Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Round 4 (第4節) vs Pine Hills

2010-03-16 09:50:29 | Soccer/football
Hi, mates!!

Last week was the unhappiest days for me. I'll write about it maybe next time.

Ok, let's talk about the game of last weekend. When it comes to the result, we were beaten 3-5, and I couldn't come into the pitch even one second because I didn't go to training last weekend due to some unhappy issues around me.
I know I just use them as an excuse...

Anyway, I thought I lost a credit from the coach at that time, so I've filled with a sense of crisis that I wonder the coach doesn't need me anymore.
But I dont wanna be negative, just keep going!!

I watched the whole game outside as a spectator, and I felt our team looked so tired before game, I don't know why, I guessed they couldn't adjust themselvesm it means they should have set more their sights and get in shapes for this important game.

We need to control the amount of training especially the day before game.

Moreover I've concerned about our defenssive organization because we've got lose many goals in a game, I think our defensive system was fully broken in pieces.
we gave the other 5 goals in last game and 3 goals two weeks ago.

It's a big problem, we need to talk about it seriously in trainig and change something.

But we've just started new season, we have a lot of chances to come back!!

Be positive!!







