

I am okay with keeping a dog at home. I just want my son to be resp onsible for what he has said.

2016-04-02 12:58:45 | 日記









(7)夏前に痩せようと思うの。(be trying を使って)





(1)Fumi will support to start up my new business. He is so nice.→Hey, be careful. He is double-tongued.

(2)Your son found an abandoned dog on the way home, and he insisted he takes care of it. If you were his mother, would you agree with it or not? Why?
♪abandoned…アバ-ンダンd 捨て犬 insisted…インツィスティd 

(3)First, I would talk about how hard it is to take care of pets, and if he st
ill wants to keep it, I would say yes. I like dogs actually, so I am okay with keeping a dog at home. I just want my son to be responsible for what he has said.

(4)I go upstairs.

(5)You are a good listener.

(6)She is a good cook.

(7)I'm trying to lose some weight before summer.

(8)Stick around and you will learn something!

(9)I'll just kinda stick around.

(10)You have a good sense of humor.
♪sense of humor…センツォヴヒュームr
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