Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Round 5 (第5節) vs Eastern Suburbs

2010-03-22 17:37:35 | Soccer/football
Hi, how are you, mates!!

Are you sick and tired of my blog entries? Do you want me to write on anything else other than soccer??

Anyway, match of this weekend, We failed to win the game with a 1-2 loss against Eastern Suburbs. We are losing 2 games in a low at the momnet, moreover next round's coming up soon against Premier league table leader.

Personally, I joined the training this week properly, and I think preparerd for the game of weekend, but I didn't come in on the pitch for top side game. the coach, Beenleigh left me on the bench all the while game.
While I was on the bench at the game, I was thinking og a lot of things to do on the pitch how appeal is most effenctive for team and coaches, and I was waiting for the time to play, but unfortunately it didn't come to the end.

Actually I was really depressed the moment the final whistle went. Lots of things went through my head, but I could change my mind for next game immediately. I felt I got wise and mature a bit through experiences.

When it comes to the game, we got a first goal in the game, and we were leading 1-0 until the extra time of first half, but in additional time, our goal keeper mage a unbeliabable mistake such as giving the goal as a free gift. It was a terrible miss kick.
And then second half, naturally they got a momentum to dominate the second half, then we gave a victory goal to them in 75 minutes.

It was unstoppable momentum for us, but we had to win over 1-0. I thought we missed a 3 points.
But now we have to be patience to get a successful season. I don't wanna be relegated any more.








