Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Interview at University

2010-09-30 21:02:42 | Diary

Yesterday, I visited my old university in Nara to see teachers taken care of when I was still student there. And I met some teachers and a personnel we got to know each other at soccer club, I mean, he was an advisor of soccer club at that time.
I had sometimes contacted with them through email while I was oversea, and I had decided to go and see them at uni when I went back to Japan someday.

I also felt nostalgic for the school day on the school road to Uni. The universit is located at the far place from the nearest station Higashi-Ikoma.

Anyway, I had lunch with one of them and then I met an American teacher. I talked with him in his room for a while, and I told him what do I do in Australia, why did I move to oversea... after that, I was taken to public relation department of the uni and he introduced them about what I do now in Australian and Newzealand.

To be honest, I didn't know exactly what were they talking about, but after a while, I heard he suggested them to use me for maybe kind of advertisement to recruit freshmen of next year.
Apparently, they got interested in me, and I took a inteview about oversea life from them. I told them honestly what I felt.

I got a great help many times at Uni since I came here, so I had thought I must have found a way to give something good things back to Uni so long. I hope this will be a tiny help for University.








 あ、名前わからんか。まぁ名前は・・・内緒で。笑 きっと記事みればわかるでしょう。
