(^^)//

She has great technique to return any kinds of ball, high ball and low ball. But maybe, even if they analyze Henin's one-handed backhand in the magazine, we wouldn't be able to do that easily(^^;)... So yes, we just watch her tennis, and should admire her☆(fan's talk)


1046.Summer season.

2010-07-26 12:36:31 | Topics

Recently, it continues hot days... Deuce's fur seems to be hot in summer, huh?(^^;)... This photo, she looks very comfortable on Henin's knees. She would be a celebrity dog, because she can relax on Queen's knees(laugh)

These days, I can't sleep well... Oh, Deuce can sleep anywhere..?(^^;). I envy her. Now, How are you doing these days, Deuce?. When we will watch her the next, she might have hair cut..?, No way, just kidding.

By the way, Summer season in tennis is coming. Date-san will play against Safina again in the first match at Stanford(^^;). I wonder why Date-san's draw luck chose Safina for the second time in a row, even if there are many players... Go for it, Date-san, We'll support you☆

And it has passed almost one month since Henin had the injury at WB. It's about time she would remove a cast..? It is too early to do that..?. I don't want her to try too hard about the injury until she recovers completely, but I can't wait to watch her tennis☆


1045.Start again!

2010-07-25 07:50:09 | Topics

The tournament Date-san participates will begin in Stanford. Date-san had her first GS win at this RG after her comeback, many people still would remember that. Her opponent was Safina. Oh., actually, I wanted Henin to beat Safina for the revenge(^^;). Date-san had calf muscles injury, but she never gave up and in the end she won.

* Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~
Date-san won at 3-6, 6-4, 7-5☆. She won against such a big player Safina, a moving story☆

* Date v.s. Safina 【YouTube】

According to Date-san's blog, she practiced with Kleybanova. Oh, Henin-san also had the match against Kleybanova at AO. Anyway, she is big... Date-san is 163cm, shorter than Henin-san, so, she would have more difference than Henin in this photo...

* Kimiko Date Krumm(Wikipedia)
* Alisa Kleybanova(Wikipedia)
Oh, Jie-san is 164cm, so maybe, Henin and Date would be like this photo(^^)//

* Jie Zheng(Wikipedia)
Jie-san came to TORAY last year☆. Yes, we would see them in this practice court☆

Date-san respects Henin-san☆. Date-san said that on Twitter. The reason was "Henin has the spirit of athlete and strong mental power". Oh, I think Date-san has the same as Henin☆. Look at this photo, they, comeback players are very bright☆(crazy fan). For Japanese Henin's fan, we want to watch the match Date v.s. Henin☆. In the center court at TORAY?!☆



2010-07-24 07:51:09 | Topics

Carlos Rodriguez is Henin's coach who brings seven GS titles to Henin, and made her become No.1. When Henin was 14, she met him and played tennis under his leading since then. Wow, deep trust relationship. Henin is 28 now, so, maybe, she would spend almost half of one's life with him.

* Justine Henin【Wikipedia】

After Henin took a rest for a year and half, she made the decision about building her second career with Carlos☆. Hmm., maybe, Henin would never have thought about other coach for her comeback. Special relationship☆.

But during Henin's retirement, Carlos seemed to give the cooperation to Yanina?. I don't know the detail about that, but it seemed to be for a while. Hmm., The player next to Carlos is just Henin, it's the Best.

It means, "Henin would be stronger to Yanina"?☆. Because Carlos was with Yanina for a while, so, he might know a lot about her tennis, right?☆. Yes, OK. Just Go, Henin☆

It means, Henin chose Carlos and also Carlos chose Henin. Yes, they get along extremely well, so, they would keep having the bonding. Special relationship☆. Henin met her best coach, it was fateful meeting. Maybe, now, she grew up a lot, so, they might have the relationship they respect each other's positions, it might be different relationship from her first career. But we hope they two will have more successes☆


1043.You can do it?

2010-07-23 12:39:55 | Topics

When I was a fresh recruit, I asked the question to my senior worker, "What kind of person is excellent one?. That was a bother question(laugh). But my senior worker answered that question, "Hmm., maybe, they are always thinking about the work, and they just act what one should do, in advance". Oh, thank you for the advice. Yes, I think so too.

Thinking of it at this late date, my opinion is very simple, the "excellent person" is the one who always tries to work well and has a big ambition, I think. As a result, they might act what one should do in advance. In fact, the effort would not make it come true easily, not always., even in any situations, they try to do the best, the attitude looks very nice.

It might be expressed as the word "motivation". And if you have the "action", you would take courage to do that, I think. Because if you have a dream, you would have a risk as well... And even if you want to try it, you can't do it easily, maybe. Hmm., only me?...

And the people like that can believe oneself, I think. They try to do the best with confidence, so, they are attractive☆. Because it's not what everyone can do. Oh-oh., what's the today's blog? In the end, it's just my crazy fan's talk, huh?(^^;)... These days, the photos on this blog are all about Henin(crazy)...
