(2)何のためにそれをしたんだ? 何が言いたいかというと何故そのチャリンコを使おうとしたんだ、許可をお願いしないでさ。
(1)He said he had no intention of stealing it.He just wanted to use it to go shopping.
(2)What did you do that for? l mean why did you use the bicycle without asking permission?
※permission…承認 同意 免許 許諾 ♪パーミション
(3)I'm not the only one who does such things. My friends always do.
※…するつもりである, …しようと思う, …することを意図する, …たい((todo, dojng))
(4)But you know, l don't like the attitude of that policeman. He woldn't even listen to me.
(5)I was trying to explain everything, but he just kept telling me that l was a liar. Maybe he didn't like the coIor and style of my hair.
(6)l don't think it's fair. Besides, the police shouldn't have judged me by my hair coIor. l don't like that. 。
(7)Well, you are small and different from your friends, so you stand out among them.
※stand out…目立つ
(8)You had your bicycle stolen, but that doesn't justify you doing the same thing.
(9)You may not think that you are wrong, but what you did was against the law.
♪ユーメイナーθィンクダーユーアーろン ワッチューディd ワザゲインダロウ
(10)I'll go to the police, anyway, and apologize for what Shoko has done.
(2)何のためにそれをしたんだ? 何が言いたいかというと何故そのチャリンコを使おうとしたんだ、許可をお願いしないでさ。
(1)He said he had no intention of stealing it.He just wanted to use it to go shopping.
(2)What did you do that for? l mean why did you use the bicycle without asking permission?
※permission…承認 同意 免許 許諾 ♪パーミション
(3)I'm not the only one who does such things. My friends always do.
※…するつもりである, …しようと思う, …することを意図する, …たい((todo, dojng))
(4)But you know, l don't like the attitude of that policeman. He woldn't even listen to me.
(5)I was trying to explain everything, but he just kept telling me that l was a liar. Maybe he didn't like the coIor and style of my hair.
(6)l don't think it's fair. Besides, the police shouldn't have judged me by my hair coIor. l don't like that. 。
(7)Well, you are small and different from your friends, so you stand out among them.
※stand out…目立つ
(8)You had your bicycle stolen, but that doesn't justify you doing the same thing.
(9)You may not think that you are wrong, but what you did was against the law.
♪ユーメイナーθィンクダーユーアーろン ワッチューディd ワザゲインダロウ
(10)I'll go to the police, anyway, and apologize for what Shoko has done.