

something journal 1

2006年12月22日 05時02分57秒 | Weblog
I was a student in Japan, I studied that during economic stagnation the national bank should set low interest rate to rent companies funds. Moreover, they said governments should keep primary balance positive. However that’s not true nor right now. The governments don’t have to spent money from basic incomes, because they get tax revenue every year.
The economists was insisting that the national banks should set low interest rate during economic stagnation, but it’s not true. If the national banks loan money at low interest, not every company can gather enough funds. On the other hand, if they set high interest rate, they can let foreigners invest onto their companies. Sum of all amount of money can be bigger than just by the national banks. Especially, for companies, which want to start new kinds of job, the banks don’t want to take risks but some investors like high risk & high return game. If the companies have funds they can start their job, and some would be fail but some would be succeed. Those will show new kinds of business, and give everyone dreams. That would help economy to take off from the stagnation. That means when they succeeded new business state would get benefit, but when they failed foreign investors would loose their capital. It’s almost no risks for domestic economic and social structures, except mental problems of people who fail their businesses.
New Zealand’s economic policy is the best example of this strategy. The NZ doesn’t have resources, which will make a large amount of money like oil areas, gold mines, coal and ironstone mines. So, NZ couldn’t pool enough amounts of funds investing to bring industries up, but now NZ government has set high interest rate, and many foreigners’ running their property here. As a result, many people want to exchange their currency to NZ dollars and it keeps strong price. On the other hand, Canada and Australia are also same situations. They’re using high interest rate and gathering funds all over the world. The stronger points of them are that they have natural resources. For instance, the Australia is main country which supplying the coals and ironstones to Asia include Japan, and the Canada is the biggest oil exporting country to United State of America. So, those currencies are staying very strong price. However, in the US the board of Federal Reserve Banks has to keep raising their interest higher to let money stay in America, or US dollars would be weaker. They don’t like weak US$, because that means they must pay more money to buy products from other countries, like Canadian oil. They don’t like letting money escape and high oil price.
The governments should spend money in their income, but they don’t have to afraid about that. The reason is structure of the organization. Basically, they don’t spend money like citizens. We spend money to buy food, cloth and something for hobbies, but governments spend money to construct roads, bridges, rails and so on. It is almost investing rather than consuming. Nothing is coming back after we bought things, but when they bought roads those infrastructures would support economy and they would benefit as tax revenue in the future. Moreover, they still have those roads. In the case, if they had to pay back national bonds immediately, they could sell the roads. Some times, the prices of things grow up, like prices of lands, buildings or houses. They might get profit from selling those infrastructures. At least, when the countries invest money, it would be salaries for some people, consumed and going to come back next year.
Japanese had used those kinds of economic strategy during the history, but we don’t now. I don’t know why, but at least, I think this is why Japanese economic is diminishing now.

Positives of studying abroad

2006年12月22日 05時00分28秒 | Weblog
“Go out to the new world”. Moving frequently has had advantages for people especially who are studying and working, because it gives more opportunities than staying a place. If the students can move frequently, they can choose their school from wide lounges of place. That means they would choose the best school for them in the world. Moreover, presidents of companies can select the best place to manage their business, and employees can get the best job for them by moving frequently.

Studying at a local school is not suitable for every student. It may be too difficult for some students and too boring for other students. On the other hand, there are a lot of schools in the world, so they might be able to figure out the best school for them in another country. They are able to study a subject that they cannot study in their town, and they would meet people and learn a new culture that they did not know before. Even facing different cultures and subjects may change their major to better one. Students, who wanted to study economics when they was in Japan, would find environment studies in NZ, and might become famous a scholar of it. So, moving frequently has benefits for students.

The advantages of moving frequently leads employees to better jobs, because they do not have to find their work in a place. The situations of economics are all different. If one area was in recession, another part could have good time. If labors can move out to a good place, they do not have to lose their jobs. Furthermore, if they were able to move together with companies, which change a location of their factory to another, they could continue working and might be able to get better life styles. Especially in cases that factories are moving to place where wages are cheaper, if workers could move with it, they do not have to lost their jobs, moreover, they might get better salary against a price index.

Managers also get better opportunities from moving frequently. If they move around the world, they tend to come across a new technology and knowledge more. They also have chances to meet many characters of people who would be going to work with. In addition, if a president spread position of their offices and factories, the company would be stronger against natural disasters. In the case of earthquake, it might destroy one of their branches, but still some remain. They can continue their jobs. However, without moving out, they cannot figure out suitable place for their branches of business. Employers would discover the best deal with the best business partners at best place during travel.

Almost every person gets advantages from moving frequently. Student would go to the best school for them, and workers would find the best job and life style for them. People have more opportunities than before, so even the entrepreneurs have profit by that. They are able to compare some places and people from more selections in the world.


2006年12月21日 15時46分07秒 | Weblog
 00人て言うのは、どうやって定義されているんだろうね。「国籍」って言う表現だけなら、どの国のパスポートを持っているかによるだろうけど、最近は「多国籍」で幾つもの国のパスポートを持っている人もいるしね。 個人的な感情論として、一人の人が「私は00人で、XX人で、**人です。」なんて言うことは何かしっくりこない気がする。「日本に住んでいる」と言う事が、日本人になる理由なら、観光客も日本人に含まれてしまうよ。逆に、「日本人」の定義に文化的束縛を付け足すのならば、多くの地方的習慣があるために、ほとんどの人が日本人になれなくなってしまう。


2006年12月19日 15時15分17秒 | Weblog
 今回は、国債計画について語りたい。 一般論として、バブル期には政府は支出を抑え経済の過加熱を抑え、恐慌期には赤字国債を利用してまで支出を増やし経済を刺激する、と言うのがある。しかし、「国債の発行時期」については、現状の認識のままで良いのだろうか?

 バブル期、税収が上昇する際、歳出を減らし国債の回収・早期返済に当てるとすれば、ただでさえ資金が余っている市場に、更なる金が流れ込むことになる。国債の形をした資金は現金に比べ流動率が低い。市場にある資金の多くが国債であれば、現金である場合に比べ、経済が過加熱しにくいはずだ。逆に、好景気期には国債を発行し市場から資金を吸収するぐらいの政策も必要なのではないだろうか? そして、恐慌期に政府は現金をもっと市場に供給するべきだ。



2006年12月17日 12時16分53秒 | Weblog




2006年12月17日 10時08分36秒 | Weblog
 「学力崩壊」と叫ばれて久しい。しかしその議論の根拠になっている物は何だろうか? ここで「学力崩壊」と言われるの根拠を1つ上げてみよう。とりあえず,近くの鏡を覗き込んで欲しい。誰の顔が映っているだろうか????? 多分その人物は日本で義務教育を修了し、高校へ進学し、大学を卒業しているはずだ。しかし,本当にその「学歴」に合うだけの能力があると、あなたは言えるだろうか?  大した能力も身につけられていないような人間が学校を「卒業」していっている。その後、正しい教育・再教育を受けること無く。それが私が日本での学力崩壊を訴えたい理由だ。多分この「大した能力の無い人物」には私も含まれている/だろう。{/kaeru_night

 さて日本で、では何故「優秀だ」と言われて来た馬鹿達が正しく「馬鹿だ」と認識されるようになってきたのだろうか? その為には,日本人が優秀だと言われていた’80年代と現代を比べてみなければならない。この2つの時代の間にある大きな違いの1つは教育による「競争の激化」だ。
 ’80年代の時点でも既に世界人口は40億人を超えていた。しかしこの内、教育を受ける機会を得、世界での競争に参加していたのは先進国で生まれ育った2億人程度の人々だけだっただろう。 現在では、世界人口は60億人を雄に超え、教育の機会を得、世界競争に参加している人口数も、発展途上国を含め、10億人に達しようとしているのではないのだろうか?


2006年12月17日 08時54分24秒 | Weblog




2006年12月08日 21時51分05秒 | Weblog

