Brissy Enterprises Official Blog



2010-03-18 21:51:04 | Diary
What if you have been in unhappy days for a whole week. How do you fix up when a lot of massive problems continue to happen in few days??

Can you change your mind positively? If you can so, How?

I've already pushed the botton of my mind to change an emotion. anyway I got many problems and some troubles happen to me last week.

At first, I lost my wallet on last Monday, maybe I left it on a table outside of SUBWAY, which is kind of fast food shop after had lunch there. In maybe 5 minutes, I realized it, but it was too late. When I got back to there, the wallet had been stolen by someone else.

And the next day, My mobile phone was fully broken due to maybe heavy rain. At that day, I went to a soccer field near my house to do a run a bit, and it suddenly rained heavily, when I started running.
But I didn't stop running at that time, because I had already concentrated on it, so I didn't care no matter how much rain I got.
I always clock up with a function of my mobile. It's stop watch. I think currently the function is equiped all mobiles.

Anyway something wrong with my phone cuz I clocked up with it in rain.

Moreover I got a lot of work to do last week, so I couldn't join the training of my team. That's why I couldn't commit a game held on last weekend... I couldn't help it, but I was dissapointed at that moment.

And the next day I joined a friendly game with my friend to make it up because I couldn't play the day before, so somehow I wanted to play somewhere as soon as possible.
But.... I got a accident again, I got a vicious tackle in penalty box, and then I didn't stop playing at that time because I thought it would be alright and I didn't feel any pain to play, but after the game, I felt a intense pain in my right knee, to be exact, it was a bruise above the knee.
it's still swelling now, but I intend to play for tomorrow's game.

I don't wanna miss a chance any more.

Even if thing aroud you are not going well as you think, you don't have to think them over. You have to keep thinking positively and don't look back, just look forward, step forward.
And I believe the strugling days you experienced will turn some funny stories for you someday.


 まずは月曜、財布なくしました!!笑 しかも現金も結構入ってて、おまけに銀行のカードやら免許証なんかもなくしてしまって大変。









