Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


School Holiday Program

2011-07-27 21:14:54 | New zealand
Hey, bro!!

Recently, I feel like being in Siberia for last couple days. I'm freezing every night!!

By the way, now, in NZ is in school holiday for couple weeks called maybe winter vacation in Japan, but it's not that as long as the vacation in Japan. In Japan, All students except over 18 such as Uni, junior college and like technical college have some long-term holidays in a year, especially Summer-term holidays is for about 30-45days, but there are no holidays like that long one which is for about 2 or 3 weeks at longest. It depends on the regulation of each schools set up.

This time, I've organized a special program for this term in my soccer school. To be honest, I didn't think anything about it until just before the holiday, but I just changed my mind when a guardian asked me if I'm going to have some extra lessons in the holidays. Then, I tried getting down to it in haste as they requested. The number of kids joining the program has still grown by leaps and bounds. Actually I might be unable to handle it if the number goes through the roof more than now I've got. Still even now, I've got a lot of helps from people around me cuz all of these kids are of course not same age as others. some are still only 5 and others are also over 10 years old. It means that we need to divide some groups by age, which means that I need to organize coaches as many as the number of the group divided.
I apprecate a lot those people involved this program as a helper.

But I've realized that I've found some new possitive things out from the program that teaches football to kids. I'm still not sure if I'm cut out for a football coach but I think what I doing for kids now could connect with myself as a player positively cuz it's not that easy to hand all my skill down to someone else, so I think I have to hand it down as easy and simple as possible otherwise kids would stop doing it straight away as they are so sensitive and naive about anything. we need to handle them like a bomb.
But the mindset for kids can result in some positive things for me. It sometimes reminds me something important that I had forgot.

Anyway, The program will be finished on next day, which is on this Friday. We need to pull together to prompt kids to enjoy and play at best until the last moment of the day.








2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2011-07-28 09:08:55
Unknown (bac)
2011-07-30 20:22:00

