

フランス(France 🇫🇷): for Act 16 of protests

2019-03-04 16:31:08 | 日記
2019年3月4日(Mon.) 最近、しばしば思うことの一つ、日本人はバカな連中が少なくないのかも知れないと言うこと。 凶悪犯罪事件も起きているし、悪質な詐欺も一向に減っていないようだし、はたまた、相変わらず言っていることとやっていることが不整合で、いや、むしろ “真逆” であるにも関わらず、誤魔化し続ける為政者。 そして、時の権力におもねるばかりで、公正妥当な判断や論評もせず、逆に加担している大手マスコミ。後の世に、大批判を浴びることになることは目に見えているのに・・・です。

こうして、世界の動向を見ていると、スウェーデンの女子生徒 Greta の抗議活動は各国に広がりつつあるし、フランスでの Yellow vests 運動は、ついに16週連続の実施になっています。 政府や関係当局に訴える手段、はたまた、国民・市民に訴える手段としては、こうした抗議活動が有効でしょう。但し、暴力的な行為は避けなければなりません。 参加人数が多くなれば、当局もマスコミも無視は出来なくなるでしょう。 ( ニュースソース: FRANCE 24 3月2日発 )

France's Yellow Vests take to streets for Act 16 of protests

Mehdi Fedouach, AFP | Protesters take part in an anti-government demonstration called by the Yellow Vest movement on March 2, 2019 in Bordeaux, southwestern France.

Yellow Vests took to the streets of France for the sixteenth consecutive week of demonstrations on Saturday, while several prominent activists have called for the protests to ramp up again.
(超抜粋) 16週連続のデモになっています。 一部の活動家は、暴れまわることを呼びかけました。

For more than three months, Yellow Vest protesters have been demonstrating against French President Emmanuel Macron’s government. For Act 16 of the protests, the Paris local government authorised a route from the Arc de Triomphe to Place Denfert-Rochereau in the south of the city.

The Facebook group “Yellow Vests Act 16: Insurrection”, meanwhile, had called on demonstrators to “go back to the movement’s roots” with the “spontaneous” approach that “scared the government” with undeclared protests at unauthorised sites in November and December.

Demonstrations were also planned in cities throughout France, including Marseille, Nice, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Nantes and Toulouse. In the northeastern city of Lille, protest organisers called on Yellow Vests throughout the region – as well as in neighbouring countries such as Belgium and Germany – to converge on the city. “The fight is international”, said a statement on the Facebook event page for the Lille demonstrations.

According to Interior Ministry figures, 39,300 Yellow Vest protesters demonstrated nationwide on Saturday, including 4,000 in Paris. The numbers are down slightly from last Saturday, when 46,600 protesters took to the streets across France, including 5,800 in the capital. The official figures are generally disputed by the Yellow Vests.

In Lyon, protest organizers on Saturday planned a “black march”, in which demonstrators will turn up dressed in black as a “symbol of mourning” for the movement, to warn against a hypothetical future in which it is destined to “become obscurantist” and the object of “contempt” because of activists “not acting together”.

Act 16 comes after Éric Drouet, Priscilla Ludosky and Maxime Nicolle, Yellow Vest activists who captured public attention with viral social media posts in November, called for the mass mobilisation of protesters on the following Saturdays, March 9 and – especially – March 16, the date when Macron’s ‘grand debate’ finishes.

For his part, Macron repeated his requests for a “return to calm” on Friday, lamenting the demonstrations’ “intolerable” violence. He launched the ‘grand debate’ on January 15 – in which every French person is supposed to be able to air their grievances – as a response to the popular uprising that emerged in opposition to proposed fuel tax hikes in November, before becoming a more amorphous movement calling for a wide variety of policy changes.

(超抜粋) フランス各地でのデモの他に、ベルギーやドイツでも行われています。 内務省によると、この土曜日には39,300人が参加、その内、パリは4,000人でした。 先週の46,600人とパリで5,800人よりは僅かに減少しています。
主催者達は、この先の3月9日と16日には、大勢の動員を呼びかけています。 (以下、略。 原文を参照下さい。)



繰り返しになりますが、日本でも、市民が街頭に出ないと、国の針路は大きく間違えたままの方向に進み続けることでしょう。 安倍政権は、戦前回帰を目指す時代錯誤集団に等しいとしか見えません。 国会審議も不誠実の極みで、国会は機能していないのと同然です。 これは、暴走・独裁と同じです。

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