

アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): Swan is Saved

2019-03-12 17:30:08 | 日記
2019年3月12日(Tue.) 少し気になっていたアノ白鳥、助けられたと報じられていました。 ( ニュースソース: ICELAND REVIEW 3月4日発 )

Swan is Saved After Getting Bill Stuck in Can

A swan that had been residing on Urriðakot lake in the municipality of Garðabær was saved from certain death earlier today, Morgunblaðið reports. The swan had managed to get his bill stuck in half a can of Red Bull at least two weeks ago, preventing the swan from feeding. Today, a team from the Icelandic Institute of Natural History finally captured the bird and removed the can. The swan is now convalescing at Reykjavík’s Fjölskyldu- og Húsdýragarðurinn Park and Zoo.

According to reports, people living close to the lake had spotted the troubled bird, but had no luck in trying to capture or assist the animal. According to Ólafur Nielsen of the Icelandic Institute of Natural History, the swan was close to death when he and his team managed to capture the bird today and swiftly remove the can. “The bird was exhausted and dying on the lake,” Ólafur says. “That’s why we were quick to capture it.”

The swan’s bruised bill has been disinfected and the bird has been moved to Fjölskyldu- og Húsdýragarðurinn Park and Zoo while it recuperates. Ólafur is hopeful that the swan will regain its former strength. “The bird was pretty stocky,” he says, adding that he’s confident the zoo will take good care of it.

Ólafur says that the swan’s case is sadly not an isolated one, with the Icelandic Institute of Natural History regularly dealing with birds that have gotten stuck in plastic or other garbage.

Fjölskyldu- og Húsdýragarðurinn Park and Zoo has already posted about the unlucky swan on their Facebook site, saying that after being tended to, the swan has already started eating and will stay at the zoo for as long as it

(超抜粋) この白鳥はクチバシに缶( Red Bull の)の半分が引っかかっていたもので、少なくとも2週間はこうした状態になっていました。 本日(3月4日)、専門家がこの白鳥を保護し缶を取り除きました。白鳥は回復に向かっています、動物園(公園)で。


気になっていた白鳥は救出されていたのですね(良かった〜!)。 それにしても、こうした事例は少なくないとのコメントもありますので、環境破壊や汚染などへの対策には、もっと本格的に取り組むべきでしょう。

主旨は異なるかも知れませんが、スウェーデンの Greta が訴えている気候変動への対策不備の件も、広く、環境問題と解すれば共通的な課題であるとも言えるのでしょう。


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