Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


IRD number

2011-05-10 21:56:33 | New zealand

Today, I'll give you bits of knowledge of working condition in NZ. This is what we have to be done to work here otherwise the NZ goverment won't allow you to work anywhere.
By the way, when you come to NZ with a student visa or working holiday visa, you are suppose to be able to work here because of its working conditions except tourist visas.

However, you have to declare to the NZ goverment that you are willing to work here. That means I'm willing to put the money down to the goverment as a tax.
But as a matter of course, we are non-residents, so essentially, we don't have to pay for tax. If you do what you have to be done for tax-return, it can be returned everything to you.

Anyway, You have to apply for IRD number which is permission at post office. First, you go and get a form of it at the nearest post office and fill it in properly and submit it with a copy of your passport, viza label you've held and another copy of other identifications, which is your drivers license and a student card so on.

That's all you have to do for it. After that, the number should be sent to you which takes about a month to get it. It's so ages!! But this is NZ. We need to be patience everywhere here.









2011-05-02 23:09:56 | New zealand
Hi, Have you ever tasted Feijoa before??

If you are a Japanese, I think most of you guys have never heard about it. Feijoa is a kind of fruits like kiwi fruit.
I first knew it a couple weeks ago when one of kid's mum in my own soccer school gave me some those.
Unfortunately, Feijoa is unfamiliar in Japan apparently according to wikipedia. That's why I didn't know exactly about it until came to Auckland.
I didn't see it in Australia either, but it might be familiarized to the public.
Anyway, we can see it anywhere in a park because there are many Feijoa trees around a park as a park tree, so I sometimes go and pick them up in the park near my house, haha.
I guess it's very good for breakfast. Recently, I always have some for breakfast with cereal. This is the NZ style breakfast!!!






Soccer school!!!

2011-04-24 19:37:33 | New zealand
Hi, boys and girls!! What are you up to recently??

I've started a new challenge here recently. Can you guess what it is?? maybe not, haha.
I opened up my own soccer school here for mainly Japanese kids who born and grown up in NZ. As a matter of course, I won't stop playing soccer as a player and it's still my first priority in my life even if the school will make me busy, but I had been really interested in delivering to their mind how fun soccer is rather than teaching soccer since I was in Australia.

Someday, I would like to start like same thing in Japan as I'm doing now here, but it has already been move on prior to this project in Japan.
Of course, this is not that easy to be successful that I have to do everything by myself like recruiting kids who like playing or watching soccer, coaching in English and securing a park, balls and other kits to play so on...
There were a lots of difficulties prior to begining, but I had known that I have to do something a lot before achieve a goal and sometimes, have to pay a sacrifice for it's success. I learnt it from a past experience in Australia.

I'm now working as hard as possible for recruiting kids. For example, I visited a local Japanese college in Auckland to let them know what I started as a part of promotion, and placing some ads in some local magazines, newspapers and websites which is popular.
I also walked aroung city to visit most of restaurants if I can place a ad somewhere in each restaurant.

As the result, it's going fine so far, and increasing the number of kids.

However, the contents of the soccer school is also very impotant otherwise some kids will never turn up the lessons. I have to pay attention to both on the pitch and off the pitch.
I hope this soccer school would be one of the famous and coppetitive one in NZ in the near future.





Working holiday Visa/Tourist Visa

2011-04-13 19:54:05 | New zealand
Good afternoon, everyone!!

Finally, I got a working holiday visa today, I applied it about 2 months ago. Maybe If it was in Japan, it would have never happeped for sure because it took me about 2 months!! I can't believe this, either.
Anyway, I think everyone staying oversea have to worry about visa they have because if you forget to update your own visa, you could be ordered deportation of the country. At least, I had been under threat of deportation for last 30days because I applied for the visa actually at the middle of Feb. At this stage, as a matter of course, I had had a valid visa, which is tourist visa. The tourist visa's expiry date was 27th of Feb. That's why it really rushed me to be done. I'm so relieved to be granted about it from immigration.

By the way, do you know you can apply for a working holiday visa in Newzealand?? Apart from Australia and Canada, we can apply for it from home and abroad as well. That means you can apply it straight away if you find a handsome/pretty kiwi boy/girlfriend somewhere in NZ while staying as a student or tourist. It sounds good, eh?
When I came to NZ for the first time in last November, I was with tourist visa, which we don't have to take any special application for it because there is an agreement between NZ and Japan.
The reason I entered as a tourist was I didn't know whether I could pass the trial of a soccer club. Fortunately I could make it, but if I hadn't passed it, I would have made another decision, that going back to Japan or somewher else, I don't know... That's the reason. Anyway I wanted to approach the trial with a flexible frame of mind.

However, I guess we'd better apply for a working holiday visa in Japan because it'll cost you way cheaper than my case. In my case, I had to spent about 500 dollars overall for it, but If you do so in Japan, it'll cost you even 200 for sure. I'm not sure what's the defference, but I can't help it. It's the rule isn't it??








St Patrick's Day

2011-03-17 22:44:25 | New zealand
Hi, all!!

Today, one of the most recognized public holiday in Ireland, it's named after St Patrick passed away on 17th of March, and has gradually become a celebration of Irish culture in general.

Are you thinking why did I pick up about this day in spite of I'm in Newzaland??
Because in Newzealand, there are many immigrants who has a background of Ireland. Recently, migrants from Ireland might be gradually less than before, but they have already come here since last generation, so everybody has an Irish culture comes together in city on this day, wearing a green attire, which means that is like traditional color for Irish people.

In fact, I was in city with my Irish friend got to meet in Auckland through one of my another friend.
He was of course wearing a green shirts and it's known exactly why, but he put a green tie on the green shirts. That was so unique, haha

And he used to be in Kumamoto, where is one of a countryside of Kyusyu in Japan as a English teacher and was also involved in one of the English educational project in Japanese high school for a couple years.
So he was so frank and friendly on me.

I had really fun and enjoyable time with him. I was treated on dinner as well!! Thank you so much today, Brendan!!


 今日は、St Patrick's dayというアイルランドの祝日。アイルランドにキリスト教を広めた聖人パトリックの命日。






Earthquake in Christchurch

2011-02-24 14:03:36 | New zealand
I guess you guys has already known the horrible earthquake happened in Christ church in Newzealand. 
As a matter of course, here, in Newszealand, It is repoted daily on how badly it was. I think the city had a lot of serious damages more than we imagine.

Anyway, I'm fine. we didn't get involved in it fortunately because the natural disaster happened in South island, but I live in north.
However, as you know, Newzealand is not that large county, so we can't assume that it never happens in North island. Everything can happen anywhere because we never predict about any natural disaster. I need to stay alert especially now.
And you know how many Japanese people got involved in the earthquake? According to the news on TV here, at least more than 20 Japanese students are still missing and some students are buried alive under the building. They has been provided a critical treatment to survive and The search parties on the sopt has redoubled their efforts to find the missing people.
I hope everything is going the right way and the goverment will rescue as many people as possible within next few days.

Anyway, I'm sorry to worry about you. I'm alright.







Adventure in NZ (Part4)

2010-11-10 01:16:49 | New zealand
This is gonna be a last chapter about NZ.

Anyway, we got a game against the team organized all contracted players, so I was glowing.  As the result, we beated them 2-1 surprisingly, but I believed we would be able to beat them before game because we had a training session together just before the game, and I knew how high their level of skills are.

As I expected, we were pretty even in the game and we have chances to score each other.
I wanted to score and set up a goal, but I couldn't so unfortunately.

I can't say any excuses about it as I know the reason. After the game, we all was called to the meeting each person individually to tell if we can make it. Actually I didn't know at that time that there is the meeting, so I just wondered why they were gone to somewhere.

One of trials told me the reason why, and then I got so nervous suddenly...

Then I was said 'you showed us a goo performance. We are really satisfied with it and we're going to give you a contract if you can agree with our offer'. I said, Yes.

However, I was suffering from a groin injury with an acute pain, so I told them about it honestly because it's gonna be found out sooner or later by them when I get a physical checking or something. I asked then if I can return Japan once for treatment, nd I promised that I would get back as soon as we'd get a recovery for it. They accepted it, so I came back.

Anyway, the injury gets better now. I'm nearly ready for the new journey somewhere!!








Adventure in NZ (Part3)

2010-10-26 21:31:29 | New zealand
Hi, buddy!!

The first day of trial was rain unfortunately. I heard from my friend living in NZ that rainy season has just begun in NZ when I was in AUS.
As I expected, it had been rain everyday, never stop... As a result, the heavy rains have loosened the ground and made heaps of wet spots on the pitch.

I felt like playing soccer on a snow ground or a pond one. Anyway, that was the worst pitch condition I've ever played in my life to be honest, but maybe everyone thinks so like me and was playing in same condition.

At first, I went to club-house to meet all other teammates had already contracted with the team, coaches, staffs and others.
There were some non-contracted players there as well that were rival for me.

And we had a medical check simply like anthropometric before trainning and had a short meeting about the schedule of pre-season.

After that, the trainning began at all, and we divided two groups like trials from contracted players, and had a fundamental training with balls and then had a measurement of physical fitness to check how fit we were.
Exactly speaking, I wasn't awesome about these results...haha

Anyway, I had already known I had to show them my best performance in a game of second day, I had focused on the game. I thought if I can't score of set up goal for anyone in the game, I must be kicked out of the team squad for sure.
So I did my best that kept condition perfect with Japanese lunch box I found in the city until the game. I had it there every single day.

And finally, the big day had come.














Adventure in NZ (Part2)

2010-10-09 02:58:28 | New zealand
Hi, ladies and gents!!

This is a series of articles from last one which entitles 'Adventure in NZ part1'.

Anyway, I arrived at Hamilton airport of NZ after unconfortable flight, and then I headed for immgration clearance, but I didn't think I could go through there easily because my purpose to come here was different from other passengers. I think no one come to NZ to play soccer from oversea, especially This Hamilton is pretty small and minor city, it's like town. Maybe no tourists visit this town.

So, I thought I would be stopped and asked some quetions why did I come here. As expected, I was stopped for about a half hour and asked some quetion like where you would stay tonight...somethig like that.

I was also checked my luggage inside, but there was a key to pass the immgration. You quess what??
Because I'm JAPANESE.

I guess Japanese is known as more reliable person than other asian country. This is just my opinion, so I don't know exactly wheather it's right, but at least.....

Anyway I could pass it at all and I hadn't decided where I would stay at that night, so I had to look for accomodation first. At fisrt I started looking for a tourist center in the town. There is usually a tourist center in every city which we can get heaps of information about each cities, so we can also get the information about accomodation, for example we can ask where is the cheapest hotel. That's very convenience shop for us.

I also booked hotel from there and I could find the place can stay next few days smoothly.

And the next day, I had a first training for the soccer club...

You shall know that at next entry how did I go.









Adventure in New Zealand (Part 1)

2010-09-26 22:32:38 | New zealand
Hi, everybody!!

I love JAPAN, I'm Japanese at all. Recently, I was reunited with a lot of friends in Japan. To be honest, I don't know exactly what are they do now, but some friends work for their steady company and some friends are still chaseing their dream like me... Almost friends of mine are walking through life and are also on the road to be a cool guy.

I had a lot of stimulation from them, and I respected them.

Anyway, I'll note what did I do in Newzealand from here.

First, of course, the reason why I went to NZ straight after soccer season in Australia is Football, yes, I went to find a place where I can play in NZ.
I was actually keep contacting constantly with a soccer player who play in NZ by introducing from my friend in Australia. And I knew about the league in NZ.

Honestly speaking, I've already decieded to go to NZ since this May or June, so last 5,6 games in Australia was like training match for me because I didn't want to get any injuries any more for the challenge.

I had already had a pain in my groin maybe since this May, but I didn't stop playing hard when I got the injury because I thought I would lose fitness for sure if I stopped playing now. As you know, Fitness is most important part to play, so....

And as soon as I had got a ticket, I headed for NZ in this early September without knowing heaps of troubles I faced in NZ.





 チーム名はWaikato FCといって、NZ1部リーグに所属しているチーム。去年の成績は良くなかったみたいやけど自分から勝手にメール送ったら連絡取れるようになり、練習参加の許可をもらった。


                  To be continued