Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2012-06-11 00:27:00 | Diary

 Hi, guys. I have enjoyed so much in Brisbane now because I have some wonderful friends over here who I met before.

 And I encountered great work-mates where I was working called E-fresh that is a company for catering. In fact, I had worked at some other places before started working there, but obviously the people who I met at E-fresh were awesome. I still have thought that I was so lucky to work there, and meet those people. In other words, they were my saviours then. It's not a exaggeration.

 That's why I drop by there to catch up with them every time I get back to Brisbane. Now it's sort of my own hibit and routine here, and E-fresh is where I'd like to visit upmost.






 毎回オーストラリアに帰る度に今でも立ち寄って、過去の話に花を咲かせ、サッカーの話をして笑い合えるそんな人達。海外でいつまでもそういう人達と関わり合えるのが本当に嬉しい。もし、「another sky」っていう日本の番組に出れるとしたら、自分は間違いなく「ブリスベン!!」って言います。笑

 Ok, let me introduce the pics below here in order. First of all, He is the boss, he's already 50, but he's clearly younger than it looks. Of course, he's still powerful and energetic. Surprisingly, he still plays soccer with young lads, and not second to them. Superman!! 




 This handsome guy is... oops, it's not about me.. sorry. haha  I'm talking about the guy on the right in the picture. He is the most respectable person for me as a footballer and a human being as well.


 He's only 19, yeah, he's definitely as tender as his appearance. He's also the guy who took over my position after I left.  I like him.


 He mainly engages in a driver role for the company. He looks very sturdy like a bodybuilder and a bit above being familiar, but actually he's very friendly and kind person. Cool!!

  もう一人の従業員ジョニー。めっさムキムキでパッと見、近寄りがたいかもしれんけど、話してみるとめっちゃ良いお兄さん。 そして自分のアップがきついのはご愛嬌ね。笑

 Work place 1 : This was my main field where I spent most of the times at work, and I just kept sorting all the products which came from the main market constantly into the right places. I was always pumped after every single day... lol


  仕事場1: これが仕事場。ここ自体はでっかい市場内にあるんやけど、毎日こうやって色んな野菜や果物が運ばれてくる。これを整理して仕分けしていくのが自分の仕事でした。

 Work place 2: This is inside the fridge. Normally we could see full of fruits and vegetables stored all over the room. 


  仕事場2: これは冷蔵庫内。普段はもっと色んな果物なんかがここに保管されてる。ここでお客さんのオーダーを作って配達していく。


 I know you haven't exactly understand about how I worked here. sorry, I just am lazy for  but I remember I used to write about it somewhere in this blog before. If you really want to know about it, just search it and check it out when you have a time. 


 Anyway,  there are only three days to go back to Japan now!!! almost there!! C U SOON, guys!!


