◯ SABRE engines to Space, 4時間で世界中どこでも。新エンジン「SABRE」で海外へ、そして宇宙へ

2016-01-23 07:22:28 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

To demonstrate the application of SABRE engines to space access,

REL has designed SKYLON, the first vehicle designed to be powered by SABRE engines.
SKYLON cutaway to show the SABRE engine

SKYLON is an unpiloted, reusable spaceplane intended to provide reliable, responsive and cost effective access to space. Currently in early development phase, the vehicle will be capable of transporting 15 tonnes of cargo into space. It is the use of SABRE's combined air-breathing and rocket cycles that enables a vehicle that can take off from a runway, fly direct to earth orbit and return for a runway landing, just like an aircraft.
SKYLON will provide aircraft-like access to space to enable:
Operation from runway to orbit and back
Order of magnitude reduction in cost vs. existing technology
400 x improved reliability
Responsive access to space
The European Space Agency assessment concluded that:
"...the SKYLON vehicle can be realised given today's current technology and successful engine development."

European Space Agency Report, 2011
Because SKYLON is reusable (unlike current single-use space launchers) it can be purchased by companies and nations that want space access in a manner similar to current civil aircraft. As with aircraft, purchasing a vehicle will provide a much more cost effective option than trying to develop an independent launcher system.

〓2016-01-23 07:22:28 gizmodo.jp
Vehicle and airplane
For 4 hours, all over the world, everywhere. And it's to the universe to foreign countries by a new engine "SABRE".
2014.12.16 12:00


The global back is closer than the country and.

An airplane seems fast and it takes time fairly. For example it takes more than 12 hours New York from Tokyo, so when arriving, I'm unsteady so often. When you can move by a short time more, petiteness is also something to seem able to go around the world on leave of about 2 weeks....

But the day when such delusion becomes a reality may be near. All over the world, an airplane of Mach 5 which can fly over everywhere in 4 hours has been developed. It's the engine system British aerospace company Reaction Engines Limited develops "SABRE" to become the liver.

SABRE can lower the air which comes into a system 1000 times by a centigrade in 0.01 seconds because it has a pull down container built-in. A usual jet engine compresses the air into which I come, the temperature of the air rises by that, so the material of the engine will be something heavy to stand hotly, the, that, the fuel which can be used is less, and it's said that the driving force is weakly. It's said that it can fly at higher speed because air can be cooled in an instant when I say short.

It'll be expected to be used by business airplane of 300 people of capacity as LAPCAT A2 from now on, and it's said that SABRE can tie between Brussels in Belgium and Sydney in Australia with "2-4 hours"! Moreover a ticket for the airplane assumes "roughness, the business class degree", and there seem to be a lot of people who would like to use the street, too and the cost seems to be also falling when some degree scales spread.

SABRE is that the wonderful one is able to use a spacecraft, not only that. Loading to a re-available spaceplane as SKYLON is planned. SKYLON can fly to space, taking off and landing is possible from a runway like an airplane, so the practical use quite low in cost and flexible than a conventional spacecraft is expected. Below is an interview of Alan Bond of a chief engineer.

The test flight using SABRE is close with 2019. It's to the extent 4 hours are nearer than a form of country, isn't it? You go to see an aurora a little on a weekend, and what thing may also be the one which becomes possible to buy the clothes which will be put on tomorrow to Paris?

source: Reaction Engines Limited via Business Insider via Science alert

2016-01-23 07:22:28 gizmodo.jp
乗り物 , 飛行機
2014.12.16 12:00




でも、そんな妄想が現実になる日は近いかもしれません。世界中どこでも4時間で飛んでいけるマッハ5の飛行機が開発されています。そのキモとなるのはイギリスの航空宇宙会社Reaction Engines Limitedが開発するエンジンシステム「SABRE」です。


SABREは今後LAPCAT A2という定員300人の商用航空機で使われる予定で、ベルギーのブリュッセルとオーストラリアのシドニーの間を「2~4時間」で結べるそうです! しかもその飛行機のチケットは「ざっくりビジネスクラス程度」を想定されていて、その通りなら使いたい人も多そうだし、ある程度スケールが広がればコストも下がっていくと思われます。

SABREがすごいのはそれだけじゃなく、宇宙船でも使えることです。SKYLONという再利用可能なスペースプレーンへの搭載が計画されています。SKYLONは宇宙空間に飛んでいけるんですが、飛行機と同じように滑走路から離着陸が可能なので、従来の宇宙船よりはるかに低コストで柔軟な運用が期待されています。以下はチーフエンジニアのAlan Bond氏のインタビューです。


source: Reaction Engines Limited via Business Insider via Science alert

