

How does an Electric Motor work? DC Motor explained

2021-12-16 12:07:25 | ビデオ

0:08 "we are going to be looking at the DC motor(定冠詞単数;代表) ... to understand the basics of how it works"

0:16 "DC motors(無冠詞複数;様々)look somehing like this ... these are used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy"

0:40 "we have the tip of the shaft protruding through(貫通して突き出ている)the casing"

1:00 "these are permanent magnets, which form a north and south pole"(極は2つだがpolesとは言ってない)

1:03 "running through(貫通して延在)the center of the motor"

 1:19 "each disc has these T-shaped arms cut into them(指しているのはeach discだが複数)"

1:21 "Wrapped around these T-shaped arms of the rotor are(倒置)the coil windings"

1:42 "The commutator is a ring, which is being segmented(being不要)into a number of plates, which sit concentrically around the shaft"

1:54 "The ends(複数)of each coil connect to a different commutator plate(複数endsが複数の異なるプレートに接続しているのだからdifferent platesとすべきような気がするが、ネイティブは先行の該当名詞の数との一致をあまり意識しないで、今まさに説明している、しようとしている名詞に対するイメージで冠詞を選択しているような気がする)"

6:54 "The simplest DC motor has just a single coil.  These(意識は眼前のモータだけでなく同様の設計の複数例)are a much simpler design"  

7:19 "Each coil is positioned 120 degrees from previous(抜け感)"

8:36 "The end(ここでは単数)of each coil is connected to a different commutator plate(これなら数の一致は納得)"

9:24 "is Flemming's left hand rule(無冠詞)" フレミングの左手の法則

12:19 "In the center, we find the shaft.  Attached to the shaft, we have the rotor.  Wrapped around the rotor, we have the coil.  Connecting the coils, we have the commutator.  Providing power to the commutator, we have the brushes and brush arms.  And finally, we have a power supply"

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Solenoid Basics Explained - Working Principle

2021-12-16 11:56:52 | ビデオ

砂鉄:iron filings

右手の法則:the right-hand grip rule

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Capacitors Explained - The basics how capacitors work working principle

2021-12-16 11:56:14 | ビデオ

2:23 "If we were to connect a capacitor to a battery, the voltage will push the electrons"(学校文法的にはwould)


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Inductors Explained - The basics how inductors work working principle

2021-12-16 11:05:43 | ビデオ


9:40 "You can't(音は"khan")measure inductance with a standard multimeter, but you can get some ... ["muloose"? 聞き取れない]  with this function built in"

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