


2014-04-12 18:21:19 | 表現

While the present invention has been described with reference to preferred embodiments thereof, numerous obvious changes and variations may readily be made by persons skilled in the field of magnetic materials and devices. Accordingly, the invention should be understood to include all such variations to the full extend embraced by the claims. (US6667897 to Abraham)

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US6667897B1(Magnetic tunnel junction containing a ferrimagnetic layer and anti-parallel layer)

2014-04-12 16:54:35 | 米国特許散策


at least one of A, B, and C (ネイティブにorによく直された)

although not bound by theory, it is believed that ...

At temperatures above compensation temperature, the moments of the two layers could add, providing...

1) a second ferrimagnetic material that has different properties than the first ferrimagnetic material (than the properties of とはなってない。日本語原稿でもよくあるパターン。以前ネイティブにthat has properties different from properties of the first ferrimagnetic materialのように直された)
1)' "DuPont™ Elvaloy® AC copolymer resins have a substantially higher heat resistance than EVAs and other polar copolymers. EVA, for example, starts to degrade around 220°C, whereas the EMAs remain stable up to 350°C in air, and EEAs are stable over 400°C in a nitrogen atmosphere")

2) the thickness and compensation temperature of the anti-parallel 220 layer can be chosen so that a balance between the magnetic moment of the first magnetic material in the ferrimagnetic layer 210 and second ferrimagnetic material in the anti-parallel layer 220 occurs in the free layer 205 at the operating temperature of an MRAM device.(between the magnetic moment of ... and the magnetic moment of ...とはなってない。ネイティブならではの勢いに乗った書き方か・・・?second ferrimagnetic materialに冠詞無し)

as the compensation temperature of either the first ferrimagnetic material in the ferrimagnetic layer or the second ferrimagnetic material in the anti-parallel layer is approached


1) when the MTJ has not been selected for a write (あっさりa write)

2) When the MTJ is selected for writing,

3) thereby reducing the likelihood of unintentionally writing adjacent cells

1) The pinned layer 260 can be conventional and is preferably comprised of permalloy or other ferromagnetic material as is known in the art.

2) the layers that comprise the MTJ

3) exemplary configuration of the MTJ device is to

4) Other configurations of the MTJ device are also contemplated by the present invention(その他の構成も本願発明により考慮されている(含まれる?):

5) A memory array comprising a plurality of memory cells, at least one of said memory cells comprising a magnetic tunnel junction device including a free layer and a pinned layer separated by a barrier layer, wherein said free layer comprises: a ferrimagnetic layer comprising a ferrimagnetic material; and an anti-parallel layer proximate to the ferrimagnetic layer, the anti-parallel layer having a magnetic moment that is substantially anti-parallel to a magnetic moment of the ferrimagnetic layer at least within a predetermined temperature range of the magnetic tunnel junction device.


6) The magnetization and thickness of the layers of the free layer 205 can be chosen such that(日本語原稿だと「205を構成する層の材料と厚さは・・・」と言いそうなところ。


the net magnetization of free layer 205 and the magnetization of the pinned layer 260 may each be oriented (こういうeachの使い方もよくネイティブに直されたような気が。both?不要?)

as illustrated by arrows 302a

1) Pinned layer 304 is a magnetic material, e.g. ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic, which has its magnetization oriented, as illustrated by arrows 304a, at an angle to the magnetization illustrated by arrows 302a. (こういう代名詞の使い方もよく直された。of which (またはwhose) magnetization is orientedがベター?)

2) As shown in FIGS. 3a and 3b, that angle is preferably about 90 degrees. (theがベター?)

3) formed in a manner consistent with that shown in FIG. 2

the MTJ device of FIGS. 3a and 3b should have a non-zero angle between arrows 302a and 304a to permit sensing of bits 308a in magnetization of a nearby medium 308.(原稿に「すべき」とあっても、安易に使えない。やっぱりmay?)

so that, such that:
1) The magnetization and thickness of the layers of the free layer 205 can be chosen such that

2) When the MTJ is selected for writing, it can be heated such that

3) the free layer 205 may lack a spacer layer such that the ferrimagnetic layer 210 and anti-parallel layer 220 are directly adjacent to each other.

4) the thickness and compensation temperature of the anti-parallel 220 layer can be chosen so that

5) bit lines are preferably oriented in a different direction, e.g., at right angles to the word lines, so that the two sets of lines form intersecting regions when viewed from above(安易に使わない方がいいが、実例は多い)

1) the laser used to interrogate the state of the magnetization only interacts strongly with the transition metal sublattice. (こんな単語は思いつかないW。「取り出す」?)

2) to permit sensing of bits 308a

providing even greater discrimination between selected and unselected MTJs.

1) As will be understood,

2) As apparent from FIG. 4,

明らかに積層しているのに、この明細書ではstack, laminateとの単語は出てこない。

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剛性 rigidity, stiffness

2014-04-11 15:28:12 | 単語

剛性はrigidity? stiffness?
Wikipediaには、Stiffness is the rigidity of an object とありますが、これって日本語に訳すとどういう訳になるんでしょうか??「剛性とは物体の固さ」?

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lower number, smaller number

2014-04-09 18:27:31 | 数学表現

English Language & Usage

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2014-04-05 21:25:56 | 単語

point mark WO2005001552
printing point WO2013000499

markings; removal markings; permanent markings; reference markings 


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2014-04-04 19:03:18 | 表現

Yarn feed system for tufting machines

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2014-04-04 16:01:44 | 電気

case, casing, housing, enclosure, chassis



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above, over, under, below

2014-04-03 18:29:56 | 表現

above, over

below, under

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