Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Hectic move to Australia from India

2012-06-08 00:26:12 | Diary

 Hi, there.


 I was so pumped after the hectic trip on the way to Auctralia from India that took me about a half and two days. Obviuosly it was one of the longest journey I've ever done before.

 In the meantime, I had a long layover which was about 20 hours in Thai airport, and I couldn't also take a shower during the move.

 However, I got involved in a lot worse troubles on the way. First, it's all about my ticket for Australia. As a matter of course, What I needed was a ticket for Australia, but I was automatically withdrawn twice from my account which means that I was suppose take two tickets on the same name!! Anyway, the transaction was a payment failed in this case was not charging me the amount of booking it is just a block kept by the bank on that amount as the amount was not charged by them, and it was auto-reversed to my account in few days. But I was so uneasy about that till the payback was confirmed. 

 The second one was also unbelievable. As I told on the other entry, I had been living a very coutry town in India, and there is the closest airport where is miles away from where I lived. It actually takes 5 hours drive. So I hired a taxi for that, and I asked the driver to carry my suitcase away from home to put it on in the back of the car. It was actually midnight, and we drove away to the airport. After a couple of hours, we pulled over the car by the restaurant on the halfway through and had late dinner then, but the driver realized that my suitcase had disappeared out of the car.

 And I said 'What!? What are you talking about??' And he replied 'I have no idea what's happening to your suitcase, I have no idea where it is now either..' I couldn't believe what he did to it because he just left it on the street without putting it on in the car.. He just pissed me off!!!!!! 

 Then we just headed straight back on the same way in a hurry, of course it was too late as my suicase had already been stolen... I asked him what he could make it up to me, and how much he could pay for that. To be honest, I didn't want to ask him like that, but I had to since my flight for AUS is right there. But he's just a driver, so he didn't have enough money to recompense  all of my stuffs, so I took as much money as he could pay me at that time, and I was going to leave India. But on the next day, it actually was just few hours before I checked in at airport. He found it and brought it up to the airport!! He told me that someone who must be very good person found it on the street after we left there, and the person bring it up to the police station then. 

 That was an emotional story, but I don't wanna get a story like this any more for sure..  That's why I had a hectic day... drained...












 自宅から空港までの道中でそれは起こる。道中は遠すぎるので、タクシーで5時間かけていかないといけない。ので、タクシーの運転手に荷物をトランクに入れてもらうようたのんだのだが・・  なんとこの彼、自分のスーツケースをトランクに入れ忘れ、そのまま普通の道端に置き忘れたのだ。結局気づいたときには2時間以上経過し、一旦戻ってはみたものの、もうそこには当然なかった。そこから彼に泣きつかれ、弁償額も最小のモノにして自分はほぼ諦める形でインドを去るつもりだったんだけど、出発の数時間前に、なんと親切な方が荷物を見つけ交番に届けてくれていた。そしてギリギリの時間でまたスーツケースが戻ってきたのである。


