Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2010-09-06 13:31:36 | Diary
Hi, how's going?

This title is the name of the company I used to work just before I leave Australia. I actually had been working here for nearly a year at all, and I learned a lot of things from this company, especially from my boss.

His name is Glenn Norton who is my boss. Anyway he is an amazing person!! I can't explain how he is amazing because I had never seen like him before until I met him a year ago.
He is really keen on work, and He has a keen insight on work as well. He has run his own company called E-fresh, which deal in vegetables and fruits from market to costomers. This is like a catering company.

The company is located at inside market which is the biggest market in Queensland. Most of vegies and fruits harvested across Queensland are sent to the market, and we purchase them, and provide them as customers order.

As a matter of course, I was in English all the time, of course, all instructions of work were in English, so it was really hard for me at the begining.
I could understand what they said to me 50%, but I couldn't understand the other 50% honestly, so depended on my sense and prediction.

Anyway, I have to say to my all workmate in E-fresh 'Thank you very much', Glenn(boss), Johnny(Australia), Sherry, Peter(New zealand), Dianna(Columbia), Porlin(Koream), and Yoshi-san(Japan).
Everybody took a forgiving attitude toward me. Espacially Glenn was always kind and considerate of me. He always treats someone on the same place as all others regardless of race and age.

If I keep woking very hard for him, he always gave me feedbacks about what I did. Even if I make a huge problem on my work, (actually I made a lot of mistake on work and I gave him troubles), he didn't get angry of me, of course I got yelled at making mistake at that time, but he forgets it when we finish work of the day.

He has such a greatest heart and biggest enough person I've ever seen before.

I was really lucky to meet him. he saved me heaps of times. Thanks. You're my dad in Australia!!

And Yoshi-san, I have to remember to appreciate him because he rescued me when I didn't have enough money to make my living just after I got a car accident last year. He introduced me this work and he also gave me a chance to work here.

He has worked for E-fresh at the moment as a sales person. His work is to get new customers for us, so he walk around city or somewhere and visit restaurants to be a new supplier for them. In fact, we got busier and busier and the sales rapidly increased for sure compare to before he becomes a sale person.
He is an amazing person as well for me. I'm so proud of him as a Japanese.

Anyway, I experienced such a great time here.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!










