Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Grand finals!!

2014-09-20 22:42:46 | Soccer/football

Hi, guys.

 As I mentioned before, there was the grand finals of the competition this Friday. To be honest, I don't want to write about it seriously cuz one of the worst things in my life happened to me at the end of the game.

 First of all, let me trace a quick path through till the shocking incident happened. I came back all the way from Japan on 12th of this month, and there was our semi-final on the next day, so I went to support the team. We went through to the finals with a dramatic victory on the day, and we shared the joy of the moment one another. 

 the following week, we had the last training session of the season on 17th as a preparation for the finals on 19th. However, I wasn't sure whether I would get a chance to play in the finals at this stage as I just came back and also missed almost the second season of the season and semi-final. Generally speaking, you are not allowed to be in the squads unless you played sensational when you were in the team. Honestly, I didn't think I had played so well to help the team.

 But I brought my boots on the game day with bit of hope cuz I was told so by the coach, just in case. I didn't know he'd need to put a fitness test on two players in the squads to test if they were ready for the game. The result was one passed and one failed. For good or bad, I could get in at the last minute!!

 The game was so tense until last minute. We were down 1-0 in the first half, and came back in the early second half. As time went on, they controlled the game, and created some chances to score the winner. Then, I was called up and get substituted on. The game was much more intense than it looked. I had two big chances to became a hero, but missed the both!! The game went to on pens, and I was named on 6th. I did never think it'd come around to me, but...... it happened with the worst scenario...

 You better check out the video attached on the top, then you will see how it ended up.....  can't still get it off my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FU%#$K!!












3 コメント

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Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2014-09-21 00:38:18
Unknown (フット)
2014-09-21 19:17:26
Unknown (bac)
2014-09-24 22:26:14

間違いなく死にたかった。何のために帰ってきたのかと・・・ 今は一生忘れない瞬間が逆にできたと思ってるよ。ある意味持ってたね。


