


2019-04-03 14:49:27 | 英語特許散策

"Briefly stated, in accordance with a presently preferred embodiment of this invention, an improved latch for a drop side crib having at least one drop-side movably disposed between two crib ends includes locking means carried by the movable side for engaging at least one of the ends to fix the position of the side with respect to(*に対する側部の位置)the ends. Inaccessible actuating means on the side are effective to release the locking means, to allow the crib side to be moved. Yanually operable control means are provided having a first disengaged position in which movement of the control means does not operate the actuating means to release the side; and a second, engaged positon where movement of the control means operates the actuating means to release the side for adjustment or removal. "

"When a push or pull force is applied to the cable 5 and or to the coupling nut 1, moving the cable 5 towards the cable end 11 side(*参照番号越え) with respect to(*に対するケーブル端11側)the coupling nut 1, the gripping feature 27 engages the jacket 3 and pulls the snap ring 21 into the wedge surface 14, which operates(*作用する)to drive the snap ring 21 radially inward into a progressively(*徐々に)increasing secure centering contact with the jacket 3 thus preventing further cable 5 movement with respect to the coupling nut 1, as best shown in FIGS. 8 and 9. "

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