Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Life on Mars(dust storm 砂塵嵐)

2009-09-23 22:55:03 | Australia
Life on Mars!!

Everybody in east coast of Australia must have felt fearful and felt like being on Mars at that moment.

the all east and north coast area was blanketed with a fierce dust storm which developed at the Outback.
And the dust storm stretched from Canberra to the North coast up to Mackay with expanding its influence.

According to a newspapar article, the storm hit Sydney before dawn, meaning residents there woke to a thick red haze that shut down the airport and led to warnings for people with allergies or respiratory problems to stay indoors.

Moreover, almost commuters on their way to work or school used swine flu masks, tea towels, and king of jackets to protect their faces from dust and to avoid breathing in dust into their bodies

I also fell like being in a science-fiction movie, and it was like watching 'Independence Day or War of the World'.

It was really an eerie thing..... because 16,000 tonnes of the dust was actually raining down each hour.

Can you imagine what happened in Australia?

But we've already been back in an ordinary life with a calm weather since the next day.



今日はですね、Life on Mars(火星での生活)と題したタイトルのように、昨日、内陸部で発生した強烈なストームが砂塵を巻き上げながら、オーストラリアの東海岸のほぼ全域を包むように通過していきました。


