◯ SABRE engines to Space, 4時間で世界中どこでも。新エンジン「SABRE」で海外へ、そして宇宙へ

2016-01-23 07:22:28 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

To demonstrate the application of SABRE engines to space access,

REL has designed SKYLON, the first vehicle designed to be powered by SABRE engines.
SKYLON cutaway to show the SABRE engine

SKYLON is an unpiloted, reusable spaceplane intended to provide reliable, responsive and cost effective access to space. Currently in early development phase, the vehicle will be capable of transporting 15 tonnes of cargo into space. It is the use of SABRE's combined air-breathing and rocket cycles that enables a vehicle that can take off from a runway, fly direct to earth orbit and return for a runway landing, just like an aircraft.
SKYLON will provide aircraft-like access to space to enable:
Operation from runway to orbit and back
Order of magnitude reduction in cost vs. existing technology
400 x improved reliability
Responsive access to space
The European Space Agency assessment concluded that:
"...the SKYLON vehicle can be realised given today's current technology and successful engine development."

European Space Agency Report, 2011
Because SKYLON is reusable (unlike current single-use space launchers) it can be purchased by companies and nations that want space access in a manner similar to current civil aircraft. As with aircraft, purchasing a vehicle will provide a much more cost effective option than trying to develop an independent launcher system.

〓2016-01-23 07:22:28 gizmodo.jp
Vehicle and airplane
For 4 hours, all over the world, everywhere. And it's to the universe to foreign countries by a new engine "SABRE".
2014.12.16 12:00


The global back is closer than the country and.

An airplane seems fast and it takes time fairly. For example it takes more than 12 hours New York from Tokyo, so when arriving, I'm unsteady so often. When you can move by a short time more, petiteness is also something to seem able to go around the world on leave of about 2 weeks....

But the day when such delusion becomes a reality may be near. All over the world, an airplane of Mach 5 which can fly over everywhere in 4 hours has been developed. It's the engine system British aerospace company Reaction Engines Limited develops "SABRE" to become the liver.

SABRE can lower the air which comes into a system 1000 times by a centigrade in 0.01 seconds because it has a pull down container built-in. A usual jet engine compresses the air into which I come, the temperature of the air rises by that, so the material of the engine will be something heavy to stand hotly, the, that, the fuel which can be used is less, and it's said that the driving force is weakly. It's said that it can fly at higher speed because air can be cooled in an instant when I say short.

It'll be expected to be used by business airplane of 300 people of capacity as LAPCAT A2 from now on, and it's said that SABRE can tie between Brussels in Belgium and Sydney in Australia with "2-4 hours"! Moreover a ticket for the airplane assumes "roughness, the business class degree", and there seem to be a lot of people who would like to use the street, too and the cost seems to be also falling when some degree scales spread.

SABRE is that the wonderful one is able to use a spacecraft, not only that. Loading to a re-available spaceplane as SKYLON is planned. SKYLON can fly to space, taking off and landing is possible from a runway like an airplane, so the practical use quite low in cost and flexible than a conventional spacecraft is expected. Below is an interview of Alan Bond of a chief engineer.

The test flight using SABRE is close with 2019. It's to the extent 4 hours are nearer than a form of country, isn't it? You go to see an aurora a little on a weekend, and what thing may also be the one which becomes possible to buy the clothes which will be put on tomorrow to Paris?

source: Reaction Engines Limited via Business Insider via Science alert

2016-01-23 07:22:28 gizmodo.jp
乗り物 , 飛行機
2014.12.16 12:00




でも、そんな妄想が現実になる日は近いかもしれません。世界中どこでも4時間で飛んでいけるマッハ5の飛行機が開発されています。そのキモとなるのはイギリスの航空宇宙会社Reaction Engines Limitedが開発するエンジンシステム「SABRE」です。


SABREは今後LAPCAT A2という定員300人の商用航空機で使われる予定で、ベルギーのブリュッセルとオーストラリアのシドニーの間を「2~4時間」で結べるそうです! しかもその飛行機のチケットは「ざっくりビジネスクラス程度」を想定されていて、その通りなら使いたい人も多そうだし、ある程度スケールが広がればコストも下がっていくと思われます。

SABREがすごいのはそれだけじゃなく、宇宙船でも使えることです。SKYLONという再利用可能なスペースプレーンへの搭載が計画されています。SKYLONは宇宙空間に飛んでいけるんですが、飛行機と同じように滑走路から離着陸が可能なので、従来の宇宙船よりはるかに低コストで柔軟な運用が期待されています。以下はチーフエンジニアのAlan Bond氏のインタビューです。


source: Reaction Engines Limited via Business Insider via Science alert

◯ Hitler(Mein Kampf)ヒトラー『わが闘争』ドイツで70年ぶり再発売、注文殺到で増刷も

2016-01-22 07:41:11 | ♪ One Short Talk
2016-01-22 07:41:11 huffpost
Hitler (Mein Kampf)"my strife" is re-sale and order rush for 70 years after in Germany, an additional printing.

The Huffington Post | Writer : Sara Boboltz.
Contribution day: January 20, 2016 15:49 JST Renewing: January 20, 2016 19:37 JST(Mein Kampf)

The share

(Mein Kampf)

Hitler's book which became prohibited "Mein Kampf (my strife)" was published again.

It was only 9473 that the "Mein Kampf " published for the first time became popular in the 1st in 1925. 12,000,000 copies became popular in Germany by the Second World War finish in 1945. There was 15,000 copies of order by January 8 to 4000 copies of first edition this time. The sale number of copies is issued to 3rd satsu at present, and is more perspectives which increase. I'm telling that Newsweek is the sales in which the original sale are exceeded.

■ It's in argument concerning right or wrong of sale.

For a long time the sentences which flooded Adolf Hitler's dislike are written on "Mein Kampf (my strife)" over 800 pages, and it's also the book which opened the way to a holocaust.

2016-01-22 07:41:11 huffpost

The Huffington Post | 執筆者: Sara Boboltz
投稿日: 2016年01月20日 15時49分 JST 更新: 2016年01月20日 19時37分 JST MEIN KAMPF











IFZのディレクター、アンドレアス・ヴィルシング氏は、 痛烈な批判を込めた注釈は研究素材として役立つだけではなく、公的に必要なものだという。ドイチェ・ヴェレのインタビューで同氏は、注釈なしでの出版を許すのは「無責任」だと語った。マインカンプを出版することで研究所が狙うのは「ヒトラーの扇動的な論説を論破し、中途半端さ、挑発的な発言、そして真っ赤な嘘を白日の下にさらす」ことだ。「ヒトラーの支持者たちが仮にこの本に興味を持ったとしても、この本は読まないで他を当たった方が良いだろう」と同氏は述べた。










◯ Xinhua: 1M animal clone/ 天津市で、世界最大の動物クローン工場の建設が

2016-01-22 07:15:03 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-01-22 07:15:03 afp
In China, in the biggest animal clone

factory construction and beef 1,000,000 planning in the world, anxiety.
November 25, 2015 14:47 Sending place: Beijing/China.

Science and technology

[November 25 AFP] construction of the biggest animal clone factory in the world is advanced at North China and Tianjin (Tianjin) city. Anxiety plans to mass-produce beef of at most 1,000,000 a year including a dog and a horse according to report on the 24th of government management and the New China News Agency (Xinhua) communication, and spreads over an opinion on the internet and a scientific circle.

I say that a clone laboratory and a genetic bank are included in the facilities origin (about 3,800,000,000 yen) can throw 200,000,000 citizens.

It's a research institute of two, a Chinese biotechnology enterprise "accomplished person stem cell (small fire life and Boyalife)" and Korean SUAMU biotechnology study in (Sooam Biotech Research Foundation) and also China to establish the said factory. I'm insisting that a founder of SUAMU biotechnology study in succeeded to produce man's clone embryo 10 years ago and am causing controversy.

A pet, a police dog, a racehorse and chikuushi are made with the clone at the animal clone factory established this time, and says that it's expected to circulate in a market by commercial scale.

Xinhua News Agency will begin to work next year in a factory according to a remark of the motoakatsukitsubaki (Xu Xiaochun) small fire life chairperson who could go along, and after that, I plan to increase even 1,000,000 of clone embryo production of first beef for 100,000 a year.

But whether a consumer is eager to eat the meat for which the users were made with the clone on the social media, a question is given. There is an area where the chemical explosion of which at least 165 people die in August of this year has occurred in the said factory neighborhood. The voice to which more problems of the safety standard of the Chinese food are pointed out is also rising.

The user who has that, "Is this meat sold in Korea and China? When being sold in China, I want leaders of our country to eat first.", I'm contributing.

It seemed "There was almost no difference." between the clone beef and the real beef, but a ZU e- (Zhu Yi) food science club professor of a Chinese university of agriculture according to the coverage of AFP (China Agricultural University) stated "Unless severe risk evaluation was performed, and an experiment was repeated and made." that an enterprise shouldn't offer clone meat to a consumer hastily. (c)AFP/Rebecca DAVIS

×フランス東部ペリーニュで撮影された乳牛(2015年3月18日撮影、資料写真)。(c)AFP/GUILLAUME SOUVANT
【11月25日 AFP】中国北部・天津(Tianjin)市で、世界最大の動物クローン工場の建設が



 同工場を設立するのは、中国のバイオテクノロジー企業「博雅幹細胞(ボヤライフ、Boyalife)」と韓国のスアム生命工学研究院(Sooam Biotech Research Foundation)、さらに中国の二つの研究機関。スアム生命工学研究院の創業者は10年前、ヒトのクローン胚を作り出すことに成功したと主張して物議を醸している。


 新華社通信が伝えた許曉椿(Xu Xiaochun)ボヤライフ会長の発言によると、工場は来年稼働を開始し、当初の肉牛のクローン胚作製は年間10万頭分で、その後、100万頭まで増やす計画だ。



 AFPの取材に応じた中国農業大学(China Agricultural University)のズー・イー(Zhu Yi)食品科学部教授は、クローン牛と本物の牛の間に「違いはほとんどない」と思われるが、企業は「厳しいリスク評価を行い、実験を繰り返し行わない限り」クローン肉を性急に消費者に提供するべきではないと述べた。(c)AFP/Rebecca DAVIS

◯ The Worst Password 2015 / 最悪なパスワード2015

2016-01-21 07:53:38 | ♪ One Short Talk
2016-01-21 07:53:38 SplashData U.S. NETORABO
The "worst password" by which SplashData in the US which offers password management service is used on the Internet on January 19 announced an edition rank 2015 years.

The worst password

About 1 is "123456", about 2, "password". It's said that these 2 are necessary for dominance all the while from 2011 when the said company has begun a rank announcement, and I "show whether people keep choosing a however dangerous password", and, I'm making a comment. The 1st place-25th place is as follows.

"The worst password Top 25" (in the parenthesis, the last year's order)

1:123456 (1)
2:password (2)
3:12345678 (4)
4:qwerty (5)
5:12345 (3)
6:123456789 (6)
7:football (10)
8:1234 (7)
9:1234567 (11)
10:baseball (8)
11:welcome (New)
12:1234567890 (New)
13:abc123 (14)
14:111111 (15)
15:1qaz2wsx (New)
16:dragon (9)
17:master (19)
18:monkey (12)
19:letmein (13)
20:login (New)
21:princess (New)
22:qwertyuiop (New)
23:solo (New)
24: 0th of passw (New)
25:starwars (New)

The one "solo" "starwars" had in Star Wars in the password an orchid queen made new. Only, such, the said company is recommending "beyond 12 character with which a figure and an alphabet were combined" because the short and simple character string is fragile.

Password management service

NETORABO writer recruitment


2016-01-21 07:53:38 SplashData U.S. NETORABO



「最悪なパスワード トップ25」(カッコ内は前年順位)

1:123456 (1)
2:password (2)
3:12345678 (4)
4:qwerty (5)
5:12345 (3)
7:football (10)
8:1234 (7)
9:1234567 (11)
11:welcome (New)
12:1234567890 (New)
13:abc123 (14)
14:111111 (15)
16:dragon (9)
17:master (19)
18:monkey (12)
19:letmein (13)
20:login (New)
22:qwertyuiop (New)
23:solo (New)
24:passw0rd (New)
25:starwars (New)




◯ Snow n Strongest Chill /週末は太平洋側でまた雪か//週末から極寒へ//

2016-01-21 07:14:17 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-01-21 07:14:17 tenki jp
Nakagawa Yumiko Yumiko Nakagawa.
A weather forecaster Disaster prevention man.

Is a weekend snow again at the Pacific Ocean side?

January 20, 2016 15:23
The weather on a worrisome weekend throughout the country clicks a picture.
The weather on a worrisome weekend throughout the country clicks a picture.
Yuki estimated in Nagoya today at Tokyo-to center on Monday on the 18th, but snow is expected by a weekend in the area in the Pacific Ocean side again. The coldness probably becomes severer from a weekend.
The expectation which is snow again at the Pacific Ocean side The weather on a weekend?

6 centimeters of Yuki also estimated at Tokyo-to center by the southern coast low air pressure on Monday on the 18th, and transportation was big and Kanto area was disordered.
The snow Wednesday on the 20th, today's is a strong winter pressure pattern, and a snow cloud takes forcing a look, and also flows into the Pacific Ocean side, and which is 9 centimeters in Nagoya.
Such as movement in Tokaido Shinkansen is behind schedule, influence has also gone out of here in transportation.

There is a possibility that a weekend will be also the pattern like the first half after "the southern coast low air pressure" this week as "strong winter pressure pattern".
There would be a place where it snows again at the Pacific Ocean side.

An upper figure is the weather in a spot in the Pacific Ocean side, Chiyoda-ku (Tokyo), Nagoya-shi, Osaka-shi, Hiroshima-shi and Kochi-shi west of the Kanto area.
I mark Kochi, on Saturday on the 23rd Yuki.
The expectation which is influence of the low air pressure which occurs in the south of the Honshuu and also becomes snow, not rain by Shikoku.
Low air pressure would be developed to the east and be also crusted snow and rain by a Western part of Honshu, Kinki area and Tokai by the expanse condition of the cloud.
There are no snowfall and rainy mark for the moment in Chiyoda-ku (Tokyo), but the rainfall probability is 40% little highly.
The chill which will be to the extent even a plain will be snow, for the moment is also unchanged around the Kanto area to a weekend, so there is a possibility falling as snow sufficiently.

Winter changes from the western Japan this low air pressure passed to a winter pressure pattern gradually, and is strengthened on Sunday on the 24th.
A snow cloud would also flow in Hiroshima and Nagoya-shi to Monday on the 25th.

Further snowfall by the southern coast low air pressure and a rain forecast turn big for a course of about once of subtle temperature and low air pressure.
It would hope considers various possibilities and that I keep a measure, checking the latest forecast briskly.

It's to the coldest season very much from a weekend.

Strongest chill flows more than before from west after southern coast low air pressure.
Even midwinter is the strength I rarely have mainly at western Japan as the level of the chill expected now.
Therefore the temperature falls suddenly from night on Saturday on the 23rd, and which is the lowest temperature also in subzero strong chill on Sunday on the 24th, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima and Kochi?
The highest temperature would be the coldness with which less than 5 times and the daytime also tremble.
Also to play a seasonal wind hard, maybe they become shorter than this number as sense.

When Sunday on the 21st, tomorrow will be the "coldest season" in twenty-four seasonal datum points, and "the coldness becomes" severest on the calendar.
There is a possibility that further down will be the coldness which has no time of the coldest season so much.
When being out, you'll need the cold measure which is as much as possible as well as snowfall and a rainy measure.

2016-01-21 07:14:17 tenki jp
中川 裕美子中川 裕美子
気象予報士 防災士

週末は 太平洋側で また雪か

2016年1月20日 15時23分
太平洋側でまた雪の予想 週末の天気は?









◯ Goodbye to dental fillings? ‘No-drill’ techniques.虫歯を削る必要はないと判明WashPost

2016-01-20 20:57:51 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-01-20 20:57:51 washingtonpost


To Your Health
Goodbye to dental fillings?

‘No-drill’ techniques can treat tooth decay just as well, study finds

Resize Text Print Article Comments 23

By Ariana Eunjung Cha December 8, 2015

If you've ever endured a dental filling based on the advice that there's no other way to stop tooth decay before it gets worse, you may be a bit, well, annoyed when you hear about the latest study on this topic.

In a seven-year study involving 1,000 patients at 22 dental practices, researchers at the University of Sydney compared people who received traditional "drill and fill" treatment with those who received a less aggressive preventive treatment that involves high concentration fluoride varnish and restricting sugary snacks and beverages between meals.

They found that for those in the second group the need for fillings declined by 30 to 50 percent. Among those at highest risk, who were getting as many as two fillings per year, the reduction was even greater -- 80 percent.

The conclusion, according to lead author Wendell Evans, is that much decay can be stopped, reversed, and prevented with simple treatments: "It's unnecessary for patients to have fillings because they're not required in many cases of dental decay."

The results, published in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology this week, signals that a major shift may be needed in how dentists treat early tooth decay, the researchers said.

Current dental practices are based on the assumption that tooth decay is rapidly progressive -- and possibly inevitable. If that were the case it would make sense to identify decay early and remove it by drilling and filling. But newer studies show that decay develops more slowly, an average of four to eight years to progress from the other layer of the tooth's enamel to the inner layer where it can do the most damage.

"That is plenty of time," the researchers said, "for the decay to be detected and treated before it becomes a cavity and requires a filling."

Unfortunately, if the decay has already formed into a cavity, there's really no way to avoid the filling.

Read more:

Chipotle CEO pledges to make restaurants ‘safest place to eat.’ Here’s his plan.

Netflix binge-watchers beware: Watching too much TV in your 20s may impact how your brain works in mid-life, study suggests

With $45 billion pledge to charity, Mark Zuckerberg and wife imagine ‘a world without suffering from disease’

The myth of sugar-free drinks, candy: Study shows they can wreak havoc on teeth, too

Modern men tend to overeat like cavemen as a way of showing off to women

For more health news, you can sign up for our weekly newsletter here.

Ariana Eunjung Cha is a national reporter. She has previously served as the Post's bureau chief in Shanghai and San Francisco, and as a correspondent in Baghdad.

2016-01-20 20:57:51 washingtonpost

2016年01月20日 06時00分00秒


By Finizio


“No-drill” dentistry stops tooth decay - new research - The University of Sydney

Goodbye to dental fillings? ‘No-drill’ techniques can treat tooth decay just as well, study finds - The Washington Post




By get directly down




By Partha S. Sahana

エバンス准教授は正しいオーラルケアとしてCaries Management System (CMS)という方法を提唱しています。これによると、虫歯を削ることなくオーラルケアする条件として「初期段階の虫歯に高濃度のフッ素塗布治療を施すこと」「正しい歯磨き方法を身につけること」「砂糖の入ったスナック菓子や飲み物の間食を控えること」「虫歯の経過を観察し続けること」を挙げており、削って詰め物をして終わりという1回キリの治療ではなく、歯科医師と協力した継続的な治療が必要だそうです。

◯ The Work We Do While We Sleep / 人は30年分眠ってる

2016-01-20 07:44:11 | ♪ One Short Talk
2016-01-20 07:44:11 The New Yorker. gigazine net

Maria Konnikova

JULY 8, 2015
The Work We Do While We Sleep

part series on sleep. Read part one, on falling asleep, and part three, on wakefulness.

It’s strange, when you think about it, that we spend close to a third of our lives asleep. Why do we do it? While we’re sleeping, we’re vulnerable―and, at least on the outside, supremely unproductive. In a 1719 sermon, “Vigilius, or, The Awakener,” Cotton Mather called an excess of sleep “sinful” and lamented that we often sleep when we should be working. Benjamin Franklin echoed the sentiment in “Poor Richard’s Almanack,” when he quipped that “there’ll be sleeping enough in the grave.” For a long time, sleep’s apparent uselessness amused even the scientists who studied it. The Harvard sleep researcher Robert Stickgold has recalled his former collaborator J. Allan Hobson joking that the only known function of sleep was to cure sleepiness. In a 2006 review of the explanations researchers had proposed for sleep, Marcos Frank, a neuroscientist then working at the University of Pennsylvania (he is now at WSU Spokane) concluded that the evidence for sleep’s putative effects on cognition was “weak or equivocal.”

But in the past decade, and even the past year, the mystery has seemed to be abating. In a series of conversations with sleep scientists this May, I was offered a glimpse of converging lines of inquiry that are shedding light on why such a significant part of our lives is spent lying inert, with our eyes closed, not doing anything that seems particularly meaningful or relevant to, well, anything. (The meetings were facilitated by a Harvard Medical School Media Fellowship.)

One line of evidence stems from what happens when sleep is disturbed. By looking at what can go wrong while we’re asleep, we can get a sense of what sleep is for. Take genetic impairments. In REM-sleep behavior disorder, the usual paralysis that keeps our bodies in check as we enter REM sleep disappears, and people physically act out their dreams. The disorder is a fairly reliable predictor of neurodegenerative disease: one study, based at the Center for Sleep Research at the Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur, in Montreal, found that over half of the patients who acted out their dreams had developed some form of neurodegenerative disease twelve years later. There’s sleep apnea, when your breathing pauses as you sleep, often for a few seconds but sometimes for a few minutes, before your body briefly jolts awake to restart the process. (Often, the jolt never makes it into conscious memory.) In trials, the disorder has been associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease and has been shown to lead to cognitive impairment. About ten per cent of the population experience impairment during their waking hours as a result of chronic insomnia, a condition that has been linked to low quality of life, depression, increases in cardiovascular disease and hypertension, cognitive and motor impairment, and a number of other medical conditions.

For sleep scientists, all of these unpleasant disorders offer tantalizing lines of inquiry. The link between many of them and neurodegenerative disease, or other forms of cognitive impairment, suggests that sleep could be required for cognitive upkeep and function. Their link with heart disease suggests that sleep might serve to relieve vascular stress. The fact that insomnia is associated with depression suggests that sleep might help us deal with emotionally stressful or otherwise disruptive events.

Increasingly, researchers have found ways to test these theories more directly. In 2000, Stickgold published a study in Science that became one of the most convincing validations of the role that sleep and dreams play in memory consolidation. For seven hours, over the course of three days, a group of people played the computer game Tetris. Some had never played the game before; others were familiar with it; and a third group didn’t know either way, because they were amnesiacs with extensive damage to their medial temporal lobes and hippocampi. Their particular form of amnesia meant that they were unable to form new episodic memories.

Each night, as they were falling asleep, Stickgold’s subjects were repeatedly awoken and asked to recall, to the best of their knowledge, what they were dreaming about. It turned out that they dreamed of Tetris. What was surprising was that even the amnesiacs had these dreams. They had no idea what they were seeing and, the next morning they remembered neither the game nor the experimenter, but they would recall dreams of falling shapes that conformed to the Tetris patterns they’d observed earlier in the day. Sometimes, they’d even report that the shapes rotated to fit into rows.

Since then, evidence for the memory-related functions of sleep, and of dreams in particular, has only mounted. In 2013, Stickgold published a summary of his research since the Tetris study, also reviewing parallel advances by other researchers in the field. In that paper, he argued that sleep isn’t crucial just for memory consolidation; it is also a remarkably selective mechanism. We don’t remember everything that happens to us on a given day: sometimes, we remember something simply because it’s emotional, while, at other times, we work our way through mundane details to figure out why something matters. Sleeping and dreaming, Stickgold argues, help us sift through material to isolate and store the important take-away, whether it is what he calls the “gist” (the overarching point of a lot of information) or a specific detail. “When we dream, we get the pieces. When we wake, we can know the whole,” Stickgold says.

In one experiment, the University of Tübingen neurobiologist Jan Born and Ullrich Wagner, a neuroscientist at the University of Münster, taught a group of people a relatively complex math task. Though the subjects didn’t know it, there was a simpler way of solving the problem―an abstract rule that would enable a quick solution. Few of the subjects spontaneously figured out the solution the first time. Each participant was retested on the task eight hours later; some were allowed to sleep and others had to remain awake. Just under a quarter of the group that took a sleepless break came up with the faster solution. But the insight rate more than doubled among the subjects who had spent the eight hours sleeping: sixty per cent of them could now see the shortcut. As we sleep, our brains replay, process, learn, and extract meaning. In a sense, they think.

Our physical health, too, seems to be intimately tied with sleep. In one study, designed to test the impact that cardiac function has on sleep, and vice versa, a group of physiologists subjected healthy men with no history of cardiac problems to sleep deprivation. At various points, they measured their vascular fitness, checking their heart rates, their blood pressure, and their levels of certain proteins associated with heart problems. Within two days, almost every marker was elevated. Conversely, in a study looking at sleep apnea, which is strongly linked to cardiovascular disease, treatment of the apnea was found to improve vascular function in short order: once patients could sleep soundly, the stress on their hearts was relieved.

But the importance of sleep to our brain function may be even more fundamental. In addition to its memory and problem-solving functions, sleep may help our brains stay sharp, young, and healthy. Two years ago, the University of Rochester neuroscientist Maiken Nedergaard published the results of many years of research into the function of sleep. After using new techniques to peer into the waking and sleeping brains of mice, she discovered that sleep was the brain’s maintenance system. When we’re awake, our activities lead to a build-up of debris in the brain: we form toxins, such as beta-amyloid, a protein associated with Alzheimer’s, and other proteins that are usually harmless get misfolded. When we fall asleep, specific channels in our brains expand to allow cerebrospinal fluid to flow in and clear that debris. These mechanisms have been termed the “glymphatic system,” a nod to the lymphatic system, which clears waste from our bodies Conversely, when our brains don’t have enough time to rest, toxins build up, and neurodegenerative disease sets in. Indeed, one of the earliest signs of impending dementia is sleep disturbance, and some of the genes that control sleep duration are also implicated in schizophrenia. Sleep disruption may share a common biological mechanism with neurodegenerative diseases.

All of this research suggests that important work happens while we sleep. And yet we also know that few of us sleep enough. Some of us may no longer even know what being fully awake feels like. How is your mind today affected by a lack of sleep the night before? Increasingly, researchers are turning their attention to waking life, and asking how much it’s been changed by chronic lack of sleep.

2016-01-20 07:44:11 The New Yorker. gigazine net

2016年01月18日 23時00分00秒

by Tony Alter


The Work We Do While We Sleep - The New Yorker

The New Yorkerのマリア・コニコヴァさんの記事によると、18世紀には睡眠は罪深いことであるとされていたそうで、また、長らく眠りを研究する学者の間でも、明らかに無益なものだとみられていた時期があるそうです。アメリカの精神医学者で睡眠の研究をしていたアラン・ホブソン氏は「眠りの効果は、眠気を覚ましてくれることだけだ」というジョークを持ちネタにしていたほど。しかし、研究が進むに連れて、謎はだんだんと明かされてきています。





by Umberto Salvagnin




2016年01月18日 23時00分00秒 in サイエンス, Posted by logc_nt

◯ Spiral staircase!『らせん階段』

2016-01-19 07:59:48 | ♪ One Short Talk

2016-01-19 07:59:48 Francis Bacon. oth persons.

"Everyone uses a spiral staircase for the person who goes up to the height."

Francis Bacon (British philosopher and politician)

To climb highly right above the place I need now.
I'd like one step of climbed one step like spiral staircase by my foot.

Happy hint "It's making progress spirally."

"When a matter makes progress and develops, it isn't developing straight.
It's developing so that a spiral staircase may be climbed." Hegel

"We're on everyone and the spiral
way. There isn't straight growth." Christine Zambuca

Progress and growth won't go straight.

Even if one theme is pursued.
It'll be better for there to be several flanks and angles.
But, since getting away from the theme too much, it won't be good.

"Every life is the spiral which
draws a fixed graceful curve to the destination." Dick and rider

"With the manner of the change decided in the spiral-shaped
every life in other words the pattern" Dick and rider

The foot of mountain may be the one to which the wide one is preferred to climb highly.

Seeing the same scenery repeatedly.
It'll be seen to the far place by the thing which becomes high.

"An important thing is to make it oneself
in the past, not to compare progressive improvement with others." Tago Akira.

"Even if others are more excellent than themselves more than others, that isn't shame. It's
wonderful shame that one of this year isn't more excellent than myself of last year." RAPOKKU.

Others would also see a higher mountain.
An important one will be whether one is rising more than before.

Being gladder about the progress than I look at only the top and climb.
While enjoying the scenery of the various angles.
Isn't it better to be able to climb?

◇ more hint! "To bring oneself up."
◇ more hint! "The way to happiness"

the other case.

2016-01-19 07:59:48


フランシス・ベーコン (イギリスの哲学者・政治家)


幸せのヒント 「らせん状に進歩していく」

  あたかもらせん階段を登るように発展していく』 ヘーゲル

  直線的な成長などありはしない』 クリスティン・ザンブカ



  一定の優雅な曲線を描く、らせんである』 ディック・ライダー

  つまりパターンがある』 ディック・ライダー



  他人とするのではなく、過去の自分とすることです』 多湖輝

  去年の自分より今年の自分が優れていないのは立派な恥だ』 ラポック



◇ more hint! 「自分を育てるためには」
◇ more hint! 「幸せへの道」


◯ The Snowstorm Ice Cream Cone Guy/ アイスクリームを片手に持って走る若い男

2016-01-19 07:20:40 | ♪ちょっぴりジョークJOKE
2016-01-19 07:20:40WashPost.

With a net, big, I have broken! The ice cream man who appeared in the snowstorm!

★ The picture which has no ton demonstration in the paper Washington Post's whole surface of 1/27 appeared!
A picture of the aspect article which treated snowstorm which attacked Washington D.C. at the end of January (snowstorm), well, a wax fact...?

The young man who has ice cream in a one hand and runs

Because it was (Later Zach Burroughs was revealed.)!
As it is natural after this picture article appeared on a newspaper.
"What is it, what is it, without also putting on a coat during ?! snowstorm for this man!"
"Why is ice cream bought for the midst of a snowstorm??"
A question rushes and it's the reason which became the disposal the person himself defends to close! Mr. knapsack, reason.
"I myself am not a massage ice cream lover, oh, even though it becomes vacant, a colleague was eating..., and a food becomes painful unexpectedly, and.... I'm Gerard lover of the pistachio taste and."
"When the one which isn't worn went on a court to buy it, para-para-snow degree Tatar SUYO. So, oh, please think I'd like. When buying ice cream, but it's an unexpected snowstorm, and...."
Said, ^^;;
Oh, a trouble should pass only with this, a factor doesn't sell wholesale so! The one which made his picture a parody on the net appears one after another!

The Snowstorm Ice Cream Cone Guy

In google.
The Snowstorm Ice Cream Cone Guy
(Picture search)
Then a parody comes out fairly!

The feeling by which popularity seems to come to be he who has gone out explosively with a net in 2010...!
I return to today's knowledge on a wide variety of subjects and trivia.
2016-01-19 07:20:40WashPost.

2016-01-19 07:20:40WashPost.




(後に Zach Burroughsさんと判明)だったからだ!!

The Snowstorm Ice Cream Cone Guy

The Snowstorm Ice Cream Cone Guy


◯ UnConstitutionalityマイナンバーは違憲、全国で一斉提訴「国に監視されていると感じる」

2016-01-18 08:12:17 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-01-18 08:12:17 Huffpost

My numbers are unconstitutionality

and the whole country, and simultaneous filing a suit "is felt to be watched by a country".

The Huffington Post | Writer : HuffPost Newroom.
Contribution day: December 1, 2015 18:00 09 minute JST Renewing: December 1, 2015 18:26 JST MY NUMBER CARD
The share

My number system, "The private right a constitution secures is invaded.", as, about 50 citizens in Ishikawa-ken asked a country for prohibition of use of an individual number and filed a suit to Kanazawa district court on December 1. This day was 5 points of whole country in Niigata, Tokyo, Osaka and Sendai by the policy which files a suit equally simultaneously throughout the country by the group made with a lawyer in the whole country and a citizen, and similar filing a suit was performed. Sankei news reported it.

I insist that the danger of an information leak is also very high in addition to being used for Niigata district court in the wide area according to NHK news while specific personal information is collected by my number system while having no agreement of the person himself, and the plaintiff who has caused an appeal doesn't know. We assume that 13 articles of constitution which secured a private right is being invaded, and the elimination of my number is being asked to a country.

bou Masahiko who serves as a plaintiffs chief of Kanazawa suit holds a press conference after filing a suit, "There is a fear that privacy is invaded by an information leak. It's felt later, to be watched by a country, and it's worried that people check free behavior.", I spoke. According to a current dot com, plaintiffs, security measures in a security face, as insufficiency, when, "The institutional necessity which just makes unwilling acceptance invade a private right doesn't exist." is being complained.

2016-01-18 08:12:17 Huffpost


The Huffington Post | 執筆者: HuffPost Newroom
投稿日: 2015年12月01日 18時09分 JST 更新: 2015年12月01日 18時26分 JST MY NUMBER CARD




⚪️ Abe's fearful Airマイナンバー拒否で住民票 消去?安倍政権は戦前の統制社会。

2016-01-18 07:36:15 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-01-17 07:59:17 nikkan gendai

By my number refusal, resident card erasure? The control society which advances by Abe political power



Facebook 4507

(C) daily Gendai
My number (the common number) system that authentic practical use has started. Enormous volume return on my number notice card makes an issue of it by misdelivery and receipt refusal by an autonomous body in the whole country, but a resident becomes fearful in the "state power method" Inazawa-shi, Aichi put up. A notice card is because I hint at a possibility that polity eliminates a resident card of the citizen who has returned by official authority. Japan under Abe political power is being fearful prewar control society.

■ Fearful case in Inazawa-shi, Aichi

The contents of a letter of "notice card return notification" Inazawa-shi sent targeted for the return person are so.

"This notification is also combined with confirmation of the resident reality. The person who can't make resident confirmation will sometimes eliminate a resident card on the investigation later. It isn't being resended by mail."

Elimination is to erase literally. In other words,--with a possibility that the resident who neither receives a notice card nor comes to the city office in taking back is killed by a resident card and, it's being declared, it's equal. Erasure? The control society which advances by Abe political power.

2016-01-17 07:59:17 nikkan gendai

マイナンバー拒否で住民票消去? 安倍政権で進む統制社会



Facebook 4507

nikkan gendai




 消除とは文字通り、消し去ることだ。つまり、通知カードを受け取らず、市役所に引き取りにも来ない住民の住民票は消される可能性がある――と宣言しているに等しい。消去? 安倍政権で進む統制社会だ。

◯ Epocalypse Yr 2016 // 2016年経済予測:Epocalypseの年

2016-01-17 07:43:07 | ♪ One Short Talk

2016 Economic Predictions: Year of the Epocalypse
Economy, Global NewsNo Comments »
H/t reader squodgy:

“Funny how the FTSE & DJ both fell 2.5% yesterday and the MSM said nothing.

So when someone takes the trouble to grab the bugger by the horns & analyse each major sector, it is interesting to see the results, and work out if they match one’s own assessment, and give any more pointers on how it will manifest for us in the middle.”


– 2016 Economic Predictions: Year of the Epocalypse:

An economic apocalypse upon us. My 2016 economic predictions provide the full explanation as to why 2016 will be the year of the Epocalypse ― a word that encompasses the roots “economic, epoch, collapse” and “apocalypse.” I needed a word big enough to describe all that is about to befall the world in 2016. When you see the towering forces that are prevailing against failing global economic architecture and the pit of debt beneath that structure, as laid out here, I think you’ll recognize that the Epocalypse is here, and it is everywhere. The Great Collapse has already begun.

What follows are the megatrends that will increasingly gang up in the first part of 2016 to stomp the deeply flawed global economy down into its own hole of debt. The economic collapse that is already developing includes the US economy and the US stock market that is now collapsing from the external forces and internal vacuum that I’ve been writing about for a few years here.

PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online.
Tags: Collapse, Economy, Global News

2016-01-17 07:43:07 global news


H / Tリーダーsquodgy:



2016年経済予測 - シンボル

- 2016年の経済予測:Epocalypseの年:

私達に経済黙示録。私の2016年の経済予測は、2016年がされる理由についての十分な説明を提供Epocalypseの年 」、経済、エポック崩壊"のルーツを含む単語と「黙示録。"私は約あることすべてを説明するのに十分な大きさの単語を必要と-あなたが世界経済のアーキテクチャとその構造体の下に債務のピットを失敗に対して実勢されそびえ立つ力が表示されたら、ここでレイアウトされたとして、私はあなたがEpocalypseがここにあることを認識だろうと思うし、それは、2016年に世界に降りかかるしますどこにでも。グレート崩壊はすでに始まっています。



ペイパル - オンラインで支払うために、より安全な、簡単な方法。

◯ The Anchor role Went Off (New York Dow slump).アンカー役が消えた。ニューヨークダウ急落

2016-01-17 07:18:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-01-17 07:18:16 Nasdaq

January 16, 2016
The anchor role went off (New York Dow slump).

About 530 dollars of New York Dow charged with the only role of stopping the world stock exchange slump plunges at 1:00, and I fall 2.39 %, and 15988 dollar neighborhood where it's 390 dollars less expensive has ended by a closing price.

I plunge 4 % at 1:00, and a closing price is 2.74 % less and NASDAQ has ended.

The stock exchanges where London is all over the world by -1.93% and Germany- with 2.54 % were sold by by the Shanghai overall price index of stocks- 3.51 % yesterday, it was said to be New York Dow that this flow can be stopped, the next dumping by which the risk in which consumption has a stock because a support of the bad next stock price had disappeared has could report UORUMATO the retail net sales were announced at-0.1%, and to close more 269 stores, and rushed.

The Nikkei average futures fall below 16690 yen of 17000 yen which are the next (Bloomberg) and the Nikkei average buying support standard big.

The Nikkei average will be the sale sign from opening of a market and start from the level which is more than 400 yen less expensive on Monday, but a problem is in the case that China has begun to do¨ destruction¨ in earnest.

A heroic financial meltdown tries to start.

2016-01-17 07:18:16 Nasdaq





また日経平均先物は16690円となり(Bloomberg )、日経平均買い支え基準である17000円を大きく割り込んでいます。

