Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


The Asian Cup in Vancouver

2016-08-03 22:32:56 | Canada

Hi, guys.

Throwback to the Asian Cup this June. We took part in a competition called Asian Cup in Vancouver. As you might know, playing soccer is one of the most popular activity for kids in Vancouver. And it's no exception for Asian kids in here either. This soccer compertition is held in June every year for testing themselves as a team and international interaction among those countries.

Originally, there were 4 teams in total to make it, but the Korea suddenly decided to pull out of the comp, and they didn't even show up on the game day. This could happen everywhere in the world, right?Lol

In the end, We swept all the trophies!! As a matter of course, we won all the games we played by a huge margin. I actually had nothing to do as a coach. Even if there had been no coach for the team, they could've won it easily for sure. So what I focused on during the games was to deal with every single player equally and fairly by giving them equal time for every game. It's not an easier job that it sounds to integrate a new team who has some players you have never coached before. And they all are at puberty, that means at a difficult age in a way. But I liked the experience, though!!

However, this has made me think that I'd like to see what I could do for them in a seesaw game!!





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2 コメント

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Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2016-08-05 11:30:00
Unknown (bac)
2016-08-10 09:12:06


