○. The Fukushima Crisis279 ; Lingering Fear,but with smile.福島危機279.南仏の光の中で.

2012-06-04 08:25:33 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/30/2012. Contamination . of the sea, a river, and water. Ringleader of fear in which does not wipe out a smiling face
/ (La Croix 05/23/2012) told in the farmhouse in Fukushima "where I lost all", and France
The local assembly chairperson of the south Fr. invited the farmhouse in Fukushima to France, and prepared the opportunity to listen to the present condition.
Although I think whether each person has an idea about the various subjects and situations which are told in testimony, the heart is struck to the posture of people of unknown land who are going to listen to the voice of the farmhouse of a stricken area directly above all.
The Olivier Flo Ron local assembly chairperson of the Vaucluse prefecture (notes 1) decided to invite a Japanese coworker to France and to listen to the testimony by the catastrophe of a nuclear power plant disaster, at the time of the first one year passing since the tidal wave in Japan which damage doubled, after going back from Fukushima.
The farmhouse in Fukushima and Shinya Takeda (notes 2) came to Pernoud Fonteyne (notes 3) of the Vaucluse prefecture in this way.
The following is the language which Shinya Takeda told.
"Agriculture of Japan is faced with a miserable situation since March 11, 2011.
There is no person that who already wants to buy the agricultural products of the area polluted by a stricken area and radioactivity.
It is imported even rice.
After farmland was destroyed from tsunami, the nuclear power plant disaster made an attack.
The problem of food is very intricately complex.
In the prefecture of 11 which suffered the damage of radioactivity, nothing already sells.
Nobody already gives eyes to organically grown agricultural products and the production of a compost.
But farmers do not take refuge but remain in the house.
Since there is no money, can throw away land and it cannot leave it.
Although production is continued, the slot between a farmhouse and consumers just deepens in a miserable form.
Farmers are still exposed to the 3rd disaster as if it was still insufficient.
In order that the government might join a free trade zone with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, it was decided that a customs duty was abolished.
Import of agricultural products will increase explosively.
The Tokyo Electric Power which caused the nuclear power plant disaster and where funds hit the bottom cannot secure paying disaster victims compensation any longer.
It is decided that Toden will be nationalized soon.
Therefore, the government has to secure.
A tax is raised. "
Shinya Takeda stuck and told about what kind of society Japanese people should aim at for whether without never wiping out a smiling face, while the farmers around Fukushima pay what kind of sacrifice today, it is alive by "revival", without asking oneself how.
"The nuclear power plant which is already working became zero.
All the nuclear power plants stopped and re-operation has caused the big argument.
We are alive in the interval of economic nose diving and the danger of the new nuclear power plant disaster which may occur again.
The nuclear fuel pool of the Fukushima nuclear power plant of No. 4 still continues being a ringleader of our fear.
And we the Japanese are awaiting, that a big accident occurs again being agonized.
We are alive in the fear. "

(Note 1) Vaucluse prefecture is a district located in the southeast in France.
(Note 2) Mr. Takeda is the International Affairs Department member of the organization "Nouminren" by a farmhouse, and he is taking charge of cooperation activities with an overseas organization including France which led the international farmer institution "la Campe Jenna" for protecting a small-scale farmer's right.
Mr. Shinya Takeda's photograph journal (2011) http://www.youtube.com/watch=l25TD104k9A
Nouminren and disaster support party official site http://earlybirds.ddo.jp/earlybirds/saigai/?cat=8
Report http: [ about " la Campe Jenna" by Mr. Takeda ]//www.nouminren.ne.jp/dat/200906/2009062209.htm
(Note 3) Pernoud Fonteyne is a town with a population of about 10,000 located in the south Buddha.
Fukushima : ces paysans. qui ont tout perdu, La Croix, 2012.05.23)http://www.laprovence.com/article/carpentras/fukushima-ces-paysans-qui-ont-tout-perdu

05/30/2012. 海・川・水の汚染. 恐怖の元凶. 笑顔を絶やさずに

「僕らは全てを失った」福島の農家、フランスで語る/ラ・クロワ( La Croix 05/23/2012)














(« Fukushima : ces paysans qui ont tout perdu », La Croix, 2012.05.23)