○ The Fukushima Crisis 294 ; Myocardial Infarction comes out by radio.福島危機294.心筋梗塞は..。

2012-06-18 07:41:38 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

09/18/2012 myocardial infarction: heart attack
"The myocardial infarction of [talk which has already come out owing to damage] Fukushima Prefecture is based on radioactivity."
source. Tatsuhiko Kodama Teaching [ of the University of Tokyo ] .SANWA East Japan Disaster Risk Management Office . Mr. [ Kinoshita Kota / . ] sankei.jp.msn.com.
2011-09-18 Contribution of 00:00:00 Pochifx
Theme: Radiation protection https://twitter.com/#! /saigaisanwa/statuses/115031983859580928
SANWA East Japan Disaster Risk Management Office (Kobayashi, Fukaya)
@saigaisanwa SANWA East Japan Disaster Risk Management Office (Kobayashi, Fukaya)
[Talk which has already come out owing to damage] RT @pochifx: If cesium is accumulated in a cardiac muscle, it will die certainly.
All specialized conducting systems are damaged, and it is arrhythmic and dies.
It dies of heart failure.
Suddenly, ventricular fibrillation, TdP, and the pulse VT originate.
It is not reported yet and I consider.
"Professor of the Tatsuhiko Kodama University of Tokyo" http://ameblo.jp/pochifx/entry-10987624082.html
From 2 hours before [ Keitai Web ] Favorite It sends a reply.
Indrasarrow and other 22 person are retweets.
http: //search.ameba.jp/search.html?q=%E5%BF%83%E8%87%93&aid=pochifx(degreeomegadegree) ↑ searches a blog with the heart.
tens of thousands of persons will be trials at myocardial infarction in ten years -- it is likely to happen.
↓ is 2011-08-16. The 11:35:48 contents
https://twitter.com/#! /nijntje08/statuses / 103094016932978689@KinositaKouta Kinoshita Kota
It cannot be concluded that the continuation death of the automobile persons concerned in his 30's in Fukushima and his 40's is accidental.
The administration authorities and the medical institution should begin the proper investigations also including dissection for whether the radioactive material has collected on the inside of the body, especially a cardiac muscle.
more than it considered -- early -- a pathological change -- it is possible.
Don't make such a thing camouflage as general death.
From 18 hours before [ web ] Favorite Cancellation of retweet It sends a reply.
https://twitter.com/#! /dEpAs555/statuses/102808136947220480@dEpAs555 [gLaM]
Plutonium is contained in alpha line group.
Cs is taken into muscles.
(It is taken also into a cardiac muscle).
It will die, if Cs is accumulated in a cardiac muscle.
All specialized conducting systems die , abnormal heart rhythm, and heart failure.
Suddenly, VfTdP happens.
From August 15 Tweet Button Favorite It sends a reply.
https://twitter.com/#! /dEpAs555/statuses/102807190561226752@dEpAs555 [gLaM]
The same fellows as Ca have Sr and it absorbs the body similarly.
A biological concentration happens and Sr goes inside the body by eating a fish also on a human body.
If it goes inside the body, if taken in and taken into a bone, radiation will riot at the last there, marrow will be invaded, and it will become hypoplastic anemia and marrow leukemia.
From August 15 Tweet Button Favorite It sends a reply.
https://twitter.com/#! /dEpAs555/statuses/102803946833321985@dEpAs555 [gLaM]
Tatsuhiko Kodama 1/2 Anger from his heart in Diet, health Committie. If influence http: [ to nuclear health ]//youtu.be/1 bBe-gZ4Epg Cs is accumulated in a cardiac muscle, it will die certainly.
All specialized conducting systems are damaged, and it is arrhythmic and dies.
It dies of heart failure.
Suddenly, ventricular fibrillation, TdP, and the pulse VT originate.
It is not reported yet and I consider.
From 08/15/2011 Tweet Button Favorite It sends a reply.
https://twitter.com/#! As for /igarashi0724/statuses/102982025983705088hanayuu, the Nayu-(metabolic which loved me) acquaintance still died suddenly by myocardial infarction by the youth in the first half of the 30th generation.
The vegetables and stock raising of Fukushima or a northeast are purchased in large quantities from April to June. carrying [ ], whenever it also purchases a picture (Fukushima vegetable set like) -- "-- I can do it -- about such a thing -- " -- http://chatran6.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-16.html 08/13/2011 which had appealed for stricken area aid loud
Reply @hanayuu ↑
@basilsauce basil
I am really fearful.
@hanayuu acquaintance still dies suddenly by myocardial infarction by the youth in the first half of the 30th generation. -- The vegetables and stock raising of Fukushima or a northeast are purchased in large quantities from April to June. carrying [ ], whenever it also purchases a picture -- "-- I can do it -- about such a thing -- " -- stricken area aid -- loud -- http://chatran -- from [ 21 hours before / web / 6.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-16.html ] Favorite It sends a reply.
User information included in this tweet.
559 :Earthquake Thunder Fire Namelessness (Aichi Prefecture) : 2011/08/10 (Wed.) 13:01:55.84 ID:fJXbtOP80
The acquaintance still died suddenly by myocardial infarction by the youth in the first half of the 30th generation.
There is connection from a relative and it is about the person's blog to a long time.
The vegetables and stock raising of Fukushima or a northeast are purchased in large quantities from April to June.
Carry, whenever you also purchase the picture (Fukushima vegetable set like).
"-- I can do it -- about such a thing -- " -- it had appealed for stricken area aid loud
Seemingly, the person of the surroundings or a relative was also called to.
579 Name: -- Earthquake Thunder Fire Namelessness (Aichi Prefecture) [Sage] Contribution Day: -- 2011/08 / 10 (Wed.) 13:57:18.52 ID:fJXbtOP80
>>566 Since it is an individual blog, it is impossible truly (moreover, he is the deceased).
her mind if it considers, conscience will reproach -- J
After some links of northeast gourmet mail orders including JA Fukushima were stuck
I think that it was earnest, became the power in the direction of northeastern, and swarmed.
Appeal was desperately performed so that a blog might not be confused by the rumor, either.
Such pure persons are the feelings which are done as victim to the rumor in a true meaning is fallen and as for which せ is not.
593 Name: -- Earthquake Thunder Fire Namelessness (Aichi Prefecture) [Sage] Contribution Day: -- 2011/08/10 (Wed.) 14:34:05.13 ID:fJXbtOP80 >>589
But northeastern food was ordered by chance by her blog.
Text to say Because I who have in radioactivity in a feeling of a crisis saw,
Since it carries out by accident and -- is thought It is,
The cause-and-effect relationship between Fukushima vegetables and her death is although it is not what can be proved,
If it becomes known to a bereaved family or a common acquaintance to have carried out address after writing in the bulletin board, I will think that it is unsavory too.
I think that a feeling of [ anti-] will buy it if it becomes known as his being me.
Unreasonableness, I'm sorry absolutely.
(It is the writing of the person of Aichi Prefecture from an urgent natural disaster board)
He is for the person who collapsed during work from Fukushima first and passed away in it to be also unknown, and to call a cause myocardial infarction after all.
Causal relationship will not be accepted unless many victims who become instead of [ of potassium ], who have influence on a circulatory organ system, and do so and lend it and in which others are the same with a pollution example since that is right are [ cesium ] sacrificed.
Even if the cardiopathy number leaped up 6 times after the accident, it had said by the documentary of NHK.
It investigates instead of the pig of a 70-km village, and a person from the contents of broadcast of NHK of internal contamination the other day, and Chernobyl.
(Eight months after the birth.)
Eating habits eat the same things, such as a village-people self-sufficiency hourly pay potato, and grow up.
Heart 16.52 bq/kg thyroid gland 13.46
Kidney 21.29
Liver 11.19
Large intestine 11.5
Stomach 15
Remarks: The level in which the food of a village is frightful now, and a mushroom are 116,000 Bq of kilo hits.
■ Cesium is accumulated also in the room and the thyroid gland of Belarus (click!).
■ Cesium accumulated in the room and internal organs of Belarus (click!)
* "The room in Belarus" is a blog for getting Japanese people to read in Japanese about a life in Belarus.
A metastasis rate exceeds a thyroid cancer 70% anything.
Many people die.
Butter butter.
It is not only it.
Cesium is also rapidly accumulated in this muscles which have entered in large quantities at internal organs.
The heart stops suddenly.
■ Yahoo! wisdom (click!)
Although the Roentgen rays of good are 50-micro sieverts, they differ from 50-micro sievert per hour.
They have not made a mistake in flying with 600-micro sievert per hour, although the Roentgen rays to stoumach are 600-micro sieverts, either.
It is the cheat which will not be understood what is different.
■ Yahoo! wisdom (click!)

=> -- this article; -- "a difference between medical radiation and the radiation of the Fukushima nuclear power plant" -- to be published .. is carried out later.

http: A //sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/110812/bdy11081211240004-n1.htm ambulance does not carry out an AED operation. It dies in the 30th generation male and 2 hours.
2011.8.12 11:23
It turned out on the 12th that the automated external defibrillator (AED) in an ambulance did not operate at the Kakunodate fire department in Akita Prefecture in June, and it was not able to take a measure to the man in his 30's with doubt of acute myocardial infarction.
The male died of acute myocardial infarction.
The police station supposes ", about the causal relationship of were not able to use a male's death and AED, it is not given by a hospital."
According to the police station, around 7:15 a.m. on June 8, a patient's request of transfer conveyance is received from the hospital in prefecture Semboku, and it leaves towards the hospital in Akita by an ambulance in about 15 minutes of it.
It is needed from a male condition on the way, and an ambulance officer uses AED.
Although operated, it does not operate normally the 2nd time and afterwards [ the 1st time of ], but it is said that it died around said 9:30.
Aged deterioration of the code which connects the main part of equipment and an electrode pad is regarded as a cause.
[https://twitter.com/#! /saigaisanwa/statuses / 115031983859580928 sanwa East Japan Disaster Risk Management Office] is searched with an amoeba.


"【既に被害で出てる話】福島県の心筋梗塞は放射能によるもの "

source. 児玉龍彦 東大教授. SANWA東日本災害対策室 . 木下黄太氏. sankei.jp.msn.com.

2011-09-18 00:00:00 pochifxの投稿
テーマ:Radiation protection https://twitter.com/#!/saigaisanwa/statuses/115031983859580928
@saigaisanwa SANWA東日本災害対策室(小林、深谷)
【既に被害で出てる話】RT @pochifx: セシウムが心筋に蓄積すると確実に死ぬ。刺激伝導系が全てやられ不整脈で死ぬ。心不全で死ぬ。突然、心室細動、TdP、パルスVTが起こる。まだ報道されてない思う。「児玉龍彦 東大教授」 http://ameblo.jp/pochifx/entry-10987624082.html
2時間前 Keitai Webから お気に入り リツイート 返信


-----------↓は 2011-08-16 11:35:48 の内容 ------------

@KinositaKouta 木下黄太
18時間前 webから お気に入り リツイートの取消 返信

@dEpAs555 【gLaM】
8月15日 Tweet Buttonから お気に入り リツイート 返信

@dEpAs555 【gLaM】
8月15日 Tweet Buttonから お気に入り リツイート 返信

@dEpAs555 【gLaM】
児玉龍彦 1/2 満身の怒り 衆厚労委 核の健康への影響 http://youtu.be/1bBe-gZ4Epg
08/15/2011 Tweet Buttonから お気に入り リツイート 返信

hanayuu はなゆー(私を愛したメタボ)
知り合いがまだ三十代前半の若さで心筋梗塞で急死した。 四月から六月にかけて福島や東北の野菜や畜産類を大量に購入して画像(福島野菜セットみたいなの)も購入するたびに載せて 「私が出来るのはこんなことくらい」と被災地応援を声高に唱えてた http://chatran6.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-16.html 08/13/2011

返信 @hanayuu ↑
@basilsauce バジル
本当にこわいです。@hanayuu 知り合いがまだ三十代前半の若さで心筋梗塞で急死…四月から六月にかけて福島や東北の野菜や畜産類を大量に購入して画像も購入するたびに載せて 「私が出来るのはこんなことくらい」と被災地応援を声高に http://chatran6.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-16.html
21時間前 webから お気に入り リツイート 返信

559 :地震雷火事名無し(愛知県):2011/08/10(水) 13:01:55.84 ID:fJXbtOP80







579 名前:地震雷火事名無し(愛知県)[sage] 投稿日:2011/08/10(水) 13:57:18.52 ID:fJXbtOP80

>>566 個人ブログなのでさすがに無理です(しかも故人ですし、

彼女の志 を思うと良心が咎めます) J





593 名前:地震雷火事名無し(愛知県)[sage] 投稿日:2011/08/10(水) 14:34:05.13 ID:fJXbtOP80 >>589


という文章を 放射能に危機感持っている私が目にしたから、

ひょっとして…と思うので あって、






( 緊急自然災害板より 愛知県の人の書き込み)





心臓 16.52bq/kg
腎臓 21.29
肝臓 11.19
大腸 11.5
胃  15

備考:村の食べ物は現在凄まじいレベル、 きのこはキロあたり11万6千ベクレル












⇒この article;"医療放射線と福島原発の放射線の違い"..は後日 publish してゆきます. pathfinderk

救急車のAED作動せず 30代男性、2時間後に死亡
2011.8.12 11:23
【https://twitter.com/#!/saigaisanwa/statuses/115031983859580928 sanwa東日本災害対策室】をアメーバで検索