

Hyun Kimの論文が研究不正で撤回!

2016-01-08 20:35:05 | 社会

Hyun Kim(筆頭著者、韓国籍か?)らの論文が研究不正で撤回された。




AJAS wishes to retract the article “Induction of Ski Protein Expression upon Luteinization in Rat Granulosa Cells” published in the AJAS Vol 25, issue 5, page 635-641(2012), which is based on inadequate validation of primary data sources and data misrepresentation. The review was conducted by ethical committee of the AJAS following an admission of scientific misconduct by the first author (Hyun Kim, PhD) in relation to the data included in other studies (1 and 2). This review resulted in our decision to retract the aforementioned article.

1. Kim H, Yamanouchi K, Nishihara M. Expression of ski in the granulosa cells of atretic follicles in the rat ovary. J Reprod Dev 52: 715-721 (2006)

2. Kim H, Yamanouchi K, Matsuwaki T, Nishihara M. Induction of Ski protein expression upon luteinization in rat granulosa cells without a change in its mRNA expression. J Reprod Dev 58: 254-259 (2012)

注意 - 2016.1.14加筆


撤回公告の「an admission of scientific misconduct by the first author (Hyun Kim, PhD) in relation to the data included in other studies (1 and 2). 」という部分は表現が適切でない又は誤りである。

またリトラクションウォッチの「The journal decided to investigate after Kim admitted to misconduct in two other papers published in a different journal.」という記載も誤解に基づく誤りである。

当ブログは学術誌が撤回公告で「an admission of scientific misconduct by the first author (Hyun Kim, PhD) in relation to the data included in other studies (1 and 2). 」と公式公表したことを受けて、1,2の研究不正を公式に公告したと判断しました。関係者にはご迷惑をおかけし申し訳ありませんでした。

撤回理由は「inadequate validation of primary data sources and data misrepresentation」だから、改ざんに該当するのだろう。

また、Hyun Kimが筆頭著者を務める別の2論文も撤回された。



Editorial Notice

RDB wishes to retract the articles “Relationship between Sloan-Kettering Virus Expression and Granulosa Cells of Atretic Follicles in the Rat Ovary” published in the RDB Vol 35, issue 3, page 341-348 (2011), and “Involvement of Ski Protein Expression in Luteinization in Rat Granulosa Cells” published in the RDB Vol 35, issue 3, page 355-361(2011), which are based on duplication of the published data.

The ethical committee of the KSAR (Korean Society of Animal Reproduction) conducted the review following an admission of scientific misconduct by the first/corresponding author (Hyun Kim, PhD), resulting in the decision to retract these articles.


撤回理由は発表データの重複。Hyun Kimは研究不正を自白した。

[1]リトラクションウォッチ 2016.1.7