Hi, guys.
Finally I went for a trip to the Canadian Rockies the other week, also known as Rocky mountains. It spreads across the two countries. I had been told by many people that it would be a great adventure to explore the beatiful heritage sites, and it actually was!!
I confidently recommend and tell you the same thing that I had been told by my friends, "you should definitely go". It is worth a visit once for sure.
We had almost everything set up such as renting a car, accommodation for the trip before we headed off to Banff by bus from Greyhound.
Look at this splendid view from the top of one of the rockies at an altitude of over 2000m. The rainbow was a bonus!!
And we rented a car in Banff, and headed out to Jasper!! Our first stop was the Bow lake, just 40km away from Banff!! It was a powerful experience!!
そしてレンタカーでJasperまで約300キロの道のりを北上!まずはBow lake!!いきなり最高の景色!