Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Joffre lakes

2016-08-27 18:42:32 | Canada

Hi, guys.

I made a one-day trip to the Joffre lakes the other week. It took us about 3 hours to get to the first lake where is located beside the car park. Actually, there weren't enough spots to cover up all the cars of visitors during a peak season of the year. So I suggest you to go as early in the morning as you can to secure a spot otherwise you are forced to park on the road a bit far away from the entrance... 

However, it was a amazing hike!! The photo above is that I took halfway through the hiking course. Majestic, right?


 この前ちょっとした旅行でJoffre lakesという場所に行ってきました。バンクーバーからレンタカーで3時間弱の所にある綺麗な湖が見えるハイキングコースです。写真はそのハイキング途中の大自然の中で。

The second photo is at the second lake, located a bit far away from the first one. It takes you about 40 mins on a lumpy path. And walking up another 20 mins from there, you can see the very last lake, and you can also walk around it to the other side of the lake where gives you an option if you still want to give it a go for another hectic hike for a picturesque view, which it the photo below!! 


But this is not acutually what it is.. Since I gave up on the way to the very top, I couldn't get you a perfect landscape from there!! Sorry.. If you get to climb up to the top, you will look down the three lakes at the spot. It was a very tight schedule for me at that time, so maybe I will try to get there next time for sure.

There were many campers by the third lake, so I bet it will be an unforgettable memory, if you afford to stay there for few nights. 




2 コメント

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Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2016-08-29 23:09:05

Unknown (bac)
2016-09-01 11:13:52

