◯ Epocalypse Yr 2016 // 2016年経済予測:Epocalypseの年

2016-01-17 07:43:07 | ♪ One Short Talk

2016 Economic Predictions: Year of the Epocalypse
Economy, Global NewsNo Comments »
H/t reader squodgy:

“Funny how the FTSE & DJ both fell 2.5% yesterday and the MSM said nothing.

So when someone takes the trouble to grab the bugger by the horns & analyse each major sector, it is interesting to see the results, and work out if they match one’s own assessment, and give any more pointers on how it will manifest for us in the middle.”


– 2016 Economic Predictions: Year of the Epocalypse:

An economic apocalypse upon us. My 2016 economic predictions provide the full explanation as to why 2016 will be the year of the Epocalypse ― a word that encompasses the roots “economic, epoch, collapse” and “apocalypse.” I needed a word big enough to describe all that is about to befall the world in 2016. When you see the towering forces that are prevailing against failing global economic architecture and the pit of debt beneath that structure, as laid out here, I think you’ll recognize that the Epocalypse is here, and it is everywhere. The Great Collapse has already begun.

What follows are the megatrends that will increasingly gang up in the first part of 2016 to stomp the deeply flawed global economy down into its own hole of debt. The economic collapse that is already developing includes the US economy and the US stock market that is now collapsing from the external forces and internal vacuum that I’ve been writing about for a few years here.

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Tags: Collapse, Economy, Global News

2016-01-17 07:43:07 global news


H / Tリーダーsquodgy:



2016年経済予測 - シンボル

- 2016年の経済予測:Epocalypseの年:

私達に経済黙示録。私の2016年の経済予測は、2016年がされる理由についての十分な説明を提供Epocalypseの年 」、経済、エポック崩壊"のルーツを含む単語と「黙示録。"私は約あることすべてを説明するのに十分な大きさの単語を必要と-あなたが世界経済のアーキテクチャとその構造体の下に債務のピットを失敗に対して実勢されそびえ立つ力が表示されたら、ここでレイアウトされたとして、私はあなたがEpocalypseがここにあることを認識だろうと思うし、それは、2016年に世界に降りかかるしますどこにでも。グレート崩壊はすでに始まっています。



ペイパル - オンラインで支払うために、より安全な、簡単な方法。

◯ The Anchor role Went Off (New York Dow slump).アンカー役が消えた。ニューヨークダウ急落

2016-01-17 07:18:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-01-17 07:18:16 Nasdaq

January 16, 2016
The anchor role went off (New York Dow slump).

About 530 dollars of New York Dow charged with the only role of stopping the world stock exchange slump plunges at 1:00, and I fall 2.39 %, and 15988 dollar neighborhood where it's 390 dollars less expensive has ended by a closing price.

I plunge 4 % at 1:00, and a closing price is 2.74 % less and NASDAQ has ended.

The stock exchanges where London is all over the world by -1.93% and Germany- with 2.54 % were sold by by the Shanghai overall price index of stocks- 3.51 % yesterday, it was said to be New York Dow that this flow can be stopped, the next dumping by which the risk in which consumption has a stock because a support of the bad next stock price had disappeared has could report UORUMATO the retail net sales were announced at-0.1%, and to close more 269 stores, and rushed.

The Nikkei average futures fall below 16690 yen of 17000 yen which are the next (Bloomberg) and the Nikkei average buying support standard big.

The Nikkei average will be the sale sign from opening of a market and start from the level which is more than 400 yen less expensive on Monday, but a problem is in the case that China has begun to do¨ destruction¨ in earnest.

A heroic financial meltdown tries to start.

2016-01-17 07:18:16 Nasdaq





また日経平均先物は16690円となり(Bloomberg )、日経平均買い支え基準である17000円を大きく割り込んでいます。



◯ i give this GIF to David Bowie.わたしはデヴィッド・ボウイに、このGIFを捧ぐ

2016-01-17 02:21:27 | ♪ One Short Talk
2016-01-17 02:21:27 WIRED NEWS (US)

2016.1.13 WED
i give this GIF to David Bowie

The voice which mourns death of David Bowie is now which overflows on the social media and "symbol" of the kind with 1 GIF.



The rock and roller and David Bowie which kept repeating transformation were attractive and didn't stop, and died of cancer. It was 69 years old by something at the end of treatment for 18 months.
When partaking of the grief, a person finds the symbol which will pay regard for people who passed away in many cases. Since growing old on this day, an illustrator and this GIF by Helen Greene seem to have been the symbol.
It was when it was a birthday of 68 years old of Bowie 1 year ago, that Greene who is a young artist from the United Kingdom created this cartoon film actually. She named the work "Time May Change Me" (It was the phrase of "Changes" you'll know.)
A cartoon film consists of 29 illustrations which drew the respective portraits in a life like Bowie's chameleon by a colored pencil. There are a bellboy as the Guy stardust, a Bowie as Aladdin and a thane and a bellboy as Tom lieutenant commander. There is Bowie as the bellboy who piled up reformation many times. A sense of a sorrow shares on the internet at Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for a group of the inside which courses through and design art to mourn him.
At the same time as Bowie is an artist,Bowie , one was art. A praise by a large number of visual would be offered to this icon from now on, but the green hommage which praises the ability of own bellboy's reformation and own expression which also has no hesitation strikes our chest as something suitable especially.
A companion piece: Voice of the internet which mourns David Bowie.
David BowieGIFRecommendRIPSocial MediaWIRED US

Helen Greenフォロー
Helen Green –
23 | Illustrator | Haus-monster | Bowie & Roxy fan | http://helengreenillustration.com


2016-01-17 02:21:27 WIRED NEWS (US)

2016.1.13 WED




英国出身の年若いアーティストであるグリーンが実際にこのアニメーションを創作したのは、1年前、ボウイの68歳の誕生日のときだった。彼女はその作品を「Time May Change Me」(ご存じだろう、「Changes」のフレーズだ)と命名した。
David BowieGIFRecommendRIPSocial MediaWIRED US