


2019-04-29 18:45:47 | 英文法

Comparative and superlative adverbs, Oxford Living Dictionaries

He runs the fastest.

The first stage of the game ended the most quickly.  ("ended most quickly" = "ended very quickly" ?)

Most, the most, mostly, English Grammar Today, Cambridge Dictionary

例文として挙げてある"What I liked most were the beautiful beaches" = "What I liked the most were the beautiful beaches" ?


"what I liked the most was": 2件

"what I liked most was": 4件 

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2019-04-29 12:25:10 | 英語特許散策

"A user device uses sensors to determine the rotation of the user device with respect to a reference orientation. Using the user device rotation, an image manipulation module accesses images that are associated with image rotations. A set of the images are selected based on the device rotation to select images that have image orientations corresponding to the device rotation. A weight may be determined for each selected image, and the images are combined to generate a blended image using the weights. The blended image is displayed to the user, and as the rotation of the user devices changes, the process is repeated to display changing blended images based on the device rotation, thereby animating the rotation effect."


"A laser perforator for perforating skin of a patient and obtaining of blood samples consists of laser light source for producing an output laser beam, a focusing arrangement for focusing the outpout laser beam at a skin area selected for perforation, a guiding arrangement, a power supply unit and a retaining arrangement for retaining the skin area. The retaining arrangement is formed to intensify blood circulation in the skin area selected for perforation."


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