Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Brisbane 1

2012-06-05 15:47:08 | Diary

 Hi, guys.


 How have you been?? Me?? Oh... I'm soooooooo happy now. You know why?? I have been in one of the beautiful countries in the world!! I just reached to Brisbane the other day coming through the hectic three days trip from India. 

 Maybe I had lost the normal feeling and life which I used to have and be in because I had touched some super unique things in India which we can never taste in advanced countries. For example, I could drink water casually whenever and wherever you are and you go over here, and I don't have to care about toilet papers when I go out somewhere cuz it's alway there in all public toilets. I don't see the people having food with their own hands and never see the people spiting all over the street either. 

 Maybe most of the viewers of my blog can hardly understand how I felt at that time. I wouldn't also say to sympathize with me because I know you can't be understanding it as you've never been there with the unique life.


 Anyway, I have been a great time with my mates living here. Actually most of  the people who I met here have great personalities, and alway help me a lot for my visit every time. To be honest, I truly cannot thank the people in Brisbane enough!! I must understand how fortunate I am so far with the friends around me, and I'm very honor and proud of meeting and having such wonderful friends here.

 I have thought that I must somehow return the favor by making a big surprise someday for sure.


 That's the biggest reason I visit Brisbane every year. Of course, I want to travel around other countries and visit as many world heritages as I can in every off-season, but I always think that I'd like to go and catch up with them more than that.


 Thank you so much, guys!!











 This is my friend house where I stay every time I visit. very comfortable!!



 This is my friend's motor bike which I always borrow to use it during my  well.. I want my own!!

 このバイクはここブリスベンでの自分の移動手段。友達から滞在中はいっつもお借りしています。笑 つか、これ乗ると、また自分の単車欲しいっていっつも思う・・。我慢。

Brisbane city!! The fabulous building on the right is the cassino.



中心街1  in the middle of city 1

中心街2   in the middle of city 2

ではでは!! bye!!


P.S. 日本帰国まであと一週間!! Only ten days to go back to Japan!!