○ The Fukushima Crisis 295;Med and FNPP'radio.differ.福島危機295.医療と原発の放射線は違う.

2012-06-19 08:24:01 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

It is the difference between medical radiation and the radiation in the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

06/18/2012 sankei.com. commongate.
■ A.
At the "use of radiation in - medical spot" medical spot, radiation is used in various forms.
1) X-ray
It is the affected part by making a special film expose the X-rays which irradiated the affected part with X-rays (gamma ray of low energy), and penetrated the body.
thing using the degree absorbed by the bodily part being different when, as for this, X-rays pass the body it is .
(A white portion becomes the part by which many X-rays were absorbed)
Photography part Dose of radiation (mSv)
Head 0.1
Chest 0.4
the stomach (barium) -- 3.3
Mass screening Stomach 0.6
Abdomen 1.0
Lumbar 4.0 to 8.0
Pelvis 3.0
Hip joint 4.0
Thigh 2.0
Articulatio-genus 0.5
In the case of a child 0.2 to 0.7
Although a basic principle is the same as an X-ray, while an X-ray irradiates with X-rays in a field, in CT, it is as a fan type beam. It is glaring, detecting the penetrated X-rays in a small block unit, and performing various calculation processings, and converts the inside of bodily into a video signal more vividly. The image is carried out.
The doses of radiation in CT are 46mSv and the chest CT in the head CT, are 6.9mSv and the abdomen CT, and are 20mSV.
(Note) MRI
In the case of MRI, radiation is not used although I think that some people seem to be a kind of CT.
In the case of MRI, the vibrating strong magnetic field is used.
3) Radiotherapy
Generally, it is adopted as Gang's medical treatment method.
It is the local remedy using radiation.
- Pour a radiation source into the affected part directly, and annihilate the affected part from an inside.
For example, in the case of Graves' disease, it is iodine 131. The radiation source about 111 to 222 MBq (MBq: 1 million Bq) is used.
They are the 10 times in the case of a thyroid cancer further. 3.7 to 7.4GBq (GBq: 1 billion Bq) is used.
Value regulated now Vegetables: 2000Bq [ kg ] /, water: The thing of of 300Bq/kg 100,000 times as many ? [ as ] about 1 million times is used.
- Irradiate the affected part with radiation (gamma ray), and destroy the Gang cell from the exterior.
The affected part is irradiated with 2 Sv (2000mSv) 8 Sv (8000mSv) several times.
The Gang cell cannot be annihilated unless it is radiation that strong.
The dose of radiation with which it irradiates changes by the grade of malignancy of Gang of the affected part, the size, and a part.
- About the intensity of the radiation used and used about the standard of the dose of radiation in the medical spot at the present medical spot, it is fundamentally based on ICRP advice.
1) By using radiation, when the merit which a patient receives needs to be large, it can be used.
For example, when strong radiotherapy is undergone and other effective methods cannot be found as a life-prolonging means, even if there are side effects (a possibility of making a treated area generating another obstacle) etc.
2) Stop the amount of contamination which a patient receives as low as possible.
3) Usually, don't exceed the dose of radiation in the restriction dose which an individual receives.
When general: Five or less mSv per year. Qq
In the case of a radiation pursuer: (The maximum may be set to 20mSv) It is a maximum of 50 mSv annually.
They are a total of 100 mSV(s) for five years.
- The dose of radiation in the actual medical spot
When general, it is a value of annual 5mSv, but the radiation in which reality exceeded this far is used.
example 1:
It is common to take a picture of years time Roentgen rays in the case of a gastric ulcer etc.
For example, when barium is drunk 3 times and a photograph is taken, it is set to 9.9mSv by three 3.3mSvx, and becomes twice [ about ] annual 5mSv.
example 2:
When the thigh is broken in a traffic accident etc., there are 10 times or more of cases by which roentgenography is carried out.
In this case It will be set to 20mSv by ten 2.0mSvx, and will be 4 times the standard.
Since the number of times of photography may surely increase in an operation, fracture, etc., it is certain to be set to 5 or more mSv in every year.
And since it is a local value in the case of medical treatment while it is a case of the whole body, annual 5mSv is about 10 times of a standard in practice. It becomes a value.
- In the case of the influence external exposure of the dose of radiation to Gang's generating, that appears as data notably is a case where it is exposed to 200 or more mSV at once.
The case where it is exposed to 200mSv in every year is also considered to be the same.
Also when exposed to the radiation not more than this, it is thought that the probability which shows the symptoms of Gang becomes high.
In the case of a child, compared with an adult, probability will become high.
About an internal exposure, influence changes with the radiation sources and parts which went inside the body.
In the case of iodine 131, it is easy to accumulate in the thyroid gland, and when accumulated in large quantities, it is supposed that it will be easy to get a thyroid cancer.
100 micrograms to 200 micrograms of iodine is needed by the adult per day.
(An equivalent amount is discharged by the outside of the body) Though iodine 131 was contained in food when taking in marine products daily, absorption is possible for the minimum.
(In the case of Japanese people, I regard the iodine tablet as it being needlessness individually.)
Since the thyroid gland disorder by superfluous ingestion may be caused especially in the case of a child, cautions are required.
The strontium 90 mainly accumulates in a bone easily, and when a dose of radiation is strong, it may cause an osteosarcoma.
It is eating sea tangle etc. too as prevention.
The alginic acid contained in sea tangle serves to suppress absorption.
The cesium 134 and 137 mainly accumulates in muscles and a bone easily, and it is supposed that it is influential of the cesium.


06/18/2012 sankei.com. commongate.
■ A.
撮影部位 放射線量(mSv)
頭部 0.1
胸部 0.4
胃(バリウム) 3.3
集団検診 胃 0.6
腹部 1.0
腰椎 4.0~8.0
骨盤 3.0
股関節 4.0
大腿部 2.0
膝関節 0.5
小児の場合 0.2~0.7
   基本原理はレントゲン写真と同じですが、レントゲン写真がX線を面で照射するのに対し、CTの場合扇型のビームとして  照射し、透過してきたX線を小さなブロック単位で検出し、さまざまな計算処理を行うことで、体の内部をより鮮明に映像化しています。


    例えば甲状腺機能亢進症(パセドウ氏病)の場合ヨウ素131 111~222 MBq(MBq:100万ベクレル)
    甲状腺がんの場合はさらにその10倍 3.7~7.4GBq(GBq:10億ベクレル)を使用します。
    現在規制されている値 野菜: 2000Bq/Kg 、水: 300Bq/Kg の10万倍~100万倍程度のものを使用します。


    一般の場合: 年間5mSv以下。(上限を20mSvとしている場合もある)


   この場合 2.0mSvx10回で20mSvとなり、基準の4倍となります。

  しかも、年間5mSvというのは全身の場合であるのに対し、医療の場合は局所的な値ですので、実際は基準の10倍程度 の値になります。





03/20/2011 12:00 Kunihiko Takeda.
■ B. Nuclear power plant Urgent information (17) "" medical practice and radiation Comparison [ of what / different ] ""
Kunihiko Takeda:
The professor of Chubu University (affiliation . comprehensive engineering laboratory)
The Cabinet Office Atomic-Energy-Commission special committee, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Council for Science and Technology special committee
The so-called specialist's remark was [ how ] doubtful in the accident of this Fukushima nuclear power plant, or things were proved clearly.

For example, when the value of the 20-micro sievert per hour in contamination of the radiation of Fukushima comes out, Specialists took out an example, such as "carrying out contamination of a 600-micro sievert at once through Roentgen rays", all at once, and commented for the numerical value in which 20-micro Shibel is [ how ] small at that time which is not a problem.
However, since it is per hour, if you stay at the house for one day, since it is 7 times 24 when 24 times and also a radiation leak continue for one week only by it in the almost same environment as outside, a 20-micro sievert will increase 168 times.
This becomes an about 3.4-mm sievert and exceeds the 1-mm sievert made into the limit where the man in the street will be contaminated in 1 you to be Haruka.
moreover, somewhere else is reached, and since it is a 1.7-mm sievert even if it is in the room which does not ventilate, it cannot be said to be "safety" for 12 hours per day . -- moreover, since people who comment decide the amount of limits for one year, they think that there is no irresponsible ball.
Now, I see this problem from another viewpoint this time.
Most quantity of the radioactive material was found from the spinach which was able to be taken in the farmland near the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and the problem whether it was unsuitable as food arose.
Moreover, comparison with 1 time of Roentgen rays or CAT was carried out, and only the specialist of "being safe" appeared in television.
However, CAT is one of the medical practice performed under a doctor.
Although the case where a doctor carries out directly, and the professionals according to a doctor may do medical practice, . medical practice which looks at the person's health condition, etc. and is performed anyway under surveillance is not "safety" of the usual meaning, either, and is not a division "good for health."
For example, a doctor may cut a leg if needed.
Why does cutting a leg cut a leg in a doctor, although ず does not have "it is good for health"?
That is because a doctor thinks of all the persons and does the best thing by medical practice.
It gets worse more, when saying that a life is lost, a doctor worries about as [ this ], it judges and it is also a certain reason to cut a leg.
Even so, an ordinary person may not necessarily cut a leg.
That is, the radiation contaminated in the case of medical practice is completely unrelated in it being general.
When carrying out CAT, of course, a doctor is contaminated by thinking of the patient as few as possible, and it is indispensable to follow the patient also after that.
Contamination by such medical practice and the influence which it has on the ordinary person who lives in Fukushima Prefecture with the radiation which came out of the Fukushima nuclear power plant are completely different.
The specialist in radiation is shown this by my experience repeatedly.
For example, although those who do the work of radiation are allowed to be exposed to remarkable radiation instead, a medical examination must be carried out and record how much it was contaminated in the past through life must also be submitted.
Furthermore, when working, and a batch is attached for a dosimeter or a film and one work is done, it records firmly what contamination was carried out.
Although quantity is also a problem, I hear that the quantity contaminated simultaneously understands the danger of contamination of radiation.
The report of "it being exposed to serious radiation and suffering troubles" continued to people who are in charge of accident processing of the nuclear power plant focusing on media in . from Fukushima which knows that safety can be maintained by saying that a specialist has record.
Although it is not wrong in itself, of course, those who work are working measuring a contaminated quantity strictly.
To it, he understands the person of Fukushima Prefecture also for neither contamination nor quantity, and has not done a medical examination, either.
If I think as an administrator of radiation, dangerous one will be more anxious about the ordinary persons who live in Fukushima Prefecture than those who are doing repair work in the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
. for which make it want it to appeal to people to have made the mistake in people called speciality of a theme called the health of radiation and a human being remembering these fundamental things once again -- since there was this, it took out "the amount of contamination will be calculated by itself" to the blog of today's beginning.
I would like to continue again and to deal with contamination of a spinach.
(12:00 on March 20, Heisei 23 writing)
Kunihiko Takeda
(C) Kunihiko Takeda (Chubu University) Please freely [ quotation ]

03/20/2011 12:00 武田邦彦.

■ B. 原発 緊急情報(17) ""医療行為と放射線 違うものの比較""

中部大学教授(所属. 総合工学研究所)

(平成23年3月20日 12時 執筆)


(C)武田邦彦 (中部大学) 引用はご自由にどうぞ