Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Brisbane Market(ブリスベン卸売市場) 

2009-09-30 23:39:35 | Diary
Hi, mates!!

I got a new job lately from my soccer club. the company has been supporting our soccer club for last many years as our main sponcer. The name of the company had been put on trainig shirt back and part of heart as a logo.
This is one of a small export business company in Australia. They mainly do business with American navy and Chinese market.
And we organize fruits and vegetable produced by domestic Australia as clients order.

so I work full-time at there every Mon to Friday for 7,8 hours basically. And couple days ago I was nominated a field manager by the boss, and then I manage a part of operation and take care of some workers. but actually I don't know why he picked me up as a supervisor cuz only 3 weeks has passed since I started working here.

Moreover I got so busy the moment I bacame a manager, of course I have much more things than before what I have to do. For example I have to teach a new work-mate what to do and keep my eye on some workers. and I have to sometimes organize workers for the nex day work. if the boss said we would need more people for tomorrow work, I have to call up someone and I ask them if they can work the day.

So just in case I can't catch anyone or miss something someday, I set up an job recruitment site on the web.
Actually I could find some workers who need some works urgently thanks to this ad.

And our work there is to peel off a onion and divide bad one from good one. Maybe I think you sound an easy work, but if we come off the skin too much or kick it around even one onion, the big boss and some client will give me some complains urgently and lose a contract, as the result I'll lose the job.

So I need to be serious all the time and concentrate on the work with taking care of other workers.
That's why almost workers in there never be smile, no one talk each other while we are on work.

Propably the onion's high season is finishing soon and Mango season coming around the corner at next. My boss said it would be much busiest than now and would need more 6 or 7 workers for Mango. 

Honestly I'm really sick of looking at fruits and vegetables. so I just wanna even avoid going to the supermarket.
But I can't help it...

But my boss is really good person for me besides on work cuz every time it comes weekend, he alway takes me to the pub, restaurant and his house to give me a big treat.


I thought back about exactly one year ago, I worked at a farm in countryside. I just feel like I've been around lots of fruits and vegetables every end of year since I came to Australia.....

I could forget what did I come to here for...orz





 ってのも、今年やってたサッカーチームの結構なメインスポンサーのトコで働かしてもらってるからでございます!笑 仕事探してたってのもあるけど、直接ではないにしろ、間接的にチームから紹介してもらった形やから、やるっきゃない!!
 ってそのスポンサーってのが「E-fresh」(一応宣伝 笑)っていうブリスベン最大級のでっかい市場ん中にある野菜やら果物扱って商売してるとこやねんけど、(詳しくは知らない)そこで、今玉ねぎの皮をひたすら剥いて、綺麗にして出荷する作業を、毎日7時間くらいしてます。笑



