Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


season end (Round 26 vs North star)

2009-09-06 00:25:47 | Soccer/football
Finally, this season was over at last weekend's game!! As I said before we couldn't go to the playoff for top 4 teams in the league due to an embarrassing result.

But now I just feel relaxed and at ease. I didn't feel like this in so long cuz I had always been tired in this season and feel always uneasy and frastrated with a lot of things..
In fact, I felt like I could cry when I couldn't play for top side for couple games. but of course no one helped me out of the punishing condition, so I could help but put up with it.

But I never dropped out of the suvival of playing. I just kept waiting for a opportunities and at the last game, I finally seized a opportuinity, actually.

At the last game, vs North star, I played for reserve game before I was called out by one of a coach in top side. and I got two assist of goal in there and I could play for top from second half.

When I was on the pitch, we were in a terrible situation, 1-4, 3 points behind. After that, we showed an amaizing performance to come close and back to even, we ended up adding 4 goals and took over the lead, 5-4, and.... actually we had been winning tll last 5 minutes....

At only 5 minutes to time up, we were equalized from coner, we ended up finishing in even score, 5 all.
Our first winning game was dissapeared at next to time up.

Then, after the game, a coach and a stuff called out only me and told me, ' what will you do next season? You intend to play here?, I answered, 'I'm thinking about it now' and they said, 'why? Play here!!'


I didn't know what to answer back and I didn't believe in his words cuz I might been a quality player at last game but I didn't think they gave me a offered with only one game.
Of course, I also complained to them why they didn't give me a chance earlier at that time, but he just gave me some bizarre excuses.

I got sick and tired of their attitudes and words, I turned down the offer. If the offer had been much better, I wouldn't have agreed with it. I wanna play better, improve my skill up to limit. To do that, I have to be a stronger team i think.

My big challenge will continue forever as long as I'm player. (unless retiring)
















 えーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!!?? でした。正直。

 今まで全然使ってくれへんかったのに、今日のプレーだけで気が変わったみたい。笑 けど、おれも納得いかんかったから、色々不満ゆったけど、なんか色々言い訳されて終わったね。笑






