Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Canadian Rockies 3

2016-11-02 21:19:41 | Canada

Hi, this is the last chapter of the series. 

The photo above is the Colombia Icefield where you can even walk on it, but you need to go with a tour of it. We actually didn't participate in any of the tours for the ice-walk, but we found out that we got to approach only few meters away from the ice site by ourselves. It was screamingly cold, though.



Let me show you this amazing mountain!! This picture does never do justice to its beauty, unfortunately, so I strongly recommend to visit this majesty. However, you will find a curvy road to drive up ahead of you. Be careful and drive safe!!

 続いてはMt Edith Cavellという山。3000Mを超える山が並ぶロッキー山脈ですが、ここの麓まで車で上がることができました。写真で伝わりにくいですが、壮大で最高の景色でしたね。

We got to see Elks in woods nearby Jasper. We thought we were lucky enough, but you more than likely get to run into them along the way between Banff and Jasper, apparently. 

 そして野生のエルク!奈良の鹿ではないですよ。笑 見れるとは聞いてましたが、まさかこんな近くで見れるとは思いませんでした。しかもデカい!もののけ姫の世界ですね。Jasperからすぐ手前の道路脇で遭遇。

Let me wrap it up with the picture of a cozy town, Jasper. It seemed like a comfy size to walk around the town and would be a perfect departure gate to every famous viewpoint.

I have a friend who had been traveling around the world, and he told me that he had never been impressed as much as he was at the mountains.

No words come across my mind to describe how spectacular they are, right? 






